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The PostRank Newsroom: Twitter For High-Value Information - Read The rise of link sharing on Twitter has cut down on many peoples' use of RSS readers and social bookmarking services like Delicious. Now blog post ranking service PostRank is aiming to systematize that shift - and they've done a really good job. Imagine a system for delivering only high-value information via Twitter. That's what PostRank has built with its new PostRank Twitter Newsroom. The system finds the most engaging blogs on various topics, then automatically pulls the most talked-about posts from those blogs and now delivers those links to you via Twitter. Trust us, we're as tired as you are of blog posts about Twitter - but these kinds of developments on top of the platform keep us coming back, day after day. We're big fans of PostRank here at ReadWriteWeb. Now PostRank has taken the next step and discovered the blogs about various topics that are most "engaging" with their own readers.

Wikipedia 3.0: The End of Google? Evolving Trends Author: Marc Fawzi Twitter: License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Announcements: Semantic Web Developers: Feb 5, ‘07: The following external reference concerns the use of rule-based inference engines and ontologies in implementing the Semantic Web + AI vision (aka Web 3.0): Description Logic Programs: Combining Logic Programs with Description Logic (note: there are better, simpler ways of achieving the same purpose.) Click here for more info and a list of related articles… Forward (2008, 2009) Two years after I published this article it has received over 230,000 hits and we now have several startups attempting to apply Semantic Web technology to Wikipedia and knowledge wikis in general, including Wikipedia founder’s own commercial startup as well as a startup that was recently purchased by Microsoft. Recently, after seeing how Wikipedia’s governance is so flawed, I decided to write about a way to decentralize and democratize Wikipedia. Versión española

Twitter Directory TED Blog: Warp your room (not your mind) with this awesome illus Health Eleanor Longden’s selections for further reading on voice hearing Eleanor Longden’s riveting story – featured in today’s talk and more in depth in the new TED Book, Learning from the Voices in My Head — raises many provocative questions. Longden talks about her recovery after a diagnosis of schizophrenia, in the process calling into question the attitudes of traditional psychiatry, the role of drug manufacturers and […] Live from TEDGlobal 2013 The dangers of the digital now: Abha Dawesar at TEDGlobal 2013 Indian novelist Abha Dawesar explores the self and technology’s — ahem — impact on the self in the penultimate session of TEDGlobal, “Tech Impact.” 140 | The Twitter Conference — Tapping In To the Real Time Web Need to stay on top of what’s being tweeted about you and your competitors? Interested in growing your community by discovering and engaging with the people that are best aligned with your organization or brand? If so, this webinar will provide you with a wealth of free resources that are being leveraged everyday by people ranging from small business owners to Fortune 500 brand managers. When people talk about promising uses for the rich data stream available from services like Twitter and Facebook, discussion frequently turns to brand monitoring. Professionals with discretionary budgets desire timely (and polar) commentary that surrounds products and companies. Twitter data is uniquely suited to these applications. Brand Monitoring: Influencer Targeting and Outreach : This one-hour instructional session at 1:00pm Pacific Time on February 22, 2011 is presented via the web and costs only $49. The way the seminar works Presenter

Twitter Handbook for Teachers Deutsche Twitter-Trends Flash Media Server Hosting - Influxis Flash Media Interactive Se TVStation2 beta is now available for immediate download for all Influxis customers. For all those unfamiliar with TVStation, TVStation is an online web application that allows any user to setup and run their own instant television or radio station. Through TVStation users can setup a self made list of pre-recorded content or images and broadcast it to viewers live 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Users can also broadcast live high definition video (through Flash Media Live Encoder) or broadcast live video directly from TVStation itself.Viewers can also text chat among each other while watching their favorite show or listening to their favorite song for a complete interactive experience. New to this release: 1. The first major difference of course is the completely new administrator interface built entirely in Flex. 2. This version features a completely new broadcast engine built from ground up and was made to be more efficient and faster than ever before. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The Twitter Book | O'Reilly Media It's bad enough having to relearn favorite programs every time an upgrade comes along, worse learning to use totally new programs when you break down and buy them. But, now we're expected to learn how to use social networks, telephone and cloud-ware applications that come knocking at our Email doors and entice us from magazines and blogs. Change may be good if you can hack the rate of change in computer-related products. It probably provides financial stimulation for devils who produce these newest banes of our computing existence and may even help the publishing industry, which cranks out books galore covering all things new that complicate our lives. This book was written by Tim O'Reilly and Sarah Milstein. First, you gotta get that syntax right...Twitter is the program a tweet is the message itself, or can be a verb, describing what you do when you send a Twitter message. This book is well written and fun to read.
