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01-lamborghini-1.jpg (JPEG Image, 628 × 371 pixels) - Nightly

01-lamborghini-1.jpg (JPEG Image, 628 × 371 pixels) - Nightly

25 Incredibly Detailed Black And White Portraits of the Homeless by Lee Jeffries - Nightly Lee Jeffries career began as a sports photographer, capturing the beautiful game of football in Manchester. Then a chance meeting with a homeless woman living in the streets of London changed his life forever. He has since dedicated himself to capturing gripping portraits of the disenfranchised. Shooting exclusively in black and white, Lee Jeffries’ 135+ pictures can be viewed in his Flickr Photostream. Lee Jeffries lives in Manchester in the United Kingdom. Lee Jeffries recalls that, initially, he had stolen a photo from this young homeless girl huddled in a sleeping bag. The models in his photographs are homeless people that he has met in Europe and in the United States: «Situations arose, and I made an effort to learn to get to know each of the subjects before asking their permission to do their portrait.»
