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Weird News from all over Asia The Mystery Casebook - Cryptids, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabra, Sea Monsters, Aliens, UFO News, Mysterious Places, Photos, Video Daily Grail Frontpage Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization Fahrenheit 451 Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le titre fait référence au point d'auto-inflammation, en degrés Fahrenheit, du papier. Cette température équivaut à un peu moins de 233 °C. Résumé[modifier | modifier le code] Première partie : Le foyer et la salamandre[modifier | modifier le code] Dans la nuit, le pompier Guy Montag marche sur la route pour rentrer chez lui. Arrivé chez lui, il trouve sa femme Mildred étendue sur le lit sans connaissance et à ses pieds gît un petit flacon de cristal vide : elle vient d'absorber son contenu, une trentaine de comprimés d'un somnifère. Le lendemain, elle ne se souvient plus de rien. Montag croise régulièrement Clarisse dans la rue. Depuis quatre jours, Montag ne voit plus Clarisse. Un peu à la traîne, Montag repart en mission. Le capitaine quitte leur maison en demandant à Montag de revenir travailler. Cette partie se termine alors qu'il vient de lire l'extrait d'un livre. Deuxième partie : Le tamis et le sable[modifier | modifier le code]

Neatorama The Jersey Devil The Jersey Devil, the supposed mythical creature of the New Jersey Pinelands, has haunted New Jersey and the surrounding areas for the past 260 years. This entity has been seen by over 2,000 witnesses over this period. It has terrorized towns and caused factories and schools to close down, yet many people believe that the Jersey Devil is a legend, a mythical beast, that originated from the folklore of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Others disagree with this point of view. There are many different versions of the birth of the Jersey Devil. Another story placed the birth in Estelville, NJ. Burlington, NJ, also claims to be the birthplace of the Jersey Devil. There are many other versions of the legend. The first thing that ties the legends together is the name "Leeds". The origins provide some validity to the existence of the Jersey Devil, but the sightings are the most substantial pieces of evidence. From the pre 1909 era, few documented records of sightings still exist. on them. Jack E.

Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena This is a follow up to the Possible Bigfoot Detected - Yadkin River, Davie County, NC post from Thursday, July 28th. I received two emails, one on Friday and the other this morning, that referenced 'something' stalking the same general area. Both witnesses requested to remain anonymous at this time: Concerning the 'Bigfoot on the Yadkin River in Davie County'. I live several miles up river from where this event took place. I am approximately 4 miles from the Yadkin River but at night on occasion I have heard the tree knocking, the howls but I have never seen one or saw a track. When I first started hearing the howls it happened on a regular basis from about 10:00P.M. to 1:00A.M. or 2:00 A.M. Please do not reveal my name or contact info if you publish this letter. I read your piece about an unknown animal or possible Bigfoot in Davie County. I have heard stories of sightings but people around here kind of keep these things quiet. Later.... This is a living being.

Nessie on the Net! The Ultimate Loch Ness Monster Live Cam, Scotland Parménide Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Parménide d'Élée (Παρμενίδης) Philosophe grec Antiquité Parménide Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] On ne connaît pas avec exactitude les dates de naissance et de mort de Parménide. Parménide était le fils de Pyrès (ou Pyrrhès)[4]. Doctrine[modifier | modifier le code] Parménide a écrit en vers un traité De la nature ; selon la Souda, il aurait également écrit des œuvres en prose, mais ce point est controversé. Parménide divisait la philosophie en deux parties nettement opposées, la vérité, (ἀλήθεια) et l'opinion (δόξα). « Χρεὼ δέ σε πάντα πυθέσθαι ἠμέν Ἀληθείης εὐκυκλέος ἀτρεμὲς ἦτορ ἠδὲ βροτῶν δόξας, ταῖς οὐκ ἔνι πίστις ἀληθής. » « Apprends donc toutes choses, Et aussi bien le cœur exempt de tremblement Propre à la Vérité à l'orbe pur, Que les opinions des mortels, dans lesquelles Il n'est rien qui soit vrai ni digne de crédit. » Fragment 1, 28 à 30[3]. Physique[modifier | modifier le code] Parménide et Gorgias[modifier | modifier le code]

BibliOdyssey Cryptozoology Online: Centre for Fortean Zoology (CFZ) - the world's best cryptozoology organisation - main page 6 Real Islands Way More Terrifying Than The One On 'Lost' Summer's right around the corner, and it's time to pick your next vacation spot. Now, we know the problem you're facing: You want a nice island paradise, but you also want to experience horrors beyond comprehension, and maybe you even want to die on your trip. Well, we've got some great islands for you... Ilha de Queimada Grande; A.K.A. Snake Island Over at, there's an article that opens with a description of, "A deserted island where the forest floor writhes with the world's most venomous vipers. And no, is not a site for terrifying Indiana Jones / Anaconda slash-fiction. Now you may be asking, "But Cracked, there are poisonous snakes in loads of countries. Remember how we mentioned the snakes only live on this one island? Not pictured: The dead people just out of shot. Now imagine five of those. Let's back up and talk about that fisherman: And the lighthouse keeper's family? Yeah. Think of the scariest premise you can for a horror movie. The year is 1945.
