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Medialens - correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate

Medialens - correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate
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Accessibility From The Ground Up The web professional's online magazine of choice. In: Articles By Matt May Published on January 20, 2005 You’ve seen it at all the design conferences. The hardest part of Web accessibility, in my opinion, is the stuff outside the angle brackets. Yes, Web accessibility is growing up. I have to share the misconceptions I hear all the time about accessibility: “It’s too restrictive on the design process, it adds too much time in development, and people with disabilities don’t come to my site, anyway!” The answer, of course, is: “If you build it, they will come.” And following accessible design practices as a part of everyday design ensures that you will reach more users, both with and without disabilities. There are lots of reasons to use accessible design practices in every project. Another argument is that it’s really not too much to ask. It’s also the law in a growing number of jurisdictions. Keep it simple The working group that produces the WCAG has wrestled with this problem for years now.

PandoDaily | the site of record for silicon valley Panoptic World Die Wise Guys sind eine deutsche Musikgruppe, die Anfang der 1990er aus einer Kölner Schulband hervorging. Die Gruppe singt meist a cappella und bezeichnet ihren Musikstil als "Vokal-Pop". Daniel Dickopf (Dän), Edzard Hüneke (Eddi), Marc Sahr (Sari), Nils Olfert und Ferenc Husta sagen über ihre Musik: "Wir machen Popmusik. Ohne Instrumente. Mit Spaß, Begeisterung und Leidenschaft. ... mehr.

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