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16 трендов: программы привлечения и развития для студентов и молодых специалистов — Trainings.UA — портал об обучении и развитии персонала Сегодня бизнес учится мыслить стратегически, и все больше компаний, работающих в Украине, приходят к осознанию необходимости налаживать связи с самыми юными представителями рынка труда. Редакция журнала «Управление персоналом – Украина» обратилась к компаниям, в которых действуют различные проекты по поиску, найму и обучению талантливых молодых людей. Многие из них любезно согласились поделиться опытом – детальный обзор опубликован в октябрьском номере издания. О своих программах рассказали представители 16 международных и украинских компаний: «3М Украина», GlobalLogic Ukraine, KPMG в Украине, «Мрия Агрохолдинг», «Майкрософт Украина», «МакДональдз Юкрейн Лтд», «Эрнст энд Янг», life:) («Астелит»), Unilever, «Кока-Кола Бевериджиз Украина Лимитед», «Эрсте Банк», «Атлант-М» в Украине, «Джей Ти Интернешнл Компани Украина» (JTI), ДТЭК, «Василь Кисиль и Партнеры», «Шелл» в Украине. Подробнее:

Peer-To-Peer Recognition of Learning in Open Education | Schmidt Jan Philipp Schmidt United Nations University MERIT Christine Geith Michigan State University Stian Håklev University of Toronto Joel Thierstein Rice University Abstract Recognition in education is the acknowledgment of learning achievements. This paper makes the case for a peer-based method of assessment and recognition as a feasible option for accreditation purposes. Keywords: Open education; assessment; accreditation; participatory learning Background Open education is the combination of open licensing and web-based social media. Enabled by widespread adoption of the Internet, large, self-organized, open innovation communities, such as open source software projects or Wikipedia ( have emerged. Similar open approaches have successfully been implemented in education, creating new models for research publication, textbook development and publication, and teaching and learning. Definitions: Recognition, Accreditation, Academic Credit, and Assessment Open Education

Evaluations in MOOCs You are not logged in. [] [] All Discussion Threads] Commentary by brainysmurf () on link by AK, Evaluations in MOOCs, November 1, 2011. Lots to think about and tease apart here. If you want to know about the quality of the mooc itself, there are many ways to solicit feedback from participants about the content, objectives, facilitators and so on. If you want to know what the mooc did for people, the simple answer seems to be performance assessment. You mention designing a language mooc. I also indicated "before, during and after the mooc" because a person coming into a mooc with some ability to speak the language may need less immersion to get to the desired level than someone who is starting from scratch. Therefore, the path forward could look something like this: 1. Does that make sense? [Link] Comments Re: Evaluations in MOOCs AdmiralAK, November 4, 2011 Thanks for the comment Brainysmurf!

Carl R. Rogers, Freedom to Learn (1969) Personal Thoughts on Teaching and Learning (1952) I wish to present some very brief remarks, in the hope that if they bring forth any reaction from you, I may get some new light on my own ideas. a) My experience is that I cannot teach another person how to teach. I am almost afraid I may seem to have gotten away from any discussion of learning, as well as teaching. Let me again introduce a practical note by saying that by themselves these interpretations of my experience may sound queer and aberrant, but not particularly shocking. a.) I think I had better to stop here. Regarding Learning and Its Facilitation (1969) How does a person learn? Here are a number of the principles which can, I believe, be abstracted from current experience and research related to this newer approach: Learning Facilitation

» Social Learning is NOT a new training trend Learning in the Social Workplace I’ve written a few postings recently (notably Social Learning doesn’t mean what you think it does) where I have tried to show how the fundamental changes in how businesses are operating, require a fundamental change in how the L&D function needs to view workplace learning. I suggested this means a move from a “Command and Control” approach to an “Encourage and Engage” approach to Workplace Learning. Although in my earlier posting I pointed out some of the features of these two approaches, in this posting I first want to summarize the two approaches again. This time I am going to refer to the first approach as Traditional Workplace Learning and the second as New Workplace Learning. Although these two approaches are clearly quite different, what I am hearing is that some are advising (and others are believing) that it is enough for L&D departments to simply add “social” onto their traditional approach to learning – as follows: This is clearly perpetuating the old model of training.

Cooperative Learning in Distance Learning: Research to Practice | The Sloan Consortium® Researchers and education specialists endorse the view that student learning can be maximized, thus academic performance improved, by developing a sense of "we are all in the same boat together," a basic tenet of cooperative learning (CL). The effectiveness of CL principles and techniques in building a motivating, supportive learning environment is well known. As the benefits of collaborative learning are clear, using technology to facilitate CL is vital.

