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Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86

Android-x86 - Porting Android to x86

WebViewDemo In this demo, we get to view a web address in a totally different way by sidestepping the default browser and creating our own custom webviewer. The key to creating the custom webviewer is the MyWebViewClient class that extends the WebViewClient class. With its key method shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view,url) that gives control to application when a new url is loaded in the provided view. Code: package org.example.webviewdemo; import;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.KeyEvent;import android.view.View;import android.view.View.OnClickListener;import android.view.View.OnKeyListener;import android.webkit.WebView;import android.webkit.WebViewClient;import android.widget.Button;import android.widget.EditText; public class WebViewDemo extends Activity { private WebView webView; private EditText urlField; private Button goButton; // workaround so that the default browser doesn't take over webView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient()); main.xml 2. Output

Documentaires gratuits 60 Beautiful Wallpapers for Your Android Phone The wallpaper is one of the most basic customizations on any computing device, be it your computer screen or your phone. It is the one thing most of us change the moment we get our hands on a new device. — and, if you’re like me, every few days. Unfortunately, it isn’t difficult to get bored by the stock wallpaper collection, and finding good wallpapers for Android phones on the web is not the easiest of tasks. Let us take that challenge, then, and present to you a collection of 60 kick-ass wallpaper images to spice up your home screens. Note that the wallpapers in the list below are in two different sizes, which are most common across the huge variety of Android phones out there. We have divided the images into three broad categories – patterns for a minimalistic and consistent background; photographs for more vivid imagery and artwork for that subtle creative touch. Patterns Chic Pattern :: 960×854 pixels (+ more) Chic Pattern Blue Pattern :: 960 x 854 pixels Blue Pattern Grunge Canvas Wave

How to set up wireless iTunes sync with the Samsung Galaxy S iPhone users, eat your hearts out. If you're making a list of features that the iPhone should absolutely have but doesn't, wireless synchronization with iTunes will likely be near the top of that list. While iPhone users may forever find themselves wondering when or even if they will see such functionality come to fruition, Android users can partake in this fantastic phenomenon now with the help of TuneSync. In this guide, we show you how to set up TuneSync on your Samsung Galaxy S and start syncing with iTunes wirelessly on your Mac or Windows PC. Download and install TuneSync on your OS X or Windows-powered machine Launch the TuneSync software Organize and/or create the playlists in iTunes that you want to sync to your device Download and install the TuneSync client on your device by searching for "TuneSync" in the Android Market, or by scanning the following QR code Once you have the app installed, select the Host Computer option Scroll down, and select Sync Now And that's it!

Android-X86 faster emulator | Gokifu random notes about all Default ARM Emulator which comes with Android is very slow. So idea to setup X86 Version of Anroid into VirtualBox and use it for deploy. There are nice project Requirements for usage: To have fully installed anroid development environment setup sdk . Virtual Box Name of Image Android-2.2-Generic Operating System: Linux Version : Linux 2.6 Memory 512 GB Create Hard Disk 3GB Open Settings->Network Adapter 1 – NAT # (eth0) this for internet browsing Adapter 2 – Host Only #(eth1) this for adb management connection Connect iso Image here Download android-x86-2.2-generic.iso Start virtual machine To Control process use arrow up,down ,left,right Follow the steps ,select in menu 1. *There are some problems with deploy sample applications from Android SDK. 7. Unmount CD Image pressing on Icon Reboot system The emulator keyboard short-cuts F6 switch mode of emulator Main screen If there are problems no Mouse Cursor in Android-X86 Virtual Machine .

Relevés - Identification Ce site permet à chacun de saisir ses relevés d'eau, électricité et gaz et de bénéficier des avantages suivants : saisie simple affichage et modification des relevés saisis affichage des statistiques de consommation : consommation passée consommation moyenne par année et par mois graphique des consommations moyennes alerte si dérive constatée envoi automatique d'un mail de rappel selon la fréquence choisie (par mois, trimestre) comparaison (valeurs moyennes non nominatives) avec d'autres relevés selon le type et la superficie de l'habitation et le nombre de personnes du foyer Pourquoi suivre ses relevés ? Consommateur de base : je reçois ma facture, je paye (enfin, il vaut mieux...). Consommateur curieux : je reçois ma facture, je regarde le détail des montants, je paye. Consommateur avisé : je reçois ma facture, je regarde le détail des montants, je paye (et oui, toujours), je compare avec les factures précédentes. des diminutions, signes d'un effort en économie d'énergie, Inconvénient: Avantages :

2.3 Platform Highlights The Android 2.3 platform introduces many new and exciting features for users and developers. This document provides a glimpse at some of the new features and technologies in Android 2.3. For detailed information about the new developer APIs, see the Android 2.3 version notes. New User Features UI refinements for simplicity and speed The user interface is refined in many ways across the system, making it easier to learn, faster to use, and more power-efficient. Faster, more intuitive text input The Android soft keyboard is redesigned and optimized for faster text input and editing. The keyboard adds the capability to correct entered words from suggestions in the dictionary. New multitouch key-chording lets the user quickly enter numbers and symbols by pressing Shift+<letter> and ? One-touch word selection and copy/paste When entering text or viewing a web page, the user can quickly select a word by press-hold, then copy to the clipboard and paste. Improved power management Internet calling

UNetbootin - Homepage and Downloads An alternative to the Android emulator and setting up ADB for TCP. [Update 7/28/11 :See updated information at the end of this post] I touched on it in my last post, but Android x86 running on Virtual Box can often (but not always) perform better than the standard Android emulator. OpenGL is painfully slow on either. I'm running one of their pre-built Froyo binaries, but Gingerbread source is on the site, if you're feeling adventurous. The main advantages are: it starts up fasterless prone to lockups the the SDK emulatorit depends somewhat on what you're app is doing, but many things, like file system IO and math intensive code, seem to execute much faster The main disadvantages are: Steps to get ADB working over TCP/IP on Windows Step 1: Find the IP address of your Android device. We need to know what IP address to point ADB to. Open the "Dev Tools" app and run the terminal terminal emulator. You should see a blue shell window. Type: su <enter> ifconfig eth0 <enter> The output of the ifconfig command should give you the IP address of your device. Open a DOS box.
