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O’Reilly TopicsGo! Welcome back. Please sign in. Welcome back. {* #userInformationForm *} {* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *} {* traditionalSignIn_password *} {* traditionalSignIn_signInButton *} {* /userInformationForm *} This is Pacifica The OFFF has transcended its own kind of festival to become synonymous of modernity, aesthetics and technology. The mission of OFFF is spreading the work of a generation of avant-garde designers who dictate new boundaries. Artists that mixes the arena of commercial art and design, from music to illustration, ink or chalk to the pixel. Artists that have grown with the web and receive inspiration from digital tools, even when their work is not exclusively that. The Project OFFF invited us to create, develop and implement the OFFF Daily News.

10 Most Evil Propaganda Techniques Used by the Nazis Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (or National Socialist German Worker’s Party) created in the Third Reich the most extreme and terrifying example of a totalitarian regime the world has ever seen. It is often wondered quite how a sophisticated and highly developed 20th century nation was politically overpowered by the Nazis. One answer, and a major factor in the Nazi’s effectiveness as a political force, was that not only did they ruthlessly deploy violence against dissidence, but they also utterly mastered the art of propaganda, fabricating a national ideology around their twisted beliefs. Here we take a look at some of their most evil and insidiously effective propaganda techniques. 10.

TimeViz Browser Imrich, P.; Mueller, K.; Imre, D.; Zelenyuk, D. & Zhu, W.: Interactive Poster: 3D ThemeRiver. Poster Compendium of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis), IEEE Computer Society, 2003. Imrich, P.; Mueller, K.; Imre, D.; Zelenyuk, D. & Zhu, W. (2003), © 2003 IEEE. Used with permission. Image courtesy of Ben Fry, MIT Media Laboratory, Aesthetics + Computation Group, © 1999-2005.

Inspiration: Interesting & Unique Typographic Book Covers Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now Books offer graphic designers, illustrators and typographers a great way to expand their portfolios. There are endless possibilities that can be explored when designing for book covers, and often are explored, as can be seen in this post. I’ve had an increased interest in book covers recently after putting together another showcase at The Inspiration Blog on minimalistic book covers, since then I have been browsing for book cover inspiration daily so thought I would share some of my findings here at This showcase presents a collection of 64 typographic book covers, all of which are interesting and are genuinely unique. The books themselves are crossed between a number of

Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and the FACS Manual What are the FACS Manual and Investigator's Guide? The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) Manual is a detailed, technical guide that explains how to categorize facial behaviors based on the muscles that produce them, i.e., how muscular action is related to facial appearances. It illustrates appearance changes of the face using written descriptions, still images, and digital video examples. Behavioral scientists, CG animators, computer scientists interested in pattern recognition programs, and other technicians and scientists use FACS in their professional work when they need to know the exact movements that the face can perform, and what muscles produce them. Working through the exercises of the FACS Manual may also enable greater awareness of and sensitivity to subtle facial behaviors that could be useful for psychotherapists, interviewers, and other practitioners who must penetrate deeply into interpersonal communications. What is Facial Action Coding System?

Need an Investor? 5 Places You Might Not Have Thought to Look In this current economy, it is still very difficult to get a loan or line of credit from a bank for your small business startup. Use a simple CRM like Base to manage your relationships with both potential clients and investors. So your business plan is ready to go and you have an executive summary that will blow the socks right off of any investor. The only issue? You’re struggling actually find one. While theoretically anyone can be a potential investor, below are a few possible areas that will help you jumpstart your search in the hopes of finding the “right one.”

Primary Design Elements Found in Outstanding Digital Illustrations Following on from, Using Design Principles to Create Exceptional Vector Illustrations, today we have a collection of digital illustrations that highlight the primary elements of design. Design elements are the building blocks that are used to create an image. These include, line, color and shape. Although they may seem basic, if you take the time to think about the elements and how they can be used, you will have a better understanding of your creations - and perhaps think of a few new ideas too! Space Free Design Resource Roundup #1 Resources December 11, 2009 This holiday season, we’ve decided to give more to our readers by starting a series of free design resource roundups. In these roundups, we’ll compile the fresh free picks of the week, from fonts, brushes, patterns, and textures, to contests, giveaways, and tutorials. Hope you like the roundup for this week, and let us know if you’d like us to include other stuff!
