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10 Most Amazing Ghost Towns (ghost towns, best ghost towns) Some abandoned ghost towns are now tourist attractions, while others might be dangerous or illegal to visit. Meet some of the most fascinating ghost towns from around the world. KOLMANSKOP (Namibia): Buried in sand Kolmanskop is a ghost town in southern Namibia, a few kilometres inland from the port of Lüderitz. In 1908, Luederitz was plunged into diamond fever and people rushed into the Namib desert hoping to make an easy fortune. Within two years, a town, complete with a casino, school, hospital and exclusive residential buildings, was established in the barren sandy desert. micromega-online - micromega di don Paolo FarinellaCome si fa a dichiarare immorale una legge che cerca di estendere i diritti a persone che ne hanno diritto, se si accettano presenze e sponsorizzazioni di personaggi che sono la quint’essenza della immoralità e della negazione dei cosiddetti principi e valori cattolici? A questa piazza oppongo la mia resistenza morale e teologica: il Vangelo sta da un’altra parte. In edicola il nuovo numero di MicroMegaNel primo numero del 2016 testi di Badiou, Gauchet, Flores d'Arcais e Fraser. Per festeggiare il trentennale della rivista, due reprint in allegato: Andrea Camilleri e Nanni Moretti.Sommario | Acquista: iPad e-book: Amazon | BookRepublic | Feltrinelli 1986/2016: MicroMega compie 30 annidi Paolo Flores d'Arcais"Per l’anno del trentennale abbiamo deciso di utilizzare per tutti i numeri uno stesso sottotitolo: per una sinistra illuminista.

Chi siamo Il Post - testata giornalistica n. 419 del 28 settembre 2009 Il Post è un giornale online pubblicato dal 19 aprile 2010 Per contattare la redazione scrivete a mail [at] Direttore luca sofri phoneblocks predjama castle 1024 × 682 - 2272 × 1704 - 1250 × 833 - 1129 × 1280 - Cthulhu loves us all. stasera a bolgona, una serata culturale. NYC Protest for World Revolution The World's Best Photos of cosplay and skyrim Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies. All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr. Because some other search engines (Google, etc.) index parts of Flickr Hive Mind, you may have been led here from one of them. Welcome to Flickr Hive Mind, almost certainly the best search engine for photography on the web.

100 Amazing Futuristic Design Concepts We Wish Were Real Concept designers are also referred to as “visual futurists”. These concept designs may not be on the market yet, but they can still inspire you to create something just as futuristic and exciting online. The designs may be impractical in some cases, but the idea is to put the concept out to the world to see how it evolves and grows. Remember that these are all just conceptual, you can’t buy them yet! Some may be closer to being produced than others, particularly when they come from a large company like Braun or Samsung. April 2012 Bryant's portfolio on CGHub. Keywords: concept robots mech mechanical japanese style anime concept art by professionall conceptartist bryant koshu
