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Everyone - Think Before You Post (English)

Everyone - Think Before You Post (English)

How Should Social Media Be Taught in Schools? Before we ask how, I think we should address why social media should be taught in schools. Students may appear to be comfortable using social media, but don’t assume that they know how to use it appropriately in a classroom setting. Educators Baiyun Chen and Thomas Bryer from the University of Central Florida conducted research on instructional strategies for social media last year, and they pointed out that, “one of the common themes in previous research is that students use social media for personal reasons, but rarely for educational or learning purposes.” With this in mind, teaching students how to appropriately use social media becomes not just a good idea; it becomes a school’s responsibility. The Gift of Social Learning Social media can provide two things that are critical for student engagement in a literate environment: audience and purpose. Audience refers to those who will see what students create and share. Purpose is the reason students are doing the work.

Overcoming Hurdles to Social Media in Education (EDUCAUSE Review Key Takeaways According to a recent study, 100 percent of colleges and universities surveyed use social media, but instructors use it far less for teaching than they do for personal or professional reasons. Of those who use social media for instruction, most use video in the classroom and many use blogs and wikis. Social media has made its way into higher education. Many higher-education professionals are using social media for marketing and communication, but faculty are also adopting it in the teaching and learning process. Here, I'll discuss the findings from our recent survey at Pearson Learning Solutions, which highlighted faculty concerns about social media. Survey: Social Media and Higher Ed In this podcast, author Hester Tinti-Kane interviews Jeff Seaman of the Babson Survey Research Group. This slide show shares results of the survey in graphical form (27 slides). One area where faculty adoption is almost universal is in the use of video for classes. Barriers to Adoption Twitter

Is Social Media Right For Your School? Saturday, January 5, 2013 11:05 am, Posted by | Social Media Topics: , , , Social media plays a critical role in just about everyone’s life. A new infographic from Online Universities examines the pros and cons of social media in schools. Now, how do schools use social media? So which schools have the biggest presence (in terms of quantifiable numbers, that is) on social media? See any stats or figures that surprise you? Great Reads From Edudemic Partners:

Facebook Is Not a Front Porch I created this photo prompt and used it as an optional warm-up. The results were interesting. Students care far more about numbers of friends, followers, likes and favorites than what I had thought. Here are a few of the student quotes (posted with permission): "I check Facebook first thing in the morning. "There's a rush to having ten likes all at once." "I try to tell myself that it doesn't matter if I lose followers, but it hurts." "Sometimes I take a picture on Instagram and all the hearts make me think that I might be a good photographer. I am still a fan of social media and the notion of being connected. So, my lingering thought is this: We need front porches now more than ever before.

Teens On Twitter: They're Migrating Sometimes For Privacy - The Huffington Post CHICAGO -- Teens don't tweet, will never tweet - too public, too many older users. Not cool. That's been the prediction for a while now, born of numbers showing that fewer than one in 10 teens were using Twitter early on. But then their parents, grandparents, neighbors, parents' friends and anyone in-between started friending them on Facebook, the social networking site of choice for many – and a curious thing began to happen. Suddenly, their space wasn't just theirs anymore. "I love twitter, it's the only thing I have to myself ... cause my parents don't have one," Britteny Praznik, a 17-year-old who lives outside Milwaukee, gleefully tweeted recently. While she still has a Facebook account, she joined Twitter last summer, after more people at her high school did the same. Teens tout the ease of use and the ability to send the equivalent of a text message to a circle of friends, often a smaller one than they have on crowded Facebook accounts. "Facebook is like shouting into a crowd.

10 things you don't know about teens and social networking | Parenting (Photo: Getty Images)By Sarah B. Weir Its 10 pm, do you know where your children are? I recently sat down with the cast (whose names have been changed below) and asked them to share about their experiences with social networking. "There's more 'life' happening online than offline. --Hannah, 13 years old "I'm online even during class. --Emma, 14 years old "I feel safer online than I do offline. --Sadie, 14 years old "I've become very good at taking pictures of myself. --Katie, 15 years old "Social networking affects all the things you do in real life now. --Caroline, 14 years old "I feel sad, depressed, jealous, or whatever when I don't get a lot of "Likes" on my photo or when someone else gets way more Likes than me. --Samantha, 14 years old "Sometimes I feel like I'm losing control. --Nina, 15 years old "My friendships are really affected by social networking. --Jasmine, 13 years old --Nikki, 13 years old "I really want my mom to be proud of me. --Maya, 14 years old Professor Larry D.

10 Things Your Students Should Know About Their Digital Footprints Building a digital legacy is an issue I believe doesn’t garner enough attention in our personal and professional lives. In fact, some of the heaviest users of online tools and social media, are our young students, who are growing up as a generation of visual learners and visual attention seekers. This is in fact the Facebook and YouTube generation, and the reality is that many teens are unconcerned about the dangers of sharing personal information online. A highly respected education advocate, Kevin Honeycutt, once asked me if any of us from our generation (GenX and before), had ever made a mistake in puberty. He then asked if our mistakes are “Googleable.” The reality is that our mistakes from puberty are not “Googleable”. With that in mind, I have developed some important facts and opinions that our students should be completely aware of as they live in their digital world, creating digital footprints along the way. 1.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) Good luck!

