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We are living in a Fractal HOLOGRAM !

Une réalité mathématique dessinée en fractales par un homme atteint par le syndrome du savant Jason Padgett est un américain qui a acquis, sans le vouloir, des capacités étonnantes en mathématiques après une agression en 2002. Il a été durement touché à la tête et il vit maintenant la réalité sous forme de fractales mathématiques descriptibles par des équations. Il est atteint du syndrome du savant qui lui permet désormais de pratiquer une forme de synesthésie. Image d’entête : “une main quantique à travers mes yeux” (J.Padgett) Avant l’incident, Jason ne possédait aucune capacité particulière en math, il était même plutôt mauvais. Ci-dessous : “trou noir de Planck”. “Dualité onde-particule” “Une dérive dans l’espace-temps” Selon la bio de Jason Padgett : La beauté des numéros et leur connexion à la géométrie pure de l’espace-temps et de l’univers sont présentées dans ses schémas de fractales… Il étudie actuellement la façon dont toutes les fractales posent des limites et comment la formule E = MC2 est elle-même une fractale. “Cosinus sinusoïdale et ondes tangente” “Fusion hW=MC^2”

Earthing, the Benefits of Connecting with Earth’s Energy There is a resurgence of age-old concepts to keep up with the deteriorating ever-changing environment – from using natural remedies, alternative healing to yoga/meditation or even a simple act of walking barefoot on earth, known as ‘Grounding/ Earthing’. Throughout time humans and even plants, animals, have always been in closer contact with the Earth, but unfortunately, the modern lifestyle has disconnected us from the Earth’s energy, making us more vulnerable to stress and illness. Remember your childhood days when walking barefoot in the garden was refreshing and didn’t you love the feeling of tender grass/green blades caressing your skin. Now there is a scientific reason to why the contact with Mother Earth makes you feel good and how we desperately need it in present times. Earthing is nature’smost powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the excessive free radicals inyour body Earthing can be done by walking barefoot and/or sitting outside on the lawn, dirt, or sand. Dr.

Mandelbrot set images and videos This page provides links to various (hopefully) pretty images and videos of the Mandelbrot set that I computed with a program I wrote. Contents Zoom videos I computed three videos of continuous zooms into the Mandelbrot set: they follow exactly the same pattern, zooming at a constant rate of a factor 2 every two seconds toward fixed a center point, with the same color scheme. There are, of course, dozens of different videos of the kind on YouTube. Technical notes My program (see below) uses the GMP library for arbitrary precision floats, and I distributed computation on a pool of 30ish dual-core PC's, which ran for about one night to produce these videos. The video resolution is 640×480 (or 640×360 for the YouTube version) with 25fps (but 30fps on YouTube, at their recommendation), the container format is AVI, the video codec is H.264 and the audio codec is MP3. Video number 1: a deep zoom Video number 2: varied shapes The second video is 3′09″ long. Video number 3: dramatic tension
