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Marge Casey + Associates - Photo Agency New York

Online digital photography lessons and tutorials: Web Photo School Chances are, someone famous first inspired you to dive, by which I don’t necessarily mean your instructor or whoever stuck a regulator in your mouth and let you breathe underwater for the first time. No, I am talking about that someone whose example made you say “Diving is cool. Exciting. I’d like to be a diver.” And then you were. New smArticles Added Every Monday, Here's the Latest... We are the leading voice in the evolution into hybrid photography and extend a warm welcome to you. Photography is going through a magnificent change right now as mirrorless camera mature into wonderful lightweigh yet high performance tools for the pro as well as non-pro. Flash is getting ready to step aside for continuous light like LED, sound enters the picture and photographers need to be able to shoot "talking portraits" but choosing and using microphones is really tough. Will Crockett is an early adopter to shooting photo+video+audio and making "eProducts" to replace the sagging sales of years past. This YouTube channel is the home of his and many of the others that have helped along the way.

Creative Examples of Silhouette Photography Advertisement Silhouette photography is a creative form of photography which can reflect emotion and drama in a picture. A silhouette is generally defined as an image of a person, an object, or scene, consisting of the outline as well as a featureless interior. The key of taking a nice silhouette picture is choosing a strong subject with a recognizable shape and getting the lighting right by having more light shine from the background than the foreground. Below are some truly wonderful examples of silhouette photography. Massachusetts College of Art and Design Classes and programs in art and design for all ages MassArt's Professional and Continuing Education Program is dedicated to providing high quality accessible and enriching learning opportunities in the arts for anyone ages 10 and up. Choose from a broad array of offerings in painting, sculpture, drawing, film, video, web design, graphic or industrial design, fashion, architecture, animation, computer arts, jewelry/metals, glass, fibers, furniture design/woodworking, art history, and liberal arts and get more than just a class. Become part of the MassArt community.

WWF: Shark jay_ad_dictate 81 pencils Jul 18, 2010 - 8:47 Guest | Mon, 2010-06-28 13:41 "I didn't get it...I thought it was "More Horrifying" because you couldn't see the shark, so chances are it's behind you. LOL...guess I'm not too bright today." Hahah dear... you made my day. Supreme Examples of PhotoJournalism A picture says a thousand words, we have all heard it, right? If there’s any kind of photography that justifies this statement, it’s photojournalism. Today I chose a sub-category of photo-journalism and made a collection of the best news photos. According to me, a perfect news photo is the one which does not need a description line. The pictures you are about to see contain a story in themselves, text descriptions and stories won’t do any good to them. These kind of photos are also called Documentary Photography.

Amazing Pictures Taken With an Apple iPhone It’s not a secret that iPhone has a pretty crappy camera built in. Here is a proof that it’s not really about the quality of a camera you have, but more about how excellent shot you can take. Some amazing pictures taken with iPhone – share your photos in comments! Update: Check out our list of must-have iPhone apps for iPhotographers. If you know some other cool apps for photo editing – share in comments! Have a great iPhone photo? Shooting Strangers in Orchard Road When I’m out on the streets, I often encounter faces that make me look twice; faces that stand out in the crowd without trying; faces that are out of the ordinary. They range from the exquisitely beautiful to the strangely wonderful. I started to approach these strangers for permission to take a photo of them. Some said no, but most said yes. After taking their portrait, I’d say ‘thank you’ and walk on along. I didn’t ask for their names, or where they came from, or what they do, because I wanted the viewers to see them how I saw them: as beautiful strangers.

47 Incredibly Amazing Photographs From The 2010 National Geographic... November 22, 2010 | 3 Comments » | Topics: Awesome, compilation, Photography via Hot Stories From Around The Web Other Awesome Stories