Crowdsourced School Social Media Policy Now Available I’ve been seeing a lot of people on social media looking for a social media policy and / or an acceptable use policy. So I offered to help spearhead an initiative where some of our amazing readers could help craft these policies from scratch. It started out very basic but, 400 edits later, has materialized into a thoughtful and well-organized document that’s a great template for any school. Want to edit the living document? Social Media Responsible Use Guidelines 2012-2013 We encourage teachers, students, staff, and other school community members to use social networking/media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) as a way to connect with others, share educational resources, create and curate educational content, and enhance the classroom experience. We’ve created these social networking/media guidelines for you to follow when representing the school in the virtual world. Please do the following: Use good judgment We expect you to use good judgment in all situations. Be respectful Be a good listener

Students Battle School Districts Over First Amendment Rights On Social Media Across the country, school administrators are restricting Twitter and Facebook use, even outside of school. Numerous cases highlight retaliation against students for things stated online, such as in social media and through blogging, addressing their First Amendment rights outside the realm of the education system. (Photo/Ed Yourdon via Flickr) When a New York high school student started a Twitter campaign highlighting his district’s budget woes, he found himself suspended from school for what the administration labeled as harassment. Pat Brown, a senior at Cicero-North Syracuse High School and member of the student council, began tweeting about the 2012-13 failed district budget, accompanying his tweets with the hashtag #shitCNSshouldcut. The hashtag caught on among students, creating a social media frenzy administration officials weren’t thrilled with. The revolution will be tweeted In Brown’s case, administrators applied district rules to the student’s out-of-school behavior.

12 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media The last thing young people want is another set of rules. But these days, social media comes with great responsibility, whether you're just starting high school or finishing up college. The fact is, irresponsible social media conduct could potentially ruin your education and negatively impact your career, not to mention hurt others in the process. (And we're not just talking kids, either.) But most of those consequences are preventable, often with just a little foresight. We've pinpointed 12 social media mistakes that students should avoid at all costs, because after all, it's never as simple as "be responsible." Please head to the comments below to add your own contributions and advice for young adults on social media. 1. Granted, high school and college students experiment with many activities and substances. Once or twice per year, perform a thorough review of the information and content accessible on your social media profiles. 2. Check your school's policy on bullying. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Curriculum: Understanding YouTube & Digital Citizenship – Google in Education Overview We have devised an interactive curriculum aimed to support teachers of secondary students (approximately ages 13-17). The curriculum helps educate students on topics like: YouTube’s policies How to report content on YouTube How to protect their privacy online How to be responsible YouTube community members How to be responsible digital citizens We hope that students and educators gain useful skills and a holistic understanding about responsible digital citizenship, not only on YouTube, but in all online activity. Lessons in English Below is a list of lessons, and the recommended flow for delivery. Or you can download the Full Teacher's Guide or the Full Set of Slides in PDF. Lessons in Additional Languages Below is a list of lessons and resources in additional languages beyond English: Learn more To learn more visit the Classroom videos page of this website, where you can find links to information on:

Facebook as an Instructional Technology Tool Can the wildly popular social network be used constructively in the classroom? This student’s story says it can. Yesterday, student Kristen Nicole Cardon submitted a comment in response to my post 5 Reasons Why Educators Need To Embrace Internet Technologies in which she explained how she used Facebook in a course she took. I really appreciated her well stated discussion of how Facebook was used in the course and how the approach succeeded (slightly edited in the following excerpt). “In my British Literary History course last winter semester, my professor created a class facebook group which we all joined. This way of conducting class was effective because: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We shouldn’t discount facebook when it has proven to be a worthwhile classroom tool. Kristen blogs at, stop by and visit to learn more about her experiences with Facebook in an educational setting, and more. Using braindump, you will pass real test on first try. About Kelly Walsh

Facebook Friending 101 for Schools Facebook has added an incredible complexity to our lives and relationships for one simple reason: it is in writing. The courts have always put things "in writing" in higher esteem above word of mouth. Now that we are inundated with video, text, and photographs and a set of complex relationships - we end up with things "in writing" that are distributed far beyond our true "friends" into places that get us in trouble. I don't have all the answers but am wrestling with this problem and want to lay out the facts so you and I can become co-travelers on this journey. Defining "Friend" Anyone who has seen The Social Network finds Mark Zuckerberg's use of the word "friend" ironic as through the course of the movie we see him lose the few friends he has in order to gain the millions that are online. In "the South" we are taught to be friendly from the moment our Mom's tell us as a drooling tot to "say hello because he just said hello to you." Wrong. Let's get this straight. You are on Facebook.

Which Social Network should you use? Infographic on which to use when. Social Networks are a great resource for businesses, keeping in touch with friends, and education. Social Networks help educators and students learn, stay in contact, connect, share and more. But which Social Network is best for what? Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, the many systems made for education (Twiducate, Edmodo, etc). Which do you use? Many schools and teachers like to use systems like Edmodo and Twiducate because they can keep things private and see who is accessing the information. Here are some articles on different social networks and what they are useful for, as well as some course management systems that include social networking features. Related:
