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Official Korea Tourism Organization

Official Korea Tourism Organization

Bukhansan Mountain Dulle-gil Trail Stretching across downtown Seoul and the Gyeonggi-do Province, Bukhansan Mountain Dulle-gil (a hiking trail 70km in total length) connects the forest paths and villages along the foothills of Bukhansan Mountain (alt. 836.5m) and Dobongsan Mountain (alt. 739.5m). The Bukhansan National Park, a popular destination throughout each of the four seasons, draws an impressive five million visitors each year, officially winning the Guinness Book of World Records for ‘Most Visited National Park per Unit of Area.’ Bukhansan and Dobongsan are some of the most popular mountains in the Seoul area, their granite peaks rising up over the city skyline in an ever-present reminder that nature is only a few steps away from urban life. Over 1,300 different species of plants and animals call the slopes and streams of these mountains their home, giving hikers of the Dulle-gil trail an authentic nature hike despite the trail’s convenient city location. Recommended Course 1#: Nature lovers hike Length : Level :

50 beautiful places to visit in Korea Some 25 million South Koreans -- about half the population -- travel abroad at least once a year, but it’s safe to assume that most haven't seen all the beautiful sights within the country. Seoul only takes up a mere 0.6 percent of South Korea's territory: here are 50 stunning photographs from the other 99.4 percent of the country that are all worth a visit. Here are the flowery spring landscapes, sandy beaches, rocky mountains and quietly stunning historic sites on your new Korean travel bucket list. And just in case you were wondering, they are in no particular order. Feel free to add some suggestions of your own in the comment box at the end of the article. 1. Cue the cinematic music. A UNESCO world heritage site, the peak is famous for many things, including numerous rare plant species, but is best known for the magnificent sight of the sun rising over it (hence the name). 1 Seongsan-ri, Seongsan-eup, Seogwipo, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (제주특별자치도 서귀포시 성산읍 성산리 1번지) 2. 3. 4. 5.

Japan Travel Guide - Travel to Japan 12 Tips to Help Travel & Explore Korea - Daegu, Korea Rep. Travel Blog Just thought I should share with people the various ways there are to research and plan events in Korea that I've been using 1) Facebook Groups.There are numerous groups that organize trips you can join, and can give you useful information about tours. I join all these groups to get on their mailing lists but dont actually go on the tours. Often they start out from Seoul, so this causes a problem for me living south in Daegu. What you can do is read their itinerary, learn about different regions/events, and do it on your own at a later time. Groups- Seoul Hiking Group- Discover Korea- Daegu Events & Tours- Korea Tourism Organization- Korea Clickers- Seoulite- Busan Daytrippers The first two on the list have something going on pretty much every weekend. 2) Visit Korea is the official Korean Tourism Website. 7) Google is a good way to see more images of a place/event and what to look for.

33 beautiful islands to visit in Korea Fact: If you tried to visit one Korean island a day, it would take you more than nine years to get to them all (there are 3,358 officially affirmed islands off the South Korean coast). While most travelers in the region have most likely heard of Jeju, Korea’s most famous island and one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature, the seas surrounding the peninsula are peppered with lesser-known islands with spectacular views and awesome fishing. For more information and directions to the islands, try searching for each island on the Visit Korea website, or calling Dasan Call Center (02-120) once you're in the country. 1. Magic? Many are familiar with Moses dividing the Red Sea, but this biblical story has its own, more scientifically plausible version on Seonjaedo. At low tide, the ocean parts to reveal a sandy path from Seonjaedo to the smaller satellite island of Mok. 2. The entire ocean may be filled with salt, but some islands are just better at getting the stuff out of it. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Trans Siberian Railway Start Trans-Siberian Trip Beijing Mongolia Moscow St Petersburg Dos and Don'ts Sesuai sama judulnya, apa yang harus dilakukan dan apa yang jangan dilakukan kalau Anda ingin (dan sedang) travel ke Korea. Saya rasa di internet udah banyak info2 tentang hal ini, tapi sekedar buat menegaskan lagi, saya coba juga ikut2an tulis di sini tentang hal tersebut. Oh iya, jangan lupa juga ya kalau ada hal yang ingin Anda tambahkan, silakan tinggalkan komen di bawah post ini, nanti saya akan upload juga (beserta nama Anda juga tentunya, hehehe). Buat Anda yang sudah sering bepergian ke luar negeri, sepertinya hal ini sudah menjadi hafalan di luar kepala, tapi buat Anda yang baru pertama kali ke luar negeri (in this case, ke Korea!), mungkin list di bawah ini bisa membantu walaupun sedikit. Anyway, here we go, what to do and what not to do when you're visiting (or before you visit) South Korea. Before departure: Paling utama adalah visa. Cari tahu tentang makanan Korea. During Your Stay in Seoul: Anyway, segini dulu deh yang bisa saya tulis.

South Korea general overview Best Spring-time Destinations In April, the country is covered in white cherry blossom petals, mountains are ablaze with yellow forsythias, and villages are blooming with sansuyu (dogwood). Here is a list of the best places across the nation to visit in the spring and enjoy the beautiful, colorful spring blossoms! Spring Flower Sites in the Seoul Area Yeouido's Yunjung-ro Cherry Blossom Tunnel Yunjung-ro Path, located behind the National Assembly Building in Yeouido, Seoul, is one of the most popular destinations for viewing cherry blossoms. ☞ Transportation: 1. Namsan Mountain's Cherry Blossoms and Forsythias The Namsan Circular Road, which connects Namsan Library to Namsan Octagonal Pavilion and the National Theater of Korea in Jangchung-dong, is a beautiful scenic route lined with forsythias, azaleas, and cherry blossoms. The walk from Namsan Library at the base to Palgakjeong Pavilion at the top of the mountain takes about 40 minutes. ☞ Transportation: 1. Kyunghee University's Cherry Blossom Road
