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Create a Personal Learning Network

Create a Personal Learning Network
Creating a Personal Learning Network (PLN) What is a PLN? A PLN is a way for you to make connections and share ideas and resources. Lots of Great Resources on Personal Learning Networks Quotes about PLN's: @kylepace:Because of this PLN,not only do I grow professionally, but I have made professional connections and friendships around the world @wmchamberlain: #edchat a PLN lets us access the best of the best, not just someone close by. @djainslie: My PLN opened the world to me 'the world is open' @JasonFlom: PLN's flatten the world, removing barriers to collaboration, corroboration, and general camaraderie. @wmchamberlain: #edchat a pln gives me hundreds of intelligent people to solve my problem. @cybraryman1: A PLN is a collection of interconnected minds that share ideas and information. Functions of a PLN: Connect - Collaborate - Contribute Benefits of a PLN: Teachers become: Aware, Connected, Empowered, Confident, LEARNERS! How to get started with a PLN: are great places to start.

Figuring Out Pinterest You Can How Join Pinterest Without An Invitation In case you haven’t heard, Pinterest is the hot new social media site of the moment. It’s not even open to the general public yet, and you have to request an invitation. Here are my picks for The Best Guides To Figuring Out Pinterest: Pinterest: A Beginner’s Guide to the Hot New Social Network is from Mashable. A Guy’s Guide To Pinterest is from Read Write Web. A Quick Guide To Pinterest from Envigor. Pinterest: A Step By Step Guide To Pinning Your Life Away is from Shoe String Launch. A Newbie’s Guide to Pinterest is from The Atlantic. Pinterest Works Better Than Google+ is from ReadWriteWeb. A Scrapbook on the Web Catches Fire is by David Pogue at The New York Times. Know Your Internet: What Is Pinterest and Why Should I Care? This slideshow is titled the Ultimate Guide To Pinterest: Your Pinterest cheat sheet is from Salon. How to Stay Safe on Pinterest is from Read Write Web. Make Your Facebook Page Looks Like A Pinterest One is from Go2Web20.

Pastevid DROPitTOme - Securely receive files from anyone to your Dropbox Professional Development Learning Design | PLANE [N.B. The web page this entry was originally referencing is no longer live on the web] After reading a blog post today titled "New Paradigm for Professional Development" by Mark Brumley it made me realise we at PLANE have not yet blogged about a whole heap of stuff about the methodology and philosophy of our project that people out there are obviously interested in and will find useful. Mark Brumley's post discusses how he introduces teachers on a Professional Development path to social media through a non-threatening process that builds their confidence through several steps (Consume, Curate, Create) till they become comfortable tweeting, blogging and able to establish their own school social networks (using Ning, Yammer,, etc). Phillipa Cordingly comments on Mark's blog that in addition to the above process Collaborate is another crucial element within Professional Development – and indeed that is how we feel at PLANE.

Activate Your Mind! This Community is to support teachers in their use of Edheads' games, to share ideas and to discuss STEM learning in the classroom. We hope you find this area inspiring and valuable in your day to day teaching. Mr. Andrade's Class Web Site Welcome to my home on the World Wide Web! To my students, welcome to class. I look forward to working with you all this year to help you succeed in your academic endevours. To the parents of my students, please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns. This website will contain information, reference material, and web links for my classes. This year, 2012-2013, we will be using two new systems: Edmodo - for posting resources, assignments, reminders, and online help Get code from Mr. Information for Evernote is on Edmodo site. Parents can also have access to Edmodo. Evernote - notes, submitting assignments, and much more. More information on signing up for these (free) and using them will be provided shortly. These sites have daily announcements, assignments for each day, and reminders for upcoming due dates.

Ten Common Mistakes in Building an eLearning Strategy by Marc J. Rosenberg “Get your people together and talk about this. The stakes are high; make adjustments and set a better course. As the ancient Chinese proverb puts it, ‘If you don’t change your direction, you’ll end up exactly where you are headed.’” A basic building block of a successful and sustainable eLearning program is a solid strategy. No vision “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.” Equating technology with strategy Technology is essential, but if your strategy is to get a LMS, build a mobile learning network, or add a social media tool, your very next question should be, “For what purpose?” Confusing strategy with tactics Ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu is noted for pointing out that, “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory, but tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Looking at development and delivery rather than the bigger business picture Focusing on creating a traditional training offer online Failure to manage change

Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles My Favorite Resources for Teachers and Students I've recently posted lists of the most popular posts for past weeks and for the life of this blog, but I thought I'd post a list of my favorite resources too. Click the links for more detailed information and discussion about each resource. 1. EVERNOTE - Evernote is my favorite, and most used resource. I have all of my lesson plans, resources, web clippings, lesson schedule, meeting notes, misc. notes, task lists, reference materials and much more on here. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. And here's an article I wrote detailing all of the resources I use on a daily basis.My most used/favorite Apps and how I use them e-learning
