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Greening the Desert Video - Parts I and II (French Subtitles)

Greening the Desert Video - Parts I and II (French Subtitles)

linkages analysis - short simple outline: Is permaculture a spiritual movement or a secular science ? - Terra Alta This is a question that lots of people have been asking me, specially our students in the permaculture design courses that we run in southern Europe, Portugal. And actually I also have been asking that same question to myself. Does it need an answer? Lets see what it will come as I type in… First impression is that I sense that lot´s of us have been traumatized by patriarchal religions, in such a way that all that sound´s like religion immediately creates a closing reaction to the topic. But talking about spirituality and religion is something totally different. Lets take a look into the spheres that the originals , Holmgren and Mollison, proposed and see if they are separated or interconnected? They are actually connected as we see from the black trinity flower which already give us some hints to our answer. Now lets look at 3 spheres that are not connected: There are no interconnection here, still they are touching each other but not establishing connections. And its all about bad design!
