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La trousse à tout

La trousse à tout
Related:  Sacs, pochettes and coEssence

Mon Vide-Poche pour Bébé | Toga 1 Rassembler le matériel. Pour ce projet, il faut prévoir en complément : 1 machine à coudre – du fil – 1 fer à repasser. 2 Dans les tissus, couper = 2 x (50 x 25 cm) et 2 ronds = diamètre 16 cm. Astuce : à vous de choisir les dimensions qui vous conviennent. Mon Vide-Poche pour Bébé Une réalisation de Hélène de Maredsous. Réalisez un vide-poche entièrement en coton enduit qui agrémentera joliment le coin à langer de Bébé sans risquer de le tâcher. 0 avis clients pour : Mon Vide-Poche pour Bébé Note moyenne pour ce projet

La bague Ö Whimsical Zippered Pouch using the BERNINA 380 - MASTER CRAFTSTERS Sponsored Content* To see the overview of this Master Craftsters campaign, click here.* To read more about the machine used in this project, explore BERNINA's website here. Whimsical Zippered Pouch using the BERNINA 380 I love making zippered pouches! They make great gifts and you can easily personalize them with your choice of fabrics and embellishments. I made this simple pouch to test-drive the BERNINA 380. Start by cutting your fabrics. I made two of these pouches, one without embellishment, and one with this blue ribbon trim. To give the pouch more body, I added iron-on interfacing to both the outside pieces and both lining pieces at this point. Now to add the zipper! Since this is an exposed zipper, I'm just using the basic sewing foot (rather than the zipper foot). Then flip the fabrics over and topstitch, again with the needle in the left-most position. Repeat on the other side of the zipper, sewing the outer fabric and lining in place, then flipping the fabrics and topstitching.

Lil BUB Store — Lil BUB's Magic Sticker Sheets BUB is very proud of these amazing new sticker sheets, designed by Smoosh's dad David J. Woodruff. You get two sheets filled with awesome kiss-cut BUB faces, BUBisms and pure magic. Designed by David J. Woodruff and Sons Printed by our pals at Jakprints. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to Lil BUB's Big FUND for the ASPCA, which provides grants to organizations to support pets that need special care or extra help getting adopted. The rest will go to the BUB emergency fund, part of which helps ensure that she always gets the best food money can buy. IMPORTANT INFO FROM OUR DISTRIBUTOR:All orders will ship within 3 business days unless one the items ordered happens to be out of stock. We strive to meet the demands of our customers by providing quality merchandise free of defect and to arrive as ordered. • For all inquiries, please contact us at SC Distribution will gladly accept returns or exchanges within 30 days of original purchase.

Cerneriamo? =^__^= Riguardando il mio post sui porta fazzoletti, mi son detta..... "e se ci mettessi la cerniera per farci un astuccio?"... così.... partendo da quell'idea..... è nato questo: Un astuccio o piccolo beauty.... Ecco l'occorrente!! - Tessuto di cotone bianco per l'interno.. - Una cerniera! Tagliate due strisce da 4 x 25 cm e una da 12 x 25 cm dal tessuto blu e due strisce da 10 x 25 cm dal tessuto fantasia. Cucite insieme le varie strisce (io ho cucito a piedino ma spostando un pochino la posizione dell'ago dal centro verso destra in modo da avere un margine di cucitura di circa 5 mm e non di 7 mm come al solito) e stirare le cuciture sul retro tutte verso il tessuto blu. A questo punto, tagliate un rettangolo di 30 x 25 cm dalla stoffa bianca e cucitela, lungo entrambi i lati, al "rettangolone" fantasia. Eccolo qui... praticamente otterremo un grande cilindro! Adesso dobbiamo fare in modo che il bordo blu si "distribuisca" equamente su entrambi i lati... .... ricordate? Infatti... Ta dà!!!

THIS BLOG HAS MOVED TO Summer-fied Today I went to Goodwill and got loads of printed blouses (along with about five other miscellaneous things). I thought it would be fun to turn this printed blouse into one that was a little more wearable during summertime. So I went ahead and cut off the sleeves and that was it! No sewing was required because I cut close enough to the seam that I don't have to worry about any edged fraying. How easy is that? Process (with a kitty in the window) Summer-fied!

Felt Bag Tutorial ~ Photo Tutorial: How to Make Bag Felt. DIY step-by-step. Сумочка из фетра. Search Results turban I love the new turban trend going on…obsessed really! They are so pretty and fun and happen to be an awesome way to get rid of scrap fabric (from an old refashion perhaps?) and fix a bad hair day. The fun thing is…you can make these turbans any width you want! Supplies: Fabric (depending on turban) knit preferable, but any fabric will do. Measuring tape Scissors Sewing Machine (not needed for all tutorials) or needle and thread Thread Pins Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. open the ends with your hands and slip them onto each other. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. *Optional 9. 10. 11. 12. Instructions:Turn any of these turbans aroundorMake a band that is the length of you head circumference and width you like and sew up the end.

