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26 Amazing Facts About Finland's Unorthodox Education System

26 Amazing Facts About Finland's Unorthodox Education System
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Storytelling: Carnival crime Introduction Stories are a highly adaptable teaching tool and can be used in a variety of ways to teach a variety of skills. This particular lesson focuses on extended listening skills and getting students to actively participate in the storytelling process, allowing them to use their prediction skills in a creative and fun way. It isn't always necessary or desirable to do a more formal learning activity after telling a story in class, as storytelling activities are a good way of letting students simply enjoy listening and learning English. Topic Carnival in Brazil and a diamond theft Level Elementary level or higher Timing 60-90 mins Aims: To develop extended listening and prediction skills in young learners using a short storyTo reinforce the use of the simple past tense Materials Lesson Plan: guide for teacher on procedure including story text and answers to tasks. Download lesson plan 90k pdf Worksheets: - exercises which can be printed out for use in class. Download worksheets 332k pdf

Finland's schools flourish in freedom and flexibility | World news At Meri-Rastila primary school in a suburb of Helsinki, pupils shake the snow off their boots in the corridors, then peel them off and pad into class in socks. After a 45-minute lesson, they're out in the playground again. The Finnish school day is short and interspersed with bursts of running around, shrieking and sledging outdoors. Children start when they're older, the year they turn seven and there is no pressure on them to do anything academic before then. The Finnish education system contrasts sharply with England. Every Finnish child gets a free school meal, and a free education, which extends to university level. There are no league tables, and no school inspections. Meri-Rastila's principal, Ritva Tyyska, said: "I think it's quite good that they don't rank the schools because we have good teachers, we have a curriculum and we have to obey it. "We have these tests, in the fifth or sixth forms, that are the same tests at each and every school. Private schools Exams Free school meals

Study: Wealth Inequality In America May Be Worse Than It Was In Ancient Rome By Travis Waldron on December 19, 2011 at 1:50 pm "Study: Wealth Inequality In America May Be Worse Than It Was In Ancient Rome" The 99 Percent Movement effectively changed the American political debate from debt and deficits to income inequality, highlighting the fact that income inequality has increased so much in the U.S. that it is now more unequal than countries like Ivory Coast and Pakistan. In the United States, the top 1 percent controls roughly 40 percent of the nation’s wealth. Their target was the state of the economy when the empire was at its population zenith, around 150 C.E. Of course, the millions of Romans at the bottom of the empire’s class structure — the conquered and enslaved, the poorest Romans, and the women who had little civic or economic empowerment — would probably disagree with the study’s conclusion.

Quote 1 Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, Music, Art and PE Interactive Sites | Patti's Tech Coach wikispace | | Using Interactive Math | What's New at School? | Delmar El. Resources | MSDE | Kidlink | | | MD Content Standards | Math Professional Day 2004 | Kidspiration Make 'n Take | Rdg and Math (gr. 3 and 4) | MSA Math review (gr. 2, 3, 4) | Math - 3, 4, 5 | WCBOE | | Unitedstreaming | PowerPoint Presentations and Jeopardy games | ESL | | Time For Kids World News | | How do you teach creativity? Creative Ideas & Inspiration Blog Posted January 3rd, 2013 at 7:00 am by Tanner Christensen If we look at creative thinking as the act of coming up with new ideas (new to the thinker, not necessarily to the world at large), what’s the best way to teach that ability? Is it something you can even teach? The best possible answer – which I’m going to touch on a lot this year on Creative Something – is undoubtedly “Yes!” Here’s why. When you believe that all you need to know is already laid out before you, new ideas will still develop on their own (since it is in our brain’s nature to connect ideas in order to better understand the world around us), but moments of creative insight will be few and far between since you’re content with what you know. Instead, to teach creativity, you have to teach the importance of knowing that we don’t know a lot. If we were to use computer data as an example of just how much we don’t know: there’s a theorized amount of more than 988 exabytes of data in the world as of 2010.

BP accuses Halliburton over Gulf of Mexico oil spill | Environment BP has accused Halliburton of destroying damaging evidence relating to last year's Gulf of Mexico oil spill. In a court filing, BP has alleged that the US oil services firm of intentionally destroying evidence about possible problems with its cement slurry poured into the deep-sea Macondo well about 100 miles (160 km) off the Louisiana coast. An oil well must be cemented properly to avoid blowouts. Also in the documents filed in a New Orleans federal court, BP accuses Halliburton of failing to produce incriminating computer modelling evidence. BP asked a US judge to penalise Halliburton and order a court-sponsored computer forensic team to recover the modelling results. Halliburton has told media outlets that the accusations are untrue. Also involved are Anadarko Petroleum and Cameron International. The first trial over the disaster is scheduled to start 27 February in New Orleans.

Quote 2 50 fun call-and-response ideas to get students’ attention Call-and-response is a time-tested technique for getting attention, not just in classrooms but in the military, in churches, at sports events, and in traditional cultures in various parts of the world. Instead of repeating yourself, train students to respond to a fun or inspiring statement! Here are some tips for creating your own call-and-response: Clap or snap in patterns and have students repeat the patterns back. Want a ready-to-use version of these call-and-response ideas for your class? What type of call-and-response systems do you use with your students?

-Finnish children don't start school until they are 7.-Compared with other systems, they rarely take exams or do homework until they are well into their teens.The children are not measured at all for the first six years of their education.-There is only one mandatory standardized test in Finland, taken when children are 16.-All children, clever or not, are taught in the same classrooms.
-Finland spends around 30 percent less per student than the United States.
-30 percent of children receive extra help during their first nine years of school.
-66 percent of students go to college. The highest rate in Europe.
-The difference between weakest and strongest students is the smallest in the World.
-Science classes are capped at 16 students so that they may perform practical experiments every class.-93 percent of Finns graduate from high school. (17.5 percent higher than the US.)
-43 percent of Finnish high-school students go to vocational schools.-Elementary school students get 75 minu by adambadahdah Mar 5
