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Journalists, filmmakers, photographers, and professional travelers.

Journalists, filmmakers, photographers, and professional travelers.
We live and work in uncharted, unstable territory, navigating the grey areas of geography and technology. We travel in countries that are still in development or recently destroyed, using gear just barely out of R&D. Lightstalkers helps us to help each other—it's how we pool our knowledge and experience. Join Now | Sign In | Learn More Lightstalkers is operated by November Eleven , a nonprofit organization. There's no advertising, and we charge no fees—we are truly independent.

New York Times Photojournalism - Photography, Video and Visual Journalism Archives - Lens Blog Conscientious Articles Contemporary Photographers Diane Meyer May 6, 2013 – According to the artist, Diane Meyer’s Time Spent That Might Otherwise Be Forgotten “is based on photographs taken at various points in my life and arranged by location. Sections of the images have been obscured through a layer of embroidered pixels sewn directly into the photograph. The embroidery deteriorates sections of the original photograph forming a new pixelated layer of the original scene.

NetShade NetShade FAQ General Subscription & Registration CV de Chema Madoz foto: Chema Conesa El rostro oculto de las cosas. Chema Madoz y la poética de la transubstanciación Luis Arenas A lo largo de los años Madoz ha venido echando sobre sus espaldas una tarea hercúlea. Home e-flux Global Rescue & Lightstalkers As Lightstalkers you live and work in some of the most remote, uncharted and unstable territory on earth. Have you thought about what would happen should something go wrong and you need hospitalization? What if you can't get to a hospital on your own? What if you just need medical advice - in your own language? Global Rescue is a membership service that will, regardless of your location, advise, treat and transport you to the hospital of your choice in your home country– with no charge above the membership fee. Global Rescue's partnership with Johns Hopkins Medicine, one of the finest medical institutions in the world, ensures the highest quality medical care for Global Rescue members.

CubeStories Photography News Reframing Photography ConflictPics : Jason P. Howe recent work by fernando guerra - fotografia de arquitectura P H O T O J O U R N A L I S M L I N K S