Back to School Pencil Case LiEr and her ikat bag are constantly full of fun, new, kid-related ideas and sewing projects. Today she shares this Back to School Pencil Case, perfect for kindergarten through college! The added piping lends a special touch to this project. From LiEr: I used home decor weight fabric and/or duckcloth/canvas for my pencil cases– They make a sturdy product. What you need (1/2″ seam allowance included in all pieces): For the Outer Layer: One rectangle 9.5″ x 10.5″ in outer fabricOne rectangle 9.5″ x 10.5″ in heavy sew-in interfacingTwo circles 4″ diameter in outer fabricTwo circles 4″ diameter in heavy sew-in interfacingOne 7″ zipper19″ (approximately) of 1/4″ piping cord, cut into two equal piecesTwo rectangles 10.5″ x 1.5″ piping fabric For the Lining Layer: One rectangle 9.5″ x 10.5″ in lining fabricTwo circles 4″ diameter in lining fabric Also needed: a sewing machine with a regular presser foot, a zipper foot, coordinating sewing thread, a needle for hand-basting and a seam ripper. Step 2

Trousse en simili - Le tuto La dernière fois que je suis allée au Marché Saint-Pierre, je suis tombée sur un petit simili cuir marron qui me faisait de l’œil. Je n’ai pas pu résister à l’envie d’en prendre un morceau même si je n’en avais pas vraiment l’utilité ! Et puis j’ai repensé au fait que je vous avez proposé un tuto jadis, naguère, fut un temps … Ya un bail quoi ! Le printemps n’étant pas encore arrivé, je ne vais pas vous proposer de faire une robe ou autre tenue printanière mais quelque chose qui sert toujours quelque soit le temps : Une trousse ! Pour faire cette trousse doublée, vous avez besoin de : un rectangle de simili cuir de 38 x 32 cm (marge de couture non comprises)un rectangle de doublure (Liberty, coton …) de 38 x 32 cm (marge de couture non comprises)une fermeture éclair de 25 cm 1. 2. 3. 4. Lorsque vous dépliez le tout, la couture de la fermeture éclair doit ressembler à la photo ci-dessous. 5. Lorsque vous avez cousu les deux parties, vous devez avoir ça : 6. 7. 8.

Tuto trousse "fourre-tout" - Le temps défile Me revoici enfin avec un tuto, mieux vaut tard que jamais! Le tuto d'une trousse "fourre-tout" celle-ci : Personnellement elle me sert de plumier couture: crayon transfert, crayon ordinnaire, taille crayon, petite latte, ciseaux à papiers, marqueurs etc... Voici le tuto: Premièrement le patron, que vous pouvez reproduire et transformer comme vous le voulez en hauteur ou en largeur : Mesures : 19cm fond du sac, 21 dessus du sac, côtés 12cm, les rentrés 4cm, le bord qui remonte 3.5cm valeurs réserves comprises. Fournitures: un morceaux de tissu de votre choix ou une toile enduite de 40cm de haut sur 30cm de large un morceaux de doublure de la même dimension une fermeture éclair de 20 cm Décos éventuelles Réalisation: Placez votre patron sur le tissu, le fond du sac (partie plus étroite) sur la pliure du tissu, coupez tout autour, les valeurs de réserves étant comprises. Piquez, retournez et surpiquez le bord en veillant à ce que la doublure soit bien tirée vers le bas : Bonne couture! A bientôt,

DIY Leather and Brass Teardrop Hanging Planter If you are new today WELCOME! I am so glad that you are here!! 2 things. 1. We are now BFFs, and 2. I.cant.stop. Today is one of my favorite days of the year! So lets get on with the project!! Today we are making a DIY Teardrop Hanging Planter, and seriously, I feel like I want to make 2 and wear them as earrings I love it SO much! And guess how much it will cost you? Right around $15.00. I know. First things first. 7 Feet of 1/8" Round Brass Tubing Mini Tubing Cutter ($5.49)30 Gauge Floral Wire ($1.00 at Joann’s)1 Piece of Leather Lace. I tracked down a few places to buy 1/8” Brass Tubing. . UPDATE: The price on Amazon has changed and the seller is a total jerk and is ripping people off. The not so fun part is that you have to cut the pipe down yourself. You will need to cut: (20) 1 1/2” pieces (5) 9 1/2” pieces The easiest way I found to measure them is to use a tape measure, or ruler, and a really fine tipped Sharpie to mark all the way down your tubes. Now for the REALLY fun part!

Tuto de la trousse qui fait des heureux ;) ← Meloncollie Je n’ai rien posté ces derniers jours … ce n’est pas faute d’avoir fait fumer la machine ! Mais j’ai travaillé sur plusieurs projets pour des amis et je ne pouvais (et ne peux d’ailleurs toujours pour certains …) vous les montrer avant qu’ils ne les reçoivent ! Je vous ai donc concoté un petit tuto pour vous faire patienter :o) Il explique en images comment réaliser les trousses que je fais avec plaisir tant pour les autres que pour moi même … A l’origine, je me suis inspirée de plusieurs tutos trouvés sur le net comme celui d’Isastuce ou de Ma boîte à Trésors puis j’ai développé ma propre façon de faire. Voici le matériel nécessaire : – 2 tissus assortis – une fermeture éclair – un pied à fermeture qui simplifie grandement la tâche – une règle, des ciseaux, des épingles … Plier le sommet des rectangles vers l’intérieur sur 1 cm et repasser pour bien marquer le pli En faire de même à l’autre extrémité de la fermeture et les piquer à la machine. De près, voilà à quoi cela doit ressembler :

Aubrey Marie Beauty - Tutorial: Brigitte Bardot
