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Top 10 Facebook Apps for Fan Engagement and Building Community

Top 10 Facebook Apps for Fan Engagement and Building Community
Are you looking for ways to better engage Facebook fans and build your community? These top 10 Facebook apps are, in my opinion, some of the most useful ones for pages when it comes to encouraging fan engagement and giving value to your community. They are also very easy to use. Some may be familiar to you, but you may find some new gems to try out. By the way, check out Top Ten Facebook Apps for Building Custom Tabs & Pages. #1: Fan of the Week for Pages Your fans like to be recognized. The application is free for the basic message shown below, but you can upgrade for a small fee to customize your message. When you are recognizing your audience for participation, they will watch for your posts. To add it to your page, just go to and then choose the page to add it to. Enabling the Fan of the Week for Pages app is easy. #2: Booshaka Booshaka is another application that will highlight the fans who are participating on your page more often. #3: NetworkedBlogs

23+ Essential Facebook Page Applications to Improve Fans Engagement in 2012 Greetings and Happy New Year! To kick off 2012, some of you may think of giving your Facebook Page a facelift. There may be some features you wish to add such as custom iframe tabs with fan gate option or ideas to encourage fans engagement on your Page. This review is based on my personal opinion only and has nothing to do with affiliation or app sponsorship whatsoever. To Encourage Fans Participation and File Sharing: #1 FriendCard FriendCard is a smart way to make your brand go viral by allowing fans to send customizable branded greeting cards to their friends. #2 Coupon for Pages What can be more exciting to offer fans some great deals on your Page? (Note: Transform the Coupon tab into a fan-gating tab to entice new ‘Likes’) #3 File Sharing File Sharing enables page admin to share up to (any) 5 files with fans on your Page. #4 Scribd for Pages #5 PDF Tab If you would like to share a PDF file with fans without the download option, this app might just meet your requirement. #6 Fotobabble

20 Great Video Applications For Facebook With over 3000 available applications, Facebook has become a platform for, well, just about anything. One of the most interesting categories of Facebook applications are videos - whether you can add videos to your profile, create playlists, share videos with friends or even edit them directly in your profile, it's all there. We've chosen 20 video applications for Facebook that we like the most. Video - one of the most popular applications for Facebook lets you add videos to your profile directly from your mobile, webcam, or hard drive. Flixster Movies - an application that lets you compare your movie taste with your friends. See what are they watching and let them know which movies you saw. Music Videos - get videos from your favorite artists. YouTube Video Box - show off your favorite videos from YouTube on your profile. YouTube Skins - similar to the YouTube Video Box, only skinnable. Playzr - share your favorite videos with friends and earn cash doing it. Yahoo! | From Fans to Leads Lee Green (leegreen282) 4 Easy Steps to Implement a Facebook Marketing Strategy Do you have a Facebook marketing strategy? Is your Facebook marketing is working? If you don’t have a strategy with goals in place for your Facebook Page, you won’t know if you are getting a return on your social media efforts! Your Facebook marketing strategy shouldn’t live in a vacuum—it needs to be integrated with your overall marketing plan. What You Need to Get Started Before you start marketing on Facebook, you should have these things in place: A good website: Your website is the hub of your business and should look professional and showcase what you have to offer your customers. Once you have done these things, you can begin to integrate your Facebook marketing with your overall marketing plan. Here are 4 steps to get your Facebook marketing strategy in place. #1: Set Goals Any strategy begins with goals. Consider some of these Facebook marketing goals as you craft your plan: Increase overall exposure and awareness. #2: Research Your Facebook research will include these areas:

Instagram Photos Now Show Up Full Size on Facebook Instagram has announced deeper integration with Facebook — now your Instagram pictures shared to Facebook will be displayed in full size on your timeline or the timeline of a friend. Not only will the photo show up in all its glory, but the caption you've added from within the Instagram app on the iPhone will be sitting there underneath. The integration goes even deeper, letting you share your friends' pictures (or even groups of pictures) from Instagram onto Facebook. You can create an "Instagram Photos" album on your Facebook account to aggregate all those photos. The insular nature of the Instagram service still remains, where the only platform you can use to take Instagram pictures is the iPhone. You can also share Instagram images that a friend has posted to Facebook by using the “Share” button below that friend’s image in order to post the photo to your own timeline, on a friend’s timeline, in a group, on your page, or in a private message. [via the official Instagram blog]

[Etude] Ce qu’attendent les fans des marques sur Facebook en 4 points Attentes, interactivité, réactivité, services, reconnaissance… Une récente étude, réalisée par CMO Council, met en évidence un véritable fossé entre les marques et les utilisateurs sur les réseaux sociaux, et ce, notamment sur Facebook. Selon l’étude, les consommateurs attendent davantage d’expériences, d’engagement, de récompenses lorsqu’ils se connectent aux marques sur les médias sociaux. Dans ses conclusions, CMO Council rappelle donc aux entreprises qu’acquérir de nouveaux fans n’est pas une fin en soi, mais un moyen permettant d’enrichir leur relation clients. Ainsi, basée sur un panel de 1300 consommateurs et de 132 senior marketers, l’étude identifie quatre décalages majeurs entre les deux entités. Fort de ce constat, CMO Council soumet plusieurs stratégies que les marques pourraient développer afin de coller davantage aux attentes de leurs clients. Les interactions entre fans : Le service clients : L’engagement des fans : Gamification et reconnaissance :

4 Essential Facebook Page Apps to Improve Communication With Fans This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. The number of Facebook applications can seem a little overwhelming at times. While Facebook doesn’t share an exact number, an independent website called AppData monitors trends for over 100,000 Facebook applications, which is a lot to sift through. As a business, trying to determine which of those apps can help your organization can be daunting. To get you started, here are four essential Facebook apps that allow you to better reach and communicate with your audience, as well as save you time for all those other things you have to do. 1. Tweets to Pages, which has 1.2 million monthly active users, will create a tab on your Facebook Page that displays a timeline of your company’s most recent tweets. 2. 3. The biggest advantage of this app is its customization options. 4.
