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Social media news, strategy, tools, and techniques

Social media news, strategy, tools, and techniques The Sales Lion by Marcus Sheridan: Marketing, Small Business, Blogging, and Life Success Principles Delivered with Passion! The Future of Search is Mobile, Autonomous & Serendipitous, Says Google CEO Google CEO Eric Schmidt, speaking to the audience at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco this week, said that his company expects mobile to dominate search at some point in the future. "Eventually, we think mobile will be the majority of the searches and the majority of the revenue," he said. But that future could take a long time to get here, he added. Schmidt also touched on the future of search in general, at least as Google sees it, speaking of a time when Google searches become automatic and autonomous, leading to "serendipitous" discovery of the world around you. Future of Search is Mobile Google is already seeing a trend towards increased mobile search, said Schmidt, citing the growing number of searches the company has seen coming from Android phones, the sharp rise in handset sales and the rapid adoption of the mobile Web worldwide. Another somewhat startling figure Schmidt cited was the growth of the mobile Web in general.

Why the Fashion Industry Is Betting Big on Branded Online Content Macala Wright Lee is the publisher of FashionablyMarketing.Me. Wright Lee is a retail consultant who's firm, Fashionably Digital, specializes marketing consulting for fashion, luxury and beauty brands. You can follower her on twitter at @FashMarketing. The fashion industry’s use of branded content gained momentum in 2010. In 2011, retailers will have three big shifts to consider as part of their branded content strategy. While many brands approach branded content in different ways, Susan Etlinger of The Altimeter Group feels that all retailers and fashion brands must: Talk to their customers; consumers expect dialogue with the brands they care about.Need to be able to shift between channels — web, mobile, print, broadcast — with a moment's notice in order to keep a constant stream of communication with customers.Maintain a consistent brand experience, no matter where the customers are or what they're doing. Indie Fashion and Big Brand Collaborations The Rise of Fashion Films 1. 1.

Sztuka obrazu i obrazowania w epoce nowych mediów - Zawojski Piotr za 54,49 zł do góry Wiedza o sposobie istnienia i funkcjonowania obrazów we współczesnej kulturze epoki nowych mediów nie doczekała się jeszcze u nas ujęcia monograficznego. Taką lukę wypełni książką Piotra Zawojskiego. Autor daje nowatorski wgląd w pole twórczych zastosować cyfrowych technologii obrazowania. Dostarcza poręcznych narzędzi i strategii opisu owych procesów i zjawisk. Książka dotyczy zagadnienia audiowizualności w epoce powszechnej digitalizacji procesów kreacji, postprodukcji i dystrybucji obrazu(ów). Les Réseaux Sociaux en Entreprises (synthèse de notre Petit-Déje Depuis l’émergence du Web 2.0, les changements de comportement des internautes et leur attachement à l’utilisation quotidienne des sites dits "réseaux sociaux" sont significatifs. L’internaute n’est plus un simple spectateur mais un réel acteur du Web. Une manière nouvelle d’échanger, de communiquer, de partager l’information se diffuse au sein de la société et désormais au sein des entreprises. En parallèle, une mutation s’amorce au niveau du management des entreprises. Des concepts proches des réseaux sociaux (collaboration, participation, évaluation par les pairs...) font leur apparition dans les techniques d’encadrement. Différentes "success stories" montrent en effet le lien étroit entre les nouvelles pratiques de management et l’adoption de ces réseaux sociaux. Nous vous proposons à travers cet article une analyse des critères qui vont favoriser le développement des réseaux sociaux, discerner différents types de réseaux sociaux et leurs fonctions associées. État des lieux Les Membres

Econsultancy | Become a smarter digital marketer Welcome to | 7 Stellar Examples of Branded Content from the Fashion Industry Macala Wright Lee is the publisher of FashionablyMarketing.Me. Wright Lee is a retail consultant whose firm, Fashionably Digital, specializes in marketing consulting for fashion, luxury and beauty brands. You can follower her on Twitter at @FashMarketing. One of the most popular trends in the fashion industry this year has been brand generated content. From online blogzines to Tumblr-powered micro sites, branded content is quickly becoming a cost effective, long-term online marketing strategy that the fashion industry will continue to utilize as brands and retailers look for new, innovative ways to connect with customers online. Branded content creation serves several purposes: customer entertainment, stealth advertising and social engagement. In 2011, branded content is going to be the consumer fashion marketing trend to watch. 1. In 2010, no one did this better than Louis Vuitton and its NOWNESS. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Goop isn’t a blog or a mobile app. 7.

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