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Item Blur Effect with CSS3 and jQuery

Item Blur Effect with CSS3 and jQuery
Today we will show you some examples of websites that are using beautiful and inspiring color combinations that match perfectly and create an eye candy... For me, Photoshop is becoming more and more of a prototyping or blue printing tool: it’s basically just a canvas... CSS3 opens up so many crazy possibilities and today we want to show you how to go wild with splash and coming soon page effects using CSS3 animations. After getting the request, we are going to show you how to create a “slide-in on scroll” effect. You’ve probably seen this cool effect on some websites, like on Nizo or in the portfolio section of brilliantly designed La Moulade. Typography is truly a science and many designers spend an entire career devoted to the study. There are many creative ways of showing what a website is about: the use of images, videos, descriptions and more. Today we will create a set of nice typography effects for big headlines using CSS3 and jQuery. So you're still not using HTML5, huh?

CSS Animations Friend: You should learn how to write CSS!Me: …Friend: CSS; Cascading Style Sheets. If you’re serious about web design, that’s the next thing you should learn.Me: What’s wrong with <font> tags? That was 8 years ago. And then… nothing. Fast forward a couple of years to late 2006. Back in the time machine. Epic win? Howto: A basic spinner No matter how fast internet tubes or servers are, we’ll always need spinners to indicate something’s happening behind the scenes. There are some downsides to this though: It’s only _semi_-transparent: If you change your mind and pick a slightly different background color, you need to go back to the site, set all the parameters again, and replace your current image. What do we need to make a spinner with CSS animations? <p id="spinner">Please wait while we do what we do best. Looks semantic enough to me! Cool, but now we don’t see anything. By now you should be feeling like a magician already. Nice! Some explanation: Let’s define spinnerRotate: That’s it! But…

Introducing the New CSS Cursor Styles in CSS3 The early days of web development were a thrill as new technologies and techniques were discovered. We experienced a few stagnant years in the middle of last decade but, thanks to HTML5, web development has become exciting again. In particular, CSS3 is evolving rapidly and you’ll find some interesting gems in the specifications. In this article, we’re going to examine the CSS cursor property which, as you’d expect, allows you to change the cursor style as the mouse moves over an element. It’s become increasingly important for interactive web applications… CSS2 Cursor Styles CSS2 offered relatively few options (hover over any element to see how the cursor changes): cursor: auto cursor: inherit cursor: crosshair cursor: default cursor: help cursor: move cursor: pointer cursor: progress cursor: text cursor: wait cursor: e-resize cursor: ne-resize cursor: nw-resize cursor: n-resize cursor: se-resize cursor: sw-resize cursor: s-resize cursor: w-resize CSS3 Cursor Styles cursor: none (not IE, Safari, Opera) Note:

Smoothy HTML5 Template Duis consequat ut quam ut sollicitudin. Donec eget congue ligula, eget pharetra urna. Nam tempor tellus sit amet bibendum dapibus. Nam auctor elementum dolor. Donec euismod, justo sed convallis blandit, ipsum erat mattis lectus, vel pharetra neque enim tristique risus. Quisque tincidunt risus et enim. Curabitur commodo arcu vel enim mollis consequat.

daneden/animate.css: □ A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing. webdesign » Ressources et tutoriaux pour webdesigner Fan de publicité et de Marvel ? Découvrez le super héros SpiderMan dans ce spot d’Evian ! Être le numéro 1 sur les moteurs de recherche est le but de tout le monde, et plus particulièrement sur Google. Le géant américain lance un nouveau blog dédié aux experts français. Pour la typographie de ce vendredi, découvrez la Oranienbaum (facile à prononcer, hein). Nous sommes vendredi et place à une nouvelle typo à découvrir ! Pour reprendre les articles sur le blog, une nouvelle série : une typographie à découvrir par semaine, et ça tombera tous les vendredi !

The Empire Room Dallas goes Gatsby — Doodle Dog Creative A dazzling new event venue has opened its doors in Dallas, Texas. The Empire Room will hit the ground running with a new look inspired by very visual art deco style and incorporated glam of The Great Gatsby’s lavish parties. The brand identity for this venue was meant to be over the top glamourous and exceedingly great. With lush fabrics, bold shapes and great views of the downtown skyline, (think old school glam) we wanted the brand to match the venue’s unique flare. Check out the new design for The Empire Room! And a look at the website… and a couple sneak peak images of the inside of the venue: Stop by and visit the site and keep an eye on the photos as the events start kicking off!

Demo: Pure CSS speech bubbles The basic bubble variants This only needs one HTML element. For example, <p>[text]</p>. But it could be any element you want. The entire appearance is created only with CSS. Simple examples Design is directed toward human beings. Ivan Chermayeff It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. Henry David Thoreau Takes me longer to write up blog posts on experiments or projects than to create them in the first place. @necolas at 4:05 PM March 2nd 2010 More complex CSS3 examples Some more experimental speech bubbles that try to limit the damage in browsers lacking the necessary CSS3 support. It doesn’t matter what the first child element of this div is...but it does need a child element. This is a blockquote that is styled to look like a speech bubble This is a blockquote that is styled to look like a thought bubble No, Donny, these men are nihilists, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Walter Sobchak

Ombres avancées avec CSS3 et box-shadow CSS3 c’est pour l’aspect vendeur du nom, car au final on va aussi et surtout bénéficier du service de pseudo éléments (:after et :before) qui sont prévus depuis CSS2.1. Les visuels que vous voyez sur la page de démonstration ne sont composés qu’avec des propriétés CSS sur une seule et unique <div> (pour chaque bloc). Chez moi le meilleur rendu est sous Firefox, notamment pour la dernière ombre qui est un peu osée (au passage il semblerait que la propriété opacity ne fonctionne pas sur les pseudo-éléments). Dans cette démonstration nous allons utiliser des propriétés avancées de CSS2.1 (:before et :after) qui sont des pseudo-éléments. Des pseudo-éléments permettent de construire un élément dans la structure de votre document (DOM) sans vraiment en construire un… ok, ça commence bien pour l’explication. Pseudo-éléments :after et :before Ainsi tous les liens porteurs de l’attribut hreflang se verront agrémentés d’un « (en) », dans le cas d’un lien anglais par exemple :Mon lien (en) Bogues
