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Bien rédiger son CV en anglais

Bien rédiger son CV en anglais
Vous avez de plus en plus envie d’aller travailler à l’étranger. Mais pour y arriver, il faut postuler, et l’étape première reste celle du CV ! Voici des lignes directrices pour vous aider à rédiger votre CV en anglais, le fameux Resume (british et US), car comme vous pouvez vous en douter, il ne s’agit pas d’un simple exercice de traduction littérale de votre CV français. Remarques générales : 1. Rubrique Etat Civil (= "Personal Details" ou "Personal Data") - First Name Last Name - Address - Telephone numbers : personal / mobile and professional - Date of birth / Age : Oui au UK, non aux US - Nationality : Oui au UK, non aux US - Sex : Oui au UK, non aux US - Marital Status : Oui au UK, non aux US 2. Spécificité UK : « Career Objective » , “Professional Objective” Spécificité US : « Career Planning » Cette description n’est pas obligatoire mais fortement conseillée, car elle permet d’attirer et surtout retenir l’attention du recruteur. Ex : Ou encore: 3. Quelques équivalences : 4. Ex: 5. 6. Related:  CV en anglais

Applying for jobs: Write a successful job application A job application form is your chance to show employers that you're perfectly suited to the role and deserve to be shortlisted for an interview What to include in a job application form The form should give the employer an insight into you as a person and encourage them to want to meet you to find out more. All applicants will be asked to fill out the same form, so use the following typical sections to present evidence of how you've developed relevant skills and gained valuable experience through your academic, work and personal life: Educational background - you'll usually be expected to provide information on institutions attended, courses taken and qualifications gained. Most applications require a minimum of two referees; usually an employer and an academic tutor. Never lie on your CV or job application. Style tips Your application can make a strong impression if you: Once you've completed the form, check through the final version to ensure that there are no spelling or grammar errors.

Vivre et travailler à Los Angeles LA, située en Californie, accueille 4 millions d’habitants, plus de 20 millions dans son agglomération. Son climat et sa réputation, mythique, attirent les immigrés du monde entier. Une ville typiquement américaine L’une des premières choses qui impressionne lorsqu’on arrive à Los Angeles ? Le mythe hollywoodien Bien que les célèbres studios de cinéma comme Paramount, Universal ou Buena Vista tournent de plus en plus de films en dehors de la ville ou même du pays, le quartier d’Hollywood reste le principal centre de production cinématographique des Etats-Unis,voire du monde, et l’un des plus rentables. Les immigrés du monde entier continuent d’affluer Avec 140 nationalités différentes et plus de 224 langues étrangères, Los Angeles est un des principaux foyers d’immigration des Etats-Unis. Pascaline Roi

businessinsider Le site ressource des anglicistes La clé des langues anglais Question d'actualité - Roe v. Wade L'arrêt Roe v. Lire l'article Crafting a poetic voice as a 21st century Indian woman – An introduction to Menka Shivdasani Par Manon Boukhroufa-Trijaud This article aims at shedding light on the work of Menka Shivdasani, a key figure of contemporary Indian poetry in English. Lire l'article Learn ESL: How to Write a Resume Hi! This is Marnie Hall for Today, we're going to talk about writing a resume. Include Contact Information When Writing a Resume When writing a resume, there are certain parts that are very important to include. First, include your contact information right at the top. Add Work and Education Experience When Writing a Resume The next section of your resume includes your work experience. Consider Format When Writing a Resume Let's talk about the format of the resume. Thanks for watching.

Cours d'Anglais avec EF English Live | Englishtown How to Write a Resume or CV in English By Kenneth Beare Writing a resume in English can be very different than in your native tongue. The following article outlines how to write a resume. The most important step in how to write a resume is to take the time to prepare your materials thoroughly. Difficulty: Hard Time Required: 2 hours Here's How: First, take notes on your work experience - both paid and unpaid, full time and part time. continue reading below our video Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Begin resume by writing your full name, address, telephone number, fax and email at the top of the resume.Write an objective. Tips: Use dynamic action verbs such as: accomplished, collaborated, encouraged, established, facilitated, founded, managed, etc.Do NOT use the subject 'I', use tenses in the past. What You Need: PaperTypewriter or ComputerDictionaryThesaurusPast Employer Addresses

Yes, you can learn English. - Simple English News How to write a successful CV Probably the first CV was written by Leonardo Da Vinci 500 years ago. You can view it here. Since then things have moved slightly on, and now it's essential to have a well presented professional CV, but still many graduates get this wrong. What is a CV? Curriculum Vitae: an outline of a person's educational and professional history, usually prepared for job applications (L, lit.: the course of one's life). A CV is the most flexible and convenient way to make applications. An application form is designed to bring out the essential information and personal qualities that the employer requires and does not allow you to gloss over your weaker points as a CV does. There is no "one best way" to construct a CV; it is your document and can be structured as you wish within the basic framework below. When should a CV be used? When an employer asks for applications to be received in this format. What information should a CV include? What are the most important aspects of CV that you look for? Skills

Gap year Work and volunteer in exchange for food and accommodation whilst travelling abroad. "Megan was a great worker and was more than happy to do any thing asked of her to a high standard. Fitted in great with the team and always made sure ..." en savoir plus... pour Workawayer, 21.11.2017 "Fue un gusto tener a Isabella y Giulio con nosotros! "My workaway experience here with Cynthia and Natasha was beyond lovely. pour Host, 21.11.2017 "I wwoofed here for a week and really enjoyed my stay! "Natalie was a delight to have here with us for the 3 weeks, she is a wonderful cook and made some delicious meals for us and the guests. "Giles is the best, kindest and smartest workawayer you can dream of: if he contacts you, just say yes! pour Workawayer, 20.11.2017 "Grace's home is a good place for you who want an intimate acquaintance with Tuscany and practice American English and Italian at the same time. ..." "This was my first Work Away and I had a blast. "It was a real pleasure to stay with Xavier and Oisin. pour Host, 20.11.2017 "Un Lugar super acogedor y calido. "I stayed 3 weeks.

CV en anglais : les 5 erreurs des candidats français Lorsqu’il s’agit d’écrire un CV en anglais, les candidats français ne sont pas forcément les plus brillants. Erreurs de traduction, contenus approximatifs, problèmes de hiérarchisation… Tour d’horizon des erreurs à éviter si vous visez une carrière à l’international. 1ère erreur : la traduction mot à mot Si vous ne maîtrisez pas la langue de Shakespeare, ne comptez pas sur les traducteurs automatiques pour vous venir en aide. Trop approximatifs, ils se contentent généralement de traductions purement littérales. « Or, toute expression a besoin d’un contexte pour être correctement retranscrite », rappelle Marie-Laure Gaurat, directrice au sein du cabinet Page Personnel. Ces logiciels vous induiront en erreur en traduisant « savoir-faire » par « know-how », plutôt que par « expertise » ainsi que « grande école » par « high-school » (qui signifie lycée), plutôt que par « top school ».Dans la même veine, prenez garde aux faux amis, très présents dans les CV des candidats non-anglophones.
