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11 Outstanding Online Resources for Web Developers

This series is supported by Rackspace, the better way to do hosting. Learn more about Rackspace's hosting solutions here. If you're a web developer, you're almost certainly constantly looking for ways to improve your skills, expand your technology arsenal, and keep on top of the latest trends in development and design. Whether you need to pick up a new coding language, get informed about new standards, brush up on best practices, or simply get inspired by great examples from your peers, we've collated a number of great resources to help you stay at the top of your game. Have a look at some of the online repositories for great development information and inspiration below, and be sure to tell us about any other trusted sources we haven't included in the list that other developers should check out. 1. 2. Taking a holistic approach to the subject of web development, A List Apart is "for people who make websites" including designers, developers, and online content creators of all stripes. 3.

A few years back, while studying for the PMP exam, I committed the formula for calculating communications paths to memory. So, what’s the big deal? Why is it so important? If you’re in the Project Management (or leadership) field, you know all too well how important communications is. Managers administer; leaders innovate.Managers ask how and when; leaders ask what and why.Managers focus on systems; leaders focus on people.Managers do things right; leaders do the right things.Managers maintain; leaders develop.Managers rely on control; leaders inspire trust.Managers have short-term perspective; leaders have long-term perspective.Managers accept the status-quo; leaders challenge the status-quo.[*]Managers have an eye on the bottom line; leaders have an eye on the horizon.Managers imitate; leaders originate.Managers emulate the classic good soldier; leaders are their own person.Managers copy; leaders show originality. Where does social media fit into the grand scheme of things?

PHP Advent 2010 / Everyone Loves PHP A year ago today, I started at Facebook. I’ve been using PHP for the last twelve years, and before I got there, I thought I had seen most PHP-related problems. I had deployed software on all manners of systems, but since I’ve worked at Facebook, my appreciation for how important PHP is has changed. Earlier this year, another implementation of the PHP runtime emerged. This is nothing really new, as over the last few years, there had been several others — Quercus, Project Zero, Roadsend, and phc, to name a few. The main difference between them and HipHop for PHP is in the numbers. One of the reasons for writing HipHop was to improve performance. This isn’t an article about HipHop and how awesome it is, though. One of the main reasons I think PHP has become so popular is the critical mass that it acquired while it was growing up, but what was the original cause of that? Another reason PHP has become so popular is the documentation, which is second to none. Contribute! A final thought

22 Things You Don't Know About Your Customers | Internet Marketing Strategy: Conversation Marketing There are things you don’t know about your customers. It’s not you, it’s them. But you need to figure it out. 1. The most basic principle of usability: It’s hard for folks to read online. 2. Oldest rule of marketing, from way back when we printed on paper and used mail and stuff: Write no more than 4-5 lines in a paragraph. to learn just how little the rules have changed. 3. Reading onscreen is hard. 4. Also know as ‘leading’, wide line spacing makes text easier to read. 5. We are trained to read dark text on a light background. 6. With those nifty mouse wheels, folks stopped getting unhappy about scrolling – it’s no longer a usability issue, unless you create a 5000 word page or some silliness. 7. You can write a list in a paragraph, so that colors look like red, green, blue. Red;Green;Blue. Your audience wants the latter. 8. Read Jacob Nielsen’s excellent article about the f-shape browsing pattern: Click here. 9. Seriously. 10. Don’t make them log in to check out. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Tuples, Anonymous Types, and Concrete Types. var point = new { X = 50, Y = 100 }; point is an object of an anonymous type. You can declare anonymous types with any number of properties, and those properties do not need to be the same type: var person = new { FirstName = "Bill", LastName = "Wagner", DateOfBirh = default(DateTime?) The compiler generates an internal sealed class that models the anonymous type. You don’t write any of the code for anonymous types. So if anonymous types are so limited, why use them at all? Tuples solve a related problem. Like anonymous types, tuples override Equals() and GetHashCode() to impose value semantics. This tuple: var origin = Tuple.Create(0, 0); Would display as There is no point in displaying the names of members, those names have no semantic meaning. Tuples, like anonymous types, should be used when you want immutable data containers that don’t define behavior. var squares = Tuple.Create(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, Tuple.Create(64, 81, 100, 121, 144));

Twitter Local Trends Great For Small Businesses Twitter local trends is now live for all users, but most locations aren’t available just yet. This feature upgrade has an obvious impact on the Twitter community – it makes trends more relevant. Not only does this improve user experience, it also helps to bring Twitter marketing to a higher level. Getting a #tag onto the Global list of trending topics is tough.

Introduces SML™ (Social Markup Language) Menu Oracle Social Spotlight Subscribe to email updates Social Cloud In the Mix: Social Chatter for Live Events If you frequent business events, you've probably noticed an increase of digitally displayed social media chatter. Read more Share Oracle Social Life Oracle Social Cloud Gives Thanks Thanksgiving is a day for family, football and food comas. Read more Best Practices 3 Must-Haves for a Successful Digital Transformation Last week, I flew to Chicago for CMS Wire's DX Summit, but my digital experience immersion training began before the event even kicked off. Read more Collaboration: An 'Outside' Job From guest author and Product Strategy Manager Sandy Yu: developing a rapport across virtual teams requires thinking outside the cube. Read more Product News It's Time to Connect Meaningfully with Your Social Audience We are thrilled to announce that as of November 9th, every Oracle Social Cloud customer with access to Engage will be able to leverage a brand new engagement... Read more Read more Contact

Free Accounting Software | GnuCash Spatial Search: The Next Frontier - Search Blog - Bing Community 28 Resources from My Internet Marketing Toolbox Have you heard of Matt Wadsworth? Up until last week, I had no idea who he was, but now, he’s one of my favourite people online. Matt is someone that has managed to build a 7-figure internet business in the space of three years. I instantly like Matt not only because of his achievements, but he’s someone that – like me – make a living online by teaching people how to make a living online. To me, these are the core fundamentals involved in building a successful, legitimate business online. My aim with this website is to be as transparent as I can in everything that I do, so today I want to take you through all of the tools and programs that help me to get things done. In a survey across thousands of large companies who actively monitor their stats online, only 35% stated that they actually changed their website based on what they saw. Crazy Egg was created by one of my favourite guys in the internet marketing space, Neil Patel. How many pageviews my top posts had Direct messages

10 Cross-Browser Compatibility Tools For Designers Whether you are an experienced Web programmer or just starting out, you know that there are many browsers currently in use and have probably had experience with the cross-compatibility issues. The frustration of building a beautifully functioning website using Firefox, then discovering it doesn’t render properly in IE6 is a definite learning experience. Testing your creations in as many browsers as possible is crucial to turning out a professional product. There are a multitude of tools available to allow cross-browser testing with only one computer and your favorite browser. Many of them will let you do online testing of multiple versions of the most commonly used browsers and some will include applications you may never have heard about. 1. One of these is SuperPreview from Microsoft. 2. CrossBrowserTesting is an online service that not only allows testing across browser platforms, but also includes various operating systems. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
