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In a Pickle

In a Pickle
There is a restaurant in Mississippi that has the best fried catfish EVER! It is called Cuevas's Fish House and it is in the middle of nowhere in Kiln, MS. I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure the only claim to fame that Kiln can get credit for is Cuevas's. There were several patrons of the Fish House that got their money's worth - I could look around and tell. **Editor's Notes: Cuevas's Fish House is in Picayune, MS - NOT Kiln. Fried Pickles Ingredients Dill Pickle Chips 3/4 to 1 cup of beer 2 eggs 1 -2 cups of flour Cholesterol free oil Directions Pour oil in a large skillet until the oil is about 1-2 inches up the side of the pan. Strain pickles in a small colander. In a mixing bowl, whisk the yolks and 3/4 cup of the beer. Dip pickles one at a time using tongs into the batter and then place in the heated oil. Fry pickles for about 2 minutes flipping the pickle after about 1 minute. Place pickles on a plate lined with paper towel and then season with salt.

Spinach and Artichoke Dip Recipe This recipe is too easy; it’s pretty much heating and mixing everything together. I love easy. My co-worker Jason brought this in to work one night and it was so good! I asked for the recipe and wrote it out (on a random piece of paper that later took me 2 days to find) as I was wolfing down the artichoke dip. Watch How to Make Spinach and Artichoke Dip: Error loading player: No playable sources found Ingredients for Spinach Artichoke Dip: 8oz cream cheese (reduced fat is ok) 16 oz light sour cream 1 stick (8 tbsp) unsalted butter 1 1/2 – 2 cups shredded Parmesan cheese 14 oz quartered artichoke hearts, drained and coarsely chopped 4 oz can diced jalapeños, drained 10 oz frozen spinach (thawed and drained) 2-3 garlic cloves, pressed How to Make the BEST Spinach and Artichoke Dip: 1. 2. Okie Dokie Artichokie. Spinach and Artichoke Dip Recipe Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Author: Natasha of Skill Level: Easy Cost To Make: $9-$12 Serving: 8-14 Ingredients Instructions

Come Preparare un'Anguria alla Vodka dell'imbuto e del tappoAnguria alla Vodka tagliata a metàdella siringa Modificato da WikiHow tradurre, Ciccio Veronese, WikiHow Traduction Nella stagione estiva si possono trovare delle piccole angurie in tutti i supermercati, mercati e fruttivendoli delle nostre città. Rispetto alle angurie più tradizionali, quelle baby, hanno una buccia più sottile e più facile da incidere. Pubblicità Passaggi Metodo 1 di 3: dell'imbuto e del tappo 1 Procurati il materiale necessario. 7 Taglia l'anguria a fette, servila e goditela. Metodo 2 di 3: Anguria alla Vodka tagliata a metà 1Taglia l'anguria a metà.2Svuota ogni metà dalla polpa, con un cucchiaio, e conservala per un'altra ricetta. Metodo 3 di 3: della siringa 1Acquista un'anguria ed una bottiglia di vodka, poi procurati una siringa con un lungo ago.2Estrai più liquidi possibile dall'anguria attraverso la siringa.3Dallo stesso buco fatto per estrarre il liquido inietta della vodka il più profondamente possibile. Consigli Avvertenze

Hasselback Potatoes These Hasselback potatoes looks beautiful, don't' they? Here, I also added several cloves of garlic to these Swedish version of baked potatoes to enhance the flavor. It turned out great, they were very delicious, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.. Updated: November 26th 2013 This is an updated post with a new video guide on How To Slice Hasselback Potatoes Hasselback Potatoes (Printable Recipe) Ingredients 6 Medium Size Potatoes 2 - 3 Cloves Garlic, thinly sliced 2 Tbsp Olive Oil 30 g Butter Maldon Sea Salt Freshly Ground Black Pepper Method Preheat the oven to 220˚C (425˚F). Arrange the potatoes in a baking tray and insert the garlic in between the slits. Bake the potatoes for about 40 minutes or until the potatoes turn crispy and the flesh is soft.

Chimichurri over a grilled and red flanksteak - uh, shortness of breath How to Inject a Watermelon With Vodka Tandoori Masala Spiced Brick Grilled Chicken with Chickpea and Spinach Salad Where I’m from, the windows are closed more months out of the year than they are opened, but rest assured that the minute the sun shines and the temperatures creep above 50ºF, we’re all screens and no glass. It’s time … Beer Braised Chicken Tacos with IPA Avocado Cream and Beer Corn Tortillas Let’s be honest. In America we tend to celebrate Cinco de Mayo the same way we celebrate St. See all posts

Homemade Garlic Beer Pita Bread Do you remember when I told you that once I discovered that homemade corn tortillas where so good it made me realize that I didn’t acctually hate corn tortillas, I just hated those sad cardboard disks they sell at the store? Pita bread is an even bigger revelaiton. It’s not as quick as those 10 minute homemade tortillas, but it’s so soft and addictingly amazing, it’s worth the time. For this, and for most bread recipes, I like a wheat beer, especially an unfiltered wheat beer. So, what do you do with this beautiful bread once you’ve decided to make it? Homemade Garlic Beer Pita Bread Ingredients 2 ½ cups all purpose flour 1 envelope rapid rise yeast 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1 cup beer 1 tsp salt Directions In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook attachment, add the flour, yeast and garlic powder. Copyright Ã�é

