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Projects & Activities

Projects & Activities

CERN - unischoolabs Let’s take a look at one of the largest labs in the world. (VIDEO) The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a giant scientific facility located 100m under the Earth’s surface, near Geneva on the border of France and Switzerland. It is the most advanced particle accelerator in CERN and is used by scientists in order to study the basic particles of matter. ATLAS is a very big basic particle physics experiment that is performed in the LHC at CERN. The ATLAS detector studies the proton collisions in extremely high energies, in order to collect information about the fundamental forces of the Universe which have governed it since the very first moment of its existence.

RuSpace | Soyuz console Fighter jet and spaceship cockpits seem to fascinate me and that of the Soyuz is no exception; unfortunately there are no detailed diagrams or manuals publically-available on the Internet that I know of! The following diagrams are ones I have collected from various places, and are the best I can do at the moment. The Soyuz TM Information Display System is called the “Neptune”, «Нептун»; for the TMA it is the Neptune ME. The computer used on the Soyuz is called Argon, «Аргон». Some of the Russian translations below are uncertain or unclear (I couldn’t find exact definitions for them). Soyuz SOI “Sirius” for the Soyuz 7K and Soyuz A8 spaceships Command-alarm devices.Navigation indicator.Console alarm.Cylinder pressure indicator.Digital information input unit.Program controls indicator.Combined electronic indicator.Distance and speed indicator.Time.Cabin parameters indicator.Pressure and electric current indicator. СОИ «Сириус» кораблей – Союз-7К», Союз-А8» Soyuz T Soyuz TM Soyuz TMA Configuration

Osservare il passaggio della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale – ISS real time tracker Dove si trova ora la Stazione Spaziale Internazionale? Ecco il transito della ISS in tempo reale! Se invece vuoi vedere la trasmissione in diretta dall’interno della Stazione Spaziale, osservare gli astronauti al lavoro e stupirti della bellezza della Terra vista dallo spazio, visita la pagina: NASA – Diretta Video dalla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale (ISS) – International Space Station on UStream Map Data Map data ©2016 Map Satellite Thanks to: Unione Astrofili Italiani Scegli paese e città per sapere quando osservare il transito della ISS sulla tua località. ALCUNI ESEMPI DI PROSSIMI TRANSITI VISIBILI DALL’ITALIA (Gli orari AM si riferiscono al mattino – PM al pomeriggio/sera)

Daphnia Después de 20 años de no tener daphnia, la conseguí!! De hecho, conseguí 3 tipos de daphnia. De entre los diferentes tipos de daphnia existentes, los más comunes son 3 (o hasta ahora los que yo se) Daphnia Magna : La más grande, es casi del tamaño de la artemia adulta Daphnia Pulex: Más pequeña que la anterior, pero todavía de buen tamaño. ¿Qué es la daphnia? Es un pequeño camaroncillo de agua dulce que se encuentra por lo general en presas, estanques y ríos de muy poca corriente, también conocidas como "pulgas de agua". Aún y cuando es fácil su recolección, deben de tener algún tiempo de cuarentena, pues recolectando daphnia de ríos y estanques, puede traer a su vez parásitos y enfermedades a nuestro acuario, por lo que es recomendable saber de donde se obtiene la daphnia que compramos, ya sea para hacer nuestro propio cultivo o para alimentar directamente a nuestros peces. ¿Cómo se puede cultivar? La luz constante acelera la reproducción notablemente. ¿Qué se les da de comer?

The Sounds of Pulsars A pulsar is a highly magnetised neutron star, with a radius of 10-15 km, having somewhat greater mass than the Sun which has a radius of approximately 1 million km. Radiation is beamed out along the magnetic poles and pulses of radiation are received as the beam crosses the Earth, in the same manner as the beam from a lighthouse causes flashes. Being enormous cosmic flywheels with a tick attached, they make some of the best clocks known to mankind. These sounds directly correspond to the radio-waves emitted by the brightest pulsars in the sky as received by some of the largest radio telescopes in the world. To listen to the pulses of a radio pulsar, click on its arrow icon.

2017 ISS R&D Conference Bienvenidos a la Página de la Ciencia Flu Wiki Forum Science Classroom Science Discovery Days (Student worksheets provided) Scientific Method Unit & Safety Rules (Unit notes, worksheets, and lab ideas provided) Consumer Challenge (Student worksheets provided) Old Wives Tales Investigation (Student worksheets provided) Silly Science (Classification) (Student worksheet provided) Mystery Bags Film Canister Fun Bioglyphs (Student worksheets provided) Pottery Pieces Innovative Inventions - Internet project (Sites from the Kid Zone) (Student worksheet provided) Inventor's Challenge - Internet project (Sites from the Kid Zone) (Student worksheet provided) A Journey Through Time -Internet project (Sites from the Kid Zone) (Student worksheet provided) Science A to Z Puzzle (Student worksheet provided) Super Scientist Challenge (Student worksheets provided) Also check out ... Metric Mania - An assortment of lessons and links for the metric system! | Back to top | Science Discovery Days (T. The response from my students has been very positive! Mrs. Mrs.

