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Explain this bullshit - Quotes from the Illuminati Quotes from the Illuminati Updated 11 April 1999 Note – The word "Illuminati" was the predecessor of the two terms Zionism and / or Freemasonry. "It doesn't matter who the people voted for; they always vote for us". Illuminati Statement "We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money." Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995) THAT quotation and the following - and many others like them – clearly demonstrate that the words "new world order" are deadly serious and furthermore, have been in use for decades. "The world is governed by personalities very different to what people that cannot see further than their eyes, believe" Benjamin Disraeli, Statesman "Behind the October Revolution there are more influential personalities than the thinkers and executors of Marxism" Lenin, Illuminati Winston Churchill, 33 Degree Freemason "What we say, goes" "... in politics nothing is accidental. Franklin D. And I know it is true". J.

Quote On Neglect - Picture Quotes - StumbleUpon People do what people actually want to do. This simple statement holds itself to be true in 99% of peoples lives. If a person really wants to do a certain thing, and they have their heart set on it, then more than likely they will accomplish it. This especially holds true in a lot of relationships you may encounter, if you haven't already encountered it. When someone doesn't show up when they say they will, always cancels plans, or just doesn't come around even though they have ample opportunity to, chances are they really don't want to be a part of your life. Realizing and accepting this may be a very hard pill to swallow, but is essential for ones happiness.

The Frenemy., An Open Letter To American Apparel Hello there- I don’t really wear your clothes. Well, actually, I wear this one sweatshirt of yours sometimes, but I stole it from my roommate who stole it from a friend, and I’m thinking this doesn’t count. Anyways, I was just writing to tell you something I thought of after visiting your store the other day. That something is this: Really, dude? Your clothes aren’t serious, are they? I guess I’m not being fair: as much as I enjoy scowling at the world and wearing a sparkly high waisted breast reducer, I don’t really like wearing that at all. These are seen in most of your advertisements, by the way. The main beef, here, is that you call yourself American. you look kind of stupid. Or maybe you’re kidding. War is a Racket War is a Racket By General Smedley D. Butler That war is a racket has been told us by many, but rarely by one of this stature. Though he died in 1940, the highly decorated General Butler (two esteemed Medals of Honor) deserves to be heralded for his timeless message, which rings true today more than ever. His riveting 1935 book War is a Racket merits inclusion as required reading for every high school student, and for every member of our armed forces today. Foreword Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933 by General Smedley Butler, USMC War is just a racket. It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. I helped make Mexico safe for American oil interests in 1914. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. CHAPTER ONE: War Is A Racket War is a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people.

Snappy comebacks and one liners Skip to comments. Snappy comebacks and one liners strangecosmos Posted on Tue Jan 8 00:33:12 2002 by damnlimey 1) Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view. 2) The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist. 3) I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. 4) Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental. 5) I have plenty of talent and vision. 6) I like you. 7) What am I? 8) I'm not being rude. 9) I'm already visualizing the masking tape over your mouth. 10)Everybody is somebody else's weirdo. 11) I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you. 12) It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off. 13) Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial. 14) No, my powers can only be used for good. 15) How about never? 16) I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me. 17) You sound reasonable...Time to up my medication. 21) Who me?

An Essay by Einstein -- The World As I See It "How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people -- first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving... "I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves -- this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. "My political ideal is democracy.