Ricetta Crema al Parmigiano Gli sformatini di carciofi con salsa al parmigiano sono deliziosi antipasti che vengono preparati stufando i cuori di carciofi per poi mischiarli con besciamella e parmigiano: dopo la cottura al forno, verranno poggiati su croccanti cialde di parmigiano e cosparsi con una delicata crema dello stesso formaggio. Facili , buoni e molto scenografici! veloci rapide semplici facili ...leggi la ricetta Difficoltà : MediaCottura: 60 minPreparazione: 30 minCosto: Medio Le barchette con crema di parmigiano e uva sono delle croccanti tartellette di pasta brisée farcite con una cremosa crema al parmigiano e guarnite con uva bianca e noci. Difficoltà : BassaCottura: 30 minPreparazione: 30 minCosto: Basso Guarda altre ricette simili » «»1 di 8 Difficoltà:Bassa Cottura:15 min Preparazione:10 min Dosi per:4 persone Costo:Basso Barchette con crema di parmigiano e uva La crema al parmigiano è una saporita salsa da preparare in pochi minuti, ottima per condire primi piatti e antipasti. Ingredienti

Homemade koulourakia recipe | aegeanpan | new stories for you to discover | food | travel | recipes | around aegean sea The highlight of a coffee break This recipe kind of grew up with my family: when my sister and I were kids, my mum used to make the most delicious pasta flora (jam tart) using this dough, that in its original version contains eggs and butter. We loved it! Then, as teenagers, we became familiar with a new term called calories and to cut a long story short; the jam was banned from the recipe and my mother just made cookies with the dough… The years passed, and when my father started watching his cholesterol, the eggs and butter were substituted with corn oil and fresh squeezed orange juice. These bite-sized koulourakia are light, crunchy and not too sweet; the perfect treat to accompany a warm cup of coffee. I am sure you will like them! Koulourakia: the recipe Ingredients (makes about 40 small koulourakia) • 1-cup corn oil • 1/3 cup sugar • 7 tablespoons cognac • 7 tablespoons fresh squeezed orange juice • Zest of 1 lemon • 31/2 cups all-purpose flour • 1-teaspoon baking powder Enjoy!

Mousse di prosciutto:come prepararla | Trucchi di casa La mousse di prosciutto, chiamata anche spuma di prosciutto, è una preparazione culinaria adatta ad essere servita come antipasto, stuzzichino in accompagnamento ad aperitivi e, poichè piace molto ai piccoli, può essere adoperata come farcitura di panini vari. L’esecuzione è molto facile e piuttosto rapida: provate a fare la mousse di prosciutto secondo questa ricetta e…non ve ne pentirete:-) Ingredienti per 4 persone: 300 grammi di prosciutto cotto; 100 grammi di panna liquida da cucina; 1 confezione di formaggio Philadelfia o di formaggio simile; 2 cucchiai di vino porto o madera; 1 e 1/2 o 2 cucchiai di pistacchi già sgusciati ( facoltativo); sale qb, pepe bianco qb. Adoperate del prosciutto magro, ma molto morbido e assolutamente privo di nervi e chiedete al salumiere di tagliare una fetta un pò più spessa del normale e di affettare le altre molto sottili. Tenete poi la fetta più alta da parte. Assaggiate e, all’occorrenza, aggiungete sale e pepe. Be Sociable, Share!

Trip to India + Gujia | boxofspice I’m hindu and we believe in karma. Every part of our lives is determined by the karma we do. You do good and good will come to you. As my mom continues to suffer, I am, of course besotted by questions that challenge this principle. And that stuck. Lets enjoy one of those moments with food that gives us all so much happiness, me to make and so much pleasure to the people that eat it. Gujia is a very traditional sweet dish eaten purely at the time of Holi, an indian festival which celebrates good over evil. Gujia (sweet fried stuffed pastry) for the pastry2 cups all purpose flour 3 tbsps ghee oil to deep fry for the filling2 1/2 cups dried milk 3 1/4 tsps dessicated coconut 15-20 chopped cashewnuts 15-20 blanched and sliced almonds a pinch of nutmeg powder 1/4 tsp green cardamom powder 2 1/2 cups icing sugar Sieve flour and fold in the three tablespoons of ghee. Like this: Like Loading...

Crick e crock | Cioccolato che passione Cioccolatini al biscotto e nocciola Categorie Mignon e Monoporzioni Snack Ingredienti Per il pralinato alle nocciole Per la principessa alla nocciola Preparazione Per gli appassionati del cioccolato, ecco come realizzare una golosità in formato mignon al biscotto e pralinato di nocciole: crick e crock sono dei teneri cioccolatini morbidi fuori e croccanti dentro. Un’ottima idea quella di prepararne una scatola per il giorno di San Valentino e regalarla alla vostra dolce metà! Gianluca Aresu Passo 1 Per il biscotto: separare i tuorli dagli albumi. Passo 2 Per il pralinato alle nocciole: in un pentolino portare lo zucchero e l’acqua a 118°C. Passo 3 Sfornare il biscotto, ritagliare alla misura della cornice e con l'apposito rullo spalmare un sottile strato di cioccolato. Passo 4 Amalgamare il cioccolato al latte fuso con il burro di cacao e la pasta di nocciole pralinata. Passo 5 Unite i due composti e amalgamate bene. Passo 6 Temperate su un piano di marmo. Passo 7 Passo 8 Passo 9 Passo 10
