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Repair Sharks Great Neck, NY - iPhone, iPod, iPad, Macbook, Android

Repair Sharks Great Neck, NY - iPhone, iPod, iPad, Macbook, Android
Repair Sharks Great Neck was founded in 2006 making us one of the oldest idevice repair centers in the nation. We were originally a mail-order iPod business back in the day and have since evolved to repair a variety of personal electronics including smartphones, tablets, computers, gaming systems, and even some LCD and LED televisions. Our Great Neck, NY location is located in Western Nassau County New York on Northern Blvd.. This was our first Long Island based store front and has been operational for over 8 years. Our walk in store can assist you with a variety of device and software issues. We started the Free Diagnostics trend over 10 years ago and have continued to offer this service to every customer since. Repair Sharks Great Neck also offers the best quality accessories for your device. Devices we repair We have been repairing every Apple device on the market for the last 10 years. What we repair Our Store Our Store and Shipping Address is: Related:  Ds

PCA Online Course 4 Easy Steps to Enroll1. Click the Pay with Paypal button below.(Please Disable Pop-up Blockers) It will take you to Paypal's website where you will finish checking out. 2. You will be forwarded to the Registration page. Enter the requested information in the appropriate fields. PCA Online CourseCourse Duration Approximately 75 hours Please note: it is strongly recommended that you read the entire course before taking the exam. Lesson 1: Introduction to Nursing Procedures (20 Hours) Proper Infection ControlProper Hand Washing ProperGlove RemovalFire SafetyEmergency SituationsHIV/Aides PreventionFood Born Illnesses Prevention & Kitchen SafetyMedical Error Prevention and SafetyDomestic ViolenceClient’s RightsLesson 2: Introduction to CPR (4 Hours) DefinitionsScene assessment and appropriate responseA-B-C's of Adult/Child/Infant CPRMechanics of Artificial Life SupportWhat is expected during an emergency situationsCPR Exam

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