Marc My Words: eLearning Myths, Part 1 by Marc J. Rosenberg “Investing in the latest and greatest technology at the expense of investments in quality content and programming may be counterproductive; try for a better balance between the two.” “Myth (n): a notion based more on tradition or convenience than on fact.” — American Heritage Dictionary There’s a lot we know about eLearning, much based on fact and experience, but we base some of what we believe more on wishful thinking, tradition, and legend. This month we look at five myths related to eLearning design, development, and deployment. Myth #1: You can easily convert great classroom training to great online training. The assumption here is that if you have a well-designed classroom course, moving it online will be a snap. Myth #2: A great authoring tool (or suite of tools) is all you need to create great eLearning. Okay, this seems obvious. Myth #3: eLearning must be fun. No, eLearning must be valued. Myth #4: Many employees don’t finish eLearning courses; therefore the courses must be bad.

Processes of Knowledge « A Point of Contact The passing of the past is…the gathering of what endures. It is useful to think of two opposite frontiers when it comes to bodies of knowledge. One is the fringe and the other is the core: the gathering and the enduring. As the fringe of any given body of knowledge stretches its boundaries, testing what may be useful or not, this frontier reaches out to grasp and incorporate knowledge which is valued into the field of study that body distinguishes. All along the frontier this type of gathering happens, with learners developing the field in this way. Bodies of Knowledge are dynamic process in a constant state of becoming; like us, they exist in Time. frontiers of before that have come from that distinction. Snapshots of bodies of knowledge at particular points in time are useful; at that particular point in time, they can tell learners the degrees of value placed on knowledge that have made their way into this distinction. Command Colors …for the time being. Like this: Like Loading...

О застое в электронном обучении Есть мнение, что российский e-learning представляет собой болото, в котором ничего не происходит, бесталанные люди делают соответствующие курсы, а вендоры (т.е. мы) всячески их в этом поощряют. Соглашусь - я давно уже не наблюдаю действительно эффективных новых идей и решений. Причем не у нас (какие у нас революционные идеи - мы на несколько лет позади), а на Западе. Нет ничего нового и оригинального у лидеров электронного обучения! Почему так? E-learning в текущем виде превратился в зрелое решение как с точки зрения софта, так и методологии. Появление новой версии авторского средства не обещает никаких прорывов, все возможные инструменты в нормальных вебинарных софтах уже прикручены, новая версия SCORM или Tin Can не изменят суть процесса работы с курсом... Компании четко понимают, для чего они могут использовать e-learning, а для чего нет. Ничего в текущем наборе инструментов не предвещает революций. У e-learning нет будущего? Что делать e-learning вендорам? Что думаете?

Чего хотят сотрудники поколения Y*? — Trainings.UA — портал об обучении и развитии персонала Чего хотят сотрудники поколения Y*? Редакция 3 ноября 2011 г. Поколение Y — или поколение Сети, поколение Миллениума. Годы рождения: 1983—2003. Поколение встретивших новое тысячелетие в молодом возрасте, характеризующееся прежде всего глубокой вовлеченностью в цифровые технологии (определение Википедии). Высокие зарплаты? В исследовании Cisco приняли участие 2800 студентов ВУЗов и молодых специалистов 14 стран, включая Россию. По данным глобального исследования, желание молодых специалистов и студентов иметь доступ в интернет, без ограничений пользоваться мобильными устройствами и работать удаленно достаточно сильно влияет на выбор ими места работы. Данные, полученные в ходе исследования: - Ожидания и предпочтения следующего поколения сотрудников не связаны исключительно с деньгами. 40% студентов и 45% молодых специалистов заявили, что выберут компанию с меньшей зарплатой, но с большей мобильностью, свободой выбора электронных устройств и доступа к социальным сетям.

Help teachers improve their skills or live with the consequences Professional development for lecturers is vital - students deserve it and universities' reputations depend on it, advises Herb Marsh Academics are often critical about systems of teacher training and the evaluation of teaching effectiveness. Why is this? Probably most professionals - not just teachers - are critical of the systems used to evaluate them. In personnel decisions, academics are evaluated primarily in relation to research and teaching, in that order. Relative to research training (or the training to be practitioners in any profession), academics typically receive little or no training in how to teach; universities are required to provide little or no evidence that academics have even been taught how to teach, let alone that they are proficient teachers. Professional development should include systematic evaluations of individual teachers, as well as teacher training programmes.

9 Ways to Encourage the Adult E-Learners Recently I spent the day at the beach watching people learning to surf. One of the people learning to surf was a blind girl. It was very inspiring as she learned to balance on the board. She probably fell off of the surfboard a few dozen times before she successfully stood and balanced on it. And when she finally succeeded she let out a cry of joy. Learning is a funny thing. E-learning courses are an intrusion to the natural learning process. But in an elearning course, I have a room and equipment that is always available. Adult Learners Don’t Like to Fail Going back to the blind surfer, it takes a lot to fall down and continue getting up. Elearning presents a great opportunity to let people fail (or practice becoming successful) in private and in a safe environment. As learners, our culture conditions us to avoid failure. Embrace the Learning Process Here are some things to consider when building elearning courses: Set clear expectations and objectives. Tidbits:
