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Protective effect of curcumin (Curcuma longa), against aluminium toxicity: Possible behavioral and biochemical alterations in rats. - PubMed - NCBI

Protective effect of curcumin (Curcuma longa), against aluminium toxicity: Possible behavioral and biochemical alterations in rats. - PubMed - NCBI
Related:  webcrawlerVaccine controverseAluminium toxicity

Supplementation with these two mushrooms decimates the human papillomavirus Supplementation with these two mushrooms decimates the human papillomavirus If you are infected with the human papillomavirus [HPV], your immune system usually fails to eliminate those viruses entirely. Carrying a malicious version of HPV can have extremely unpleasant consequences. The French immunologist Donatini Bruno published a study in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushroom in which supplementation with the mushrooms Ganoderma lucidum and Trametes versicolor helps the immune system to keep HPV under control. Study Bruno experimented with 61 subjects with gingivitis. Gingivitis can have a lot of causes, but in these subjects the conidtion was due to infection with the viruses HPV 16 and 18. Most of the five hundred strains of the human papillomavirus are harmless, but that is certainly not the case for HPV 16 and 18. Bruno divided his subjects into 2 groups. "These results do not weaken the interest of vaccination. "Further studies are necessary."

Over-Vaccinated Children & The Allergy Epidemic The global prevalence of allergic diseases is skyrocketing, affecting 30% to 40% of the world’s population. Allergic conditions include food allergies, anaphylaxis, asthma, eczema, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis and reactions to drugs and insects. Often, these burdensome conditions start young, are overlapping and have the potential to be severe or fatal. …an escalating number of children have been hospitalized for food allergies or have visited an emergency department for primarily food-related anaphylaxis over the past couple of decades. In the U.S., food allergies are widespread and are the most common cause of anaphylaxis in children. As each new decade ushers in higher childhood allergy rates, researchers mostly have scratched their heads, citing the poorly operationalized “hygiene hypothesis” or feebly asserting that the reasons for the increase remain “unclear.” A Perfect Storm Allergy as an inevitable response to vaccination The role of aluminum Disturbing trends

Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration Aluminium in human brain tissue We have now measured the concentration of aluminium in human brain tissue from over two hundred donors involving at least five different brain banks. This equates to several thousand individual brain tissue samples. We have information relating to sporadic and familial Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, epilepsy and autism. If I am honest, I am slightly bemused when, correctly, the question is asked about brain aluminium content in ‘control’ tissues. We recently asked the question as to how much aluminium in human brain tissue is too much ( and we described an experiment in the paper to answer this question. The aluminium content of brain tissue in the control group was significantly lower than sporadic AD (P=0.0006), familial AD (P=0.0020), autism (P=0.0123) and multiple sclerosis (P<0.0001). This is unequivocal.

Review of Vaccine Induced Immune Overload and the Resulting Epidemics of Type 1 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, Emphasis on Explaining the Recent Accelerations in the Risk of Prediabetes and other Immune Mediated Diseases Barthelow Classen J* 3637 Rockdale Road, Manchester, MD 21102, USA Corresponding Author: Barthelow Classen J, MD 3637 Rockdale Road, Manchester, MD 21102, USATel: 410-377-8526E-mail: Received date: December 17, 2013; Accepted date: February 17, 2014; Published date: February 19, 2014 Citation: Classen JB (2014) Review of Vaccine Induced Immune Overload and the Resulting Epidemics of Type 1 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, Emphasis on Explaining the Recent Accelerations in the Risk of Prediabetes and other Immune Mediated Diseases. Copyright: © 2014 Classen JB. Visit for more related articles at Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine Abstract There has been an epidemic of inflammatory diseases that has paralleled the epidemic on iatrogenic immune stimulation with vaccines. Introduction Evidence that vaccines cause type 1 diabetes has been well established. Since 1999 the routine pediatric immunization schedule [9,10] increased by 80 vaccines. Epidemic of NASH Conclusion

Infection, vaccines and other environmental triggers of autoimmunity The etiology of autoimmune diseases is still not clear but genetic, immunological, hormonal and environmental factors are considered to be important triggers. Most often autoimmunity is not followed by clinical symptoms unless an additional event such as an environmental factor favors an overt expression. Many environmental factors are known to affect the immune system and may play a role as triggers of the autoimmune mosaic. Infections: bacterial, viral and parasitic infections are known to induce and exacerbate autoimmune diseases, mainly by the mechanism of molecular mimicry. This was studied for some syndromes as for the association between SLE and EBV infection, pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection and more. Occupational and other chemical exposures are considered as triggers for autoimmunity. So by diagnosing a new patient with autoimmune disease a wide anamnesis work should be done.

Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity. - PubMed - NCBI Human Exposure to Aluminum Linked to Familial Alzheimer’s Disease | Journal of Alzheimer's Disease New research finds close association between high aluminum content and amyloid-beta Amsterdam, NL – A new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (JAD) supports a growing body of research that links human exposure to aluminum with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Researchers found significant amounts of aluminum content in brain tissue from donors with familial AD. "This is the second study confirming significantly high brain accumulation in familial Alzheimer's disease, but it is the first to demonstrate an unequivocal association between the location of aluminum and amyloid-beta in the disease. An association between aluminum and amyloid-beta has been suggested for over 40 years. The results were striking. "One could envisage increased amyloid-beta in brain tissue as a response to high levels of aluminum content, or that aluminum fosters the accumulation of amyloid-beta," said Dr.

Italy Fires Pro-Vaccine Health Board; Paves Way To Ban 'Dangerous Vaccines' Italy’s new health minister has sacked the entire board of the Higher Health Council, the country’s most important committee of medical-scientific experts who advise the government on health policy, in order to lay the groundwork to ban “dangerous vaccines”. In a move on Monday night that shocked Italian scientists, Giulia Grillo, from the Five Star Movement – a vaccine-sceptic party that has received widespread support from Italians fed up with the previous government’s brutal mandatory vaccination schedule – said it was “time to give space to the new”. “We are the #governmentofchange and, as I have already done with the appointments of the various organs and committees of the ministry, I have chosen to open the door to other deserving personalities,” Grillo wrote on Facebook. Grillo has also changed rules concerning the previous government’s mandatory child vaccine policy. [RELATED: Millions of Italians Rise Up Against New Mandatory Vaccination Law]

Frequency of allergic diseases following measles. - PubMed - NCBI
