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Deathly Hallows Campaign Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows tells the story of Harry’s journey to identify, track down, and destroy Voldemort’s remaining horcruxes and subsequently face the Dark Lord in the ultimate wizard death match. Inspired by the excellent work of Harry and his closest friends, the HPA joined with fans and activists across the globe on an epic journey to destroy seven real world horcruxes. This effort spanned the nine months between the release of each Deathly Hallows movie, and included the following initiatives: Starvation Wages Horcrux (began October 2010): On November 1, 2010, we sent a letter to Time Warner asking that all Harry Potter chocolate products be made from Fair Trade-certified chocolate, to ensure it was not made under inhumane conditions. Titled Not in Harry’s Name, our efforts in this campaign are ongoing until we reach a compromise with Time Warner.Dementor Horcrux (December 2010): Working with the help of, we strove to fight the effects of depression.

Home | Quipu Project The Quipu Project is collaborating with rural communities affected by Peru's sterilization campaign to develop a communication system that will enable them to speak up and tell their stories to the world using their phones. This interactive documentary aims to collect and share the testimonies of some of the 300,000 women and men who were sterilised in the 1990s - many of whom were forced to do so or did not give their informed consent. Inspired by the Quipu, an Inca communication system made of knotted threads, the project is creating a collective string of oral histories. Watch Pilot ...

Harry Potter universe Fundamentals[edit] The entire Harry Potter series is set from 1991 to 1998 aside from the opening chapter of the first book, which takes place on 1 November 1981, and the epilogue of the seventh book, which takes place on 1 September 2017. The depiction of the wizarding world is centred on magic, which not only imbues objects such as wands, but is portrayed as an inborn ability. It is also centred on the separation of the wizarding world from the non-wizarding, or Muggle world. Despite being an inherent talent, magic is honed through study and training into a skill. A great deal of effort is expended in keeping the Muggles unaware of magic. Some aspects of the wizarding world are depicted as being less-than-modern in comparison to the non-wizarding world, sometimes even old-fashioned or quaint. Many aspects of the British wizarding world have Muggle equivalents. Geography[edit] There is no separate "magical land" in the Harry Potter universe. Animals and plants[edit] Blood purity[edit]

Accio Quote!, the Largest Archive of J.K. Rowling quotes on the web Dear Mr. Potter,
