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Dalton Ghetti

Dalton Ghetti

Alexandre Farto aka Vhils Selected Works Enrico Ferrarini Wood Plums | Piume in legno Commissione | Commission finitura - refinitura e levigatura, marmo statuario di Carrara. "Attimo I" (A.M.O.R.E) This project is meant to give a “voice” to the sculpture, recreating a word, using the sequence number in the position of the mouth in pronunciation of several letters that make up the word. Scultura realizzata insieme all’amica e scultrice non vedente Manuela Benvenuti. wood basement | basamento in legno preparazione "Sara" (verginità | virginity) Making of gypsum copy | Calco a perdere Il progetto è una ricerca sulla forma e percezione della stessa. Materiali: specchio deformante e (in questo caso) plastilina. Dimensioni: 50 x 80 cm (specchio) Anno: 2013 Is a research about the combination of/form and perception thereof. "il romanzo degli sposi" (commissione) "dal profondo del cuore" at Teatro Le Laudi in collaborazione con KAOS balletto di Firenze.

Her Royal Majesty — A Paris-based literary arts magazine Francesca Woodman « Les choses du réel ne me font pas peur, seulement celles qui sont au fond de moi. » Francesca Woodman. Pour approcher de cette légende de la photographie qu’est devenue Francesca Woodman, il faut certes se plonger dans l’univers oppressant de ses photographies, mais aussi se souvenir des mots de Alejandra Pizarnik et de Sylvia Plath, autres suicidées de la vie, aspirées par le néant. D’ailleurs ses images sont réputées pour être celles d’une « Sylvia Plath de la photographie ». Son inquiétante précocité, sa beauté fuyante, son impudeur et sa pudeur extrême à la fois, montrant son corps nu et le dérobant sans cesse, sa fin tragique surtout, ont tissé cette légende. Son œuvre ne ressemble à nulle autre et son art photographique rend la photographie irréelle. Maintenant encore elle demeure une énigme un peu effrayante par sa maturité anormale à son âge, son besoin d‘introspection et d’effacement. Combien de temps pourrai-je être un mur, protégeant du vent ? haut de la page Gil Pressnitzer

OBEY GIANT - WORLDWIDE PROPAGANDA DELIVERY 张克纯 : ZHANG KECHUN étapes: design & culture visuelle Slinkachu REDUX | gratuit, original et collector Todd Hido Culturebox - France Télévisions home slideshow back to galleries View Favorites blu_source/gallery.php?curr_page=1&sec_id=3&gal_id=1&gal_type=&gal_name=UNDEREXPOSED 2/featured/UNDEREXPOSED/1 none Portraits blu_source/gallery.php? 3/featured/Portraits/3 Health Care blu_source/gallery.php? 3/featured/Health_Care/6 William's Haircut blu_source/gallery.php? 4/featured/William's_Haircut/4 blu_source/gallery.php? 5/featured/PHILMS/2 Concepts blu_source/gallery.php? 6/featured/Concepts/5 back to galleries View Favorites blu_source/gallery.php? 2/featured/UNDEREXPOSED/1 none Portraits blu_source/gallery.php? 3/featured/Portraits/3 Health Care blu_source/gallery.php? 3/featured/Health_Care/6 William's Haircut blu_source/gallery.php? 4/featured/William's_Haircut/4 blu_source/gallery.php? 5/featured/PHILMS/2 Concepts blu_source/gallery.php? 6/featured/Concepts/5

Remake / Submissions I will be updating this post with all the submissions to our “Remake” project. Check back here to see work as it comes in and make sure yours is added! Full details about this project are here. “Composition With Red, Blue and Yellow” remake by Katie Jackson “Composition With Red, Blue and Yellow” by Mondrian “Weeping Woman” remake by Frances Adair Mckenzie “Weeping Woman” by Picasso “The Two Fridas” remake by Claire Ball “The Two Fridas” by Frida Kahlo “Le Désespéré” remake by Stefano Telloni “Le Désespéré” remake by Dani Catao “Le Désespéré” by Gustave Courbet “The Little Dance” remake by Floida and Fabiola Skraqi “The Little Dance” by Degas “Pot Pourri” remake by Tania Brassesco and Lazlo Passi Norberto “Pot Pourri” by Herbert James Draper “Las Meninas” remake by Natalie Pereira “Las Meninas” by Velasquez “The Beaneater” remake by Mark Bass “The Beaneater” by Annibale Carracci “Portrait of Frank O Hara” remake by Steven Reigns “Portrait of Frank O Hara” by Mario Schifano “The Ship” by Salvador Dali
