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Terence McKenna - The Message

Terence McKenna - The Message

animations An experiental 3D-animation from my image of NGC 6752 I have tested a new method to publish my 3D-images as a form of Lenticular prints. For this technique to work, I need series of images from different angles, in this case 24 images are needed. Lenticular printing is actually an old technique but in past few years it has become much more sophisticated. The results can be stunning visually, image plane disappears and object floats in and outside of the frame. Since astronomical objects are too far away, no real parallax can be imaged. NOTE! A globular cluster, NGC 6752, as an animated 3D-study Please, let the image load, the size is ~6.5MB 24-frames, images are meant for a lenticular 3D-print. NOTE. Original 2D image of the object Image of the NGC 6752 from the year 2010 Original blog post, with technical info, can be seen here: What are globular clusters? First of all, they are very beautiful, visually and imaged! A screenshot from the 3D-modeling software

Table of contents (With last update date) Cover Foreword (August 13, 2009) Part 1. Preface to part 1 (April 12, 2000) Chapter 1. 1.1. 1.6. 1.7. Chapter 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. Chapter 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. Chapter 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. Chapter 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.7. 5.8. 5.9. 5.10. 5.11. 5.12. 5.13. 5.14. 5.15. 5.16. Chapter 6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.8. 6.9. 6.10. 6.12. Part 2. Preface to part 2 (October 17, 2010) Chapter 7. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 7.9. 7.10. Chapter 8. 8.1. 8.2. Chapter 9. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.6. Chapter 10. 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. Chapter 11. 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. 11.5. 11.6. 11.7.The victim/victimizer polar pair 11.8. 11.9. 11.10. Chapter 12. 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.5. 12.6. 12.7. Chapter 13. 13.1. 13.2. 13.3. 13.4. 13.5. 13.6. 13.7. 13.8. 13.9. 13.10. 13.11. 13.12. 13.13. Chapter 14. 14.1. 14.2. 14.3. 14.4. 14.5. 14.6. 14.7. 14.8. Chapter 15. Chapter 16. 16.3. 16.4. 16.5. Part 3. Preface to part 3 (November 18, 2009) Chapter 17. 17.1.

| HOT COFFEE, a documentary feature film Mirrors - JDSU (Photonics Handbook | Optical Materials & Coatings) A mirror is an important element in many optical systems. Its basic function is to redirect light, often with the purpose of making an optical system more compact. This article discusses the kinds of thin-film coatings that can be used for mirrors. The choice of coating depends on the application, including the spectral range of interest, the optical wavefront quality desired and the cost limitations. The basic difference between the household mirror and the optical mirror is that one is coated on the back surface and the other is coated on the front. A mirror’s substrate surface should be flat and smooth. For some applications, a mirror’s ability to conduct heat is important. Metal mirror coatings The simplest and most common mirror coating is a thin layer of metal. TABLE 1.n AND k FOR SELECTED METALS *Aluminum has a reflectance dip at 0.8 µm: for λ = 0.8 µm, n = 2.80 and k = 8.45 for λ = 0.9 µm, n = 2.06 and k = 8.30 SOURCE: Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids Figure 1. Figure 2. 1.

The Century of the Self The Untold History of Controlling the Masses Through the Manipulation of Unconscious Desires "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. Adam Curtis' acclaimed series examines the rise of the all-consuming self against the backdrop of the Freud dynasty. To many in both politics and business, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power has finally moved to the people. The Freud dynasty is at the heart of this compelling social history. Sigmund Freud's work into the bubbling and murky world of the subconscious changed the world. Happiness MachinesPart One One: Happiness Machines The Engineering of ConsentPart Two

Phaistos Disc The Phaistos Disc (also spelled Phaistos Disk, Phaestos Disc) is a disk of fired clay from the Minoan palace of Phaistos on the Greek island of Crete, possibly dating to the middle or late Minoan Bronze Age (2nd millennium BC). It is about 15 cm (5.9 in) in diameter and covered on both sides with a spiral of stamped symbols. Its purpose and meaning, and even its original geographical place of manufacture, remain disputed, making it one of the most famous mysteries of archaeology. This unique object is now on display at the archaeological museum of Heraklion. The disc was discovered in 1908 by the Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier in the Minoan palace-site of Phaistos, and features 241 tokens, comprising 45 unique signs, which were apparently made by pressing hieroglyphic "seals" into a disc of soft clay, in a clockwise sequence spiraling toward the disc's center. Discovery Tablet PH-1 It was found in the main cell of an underground "temple depository". Authenticity Dating Typography Signs

Information cascade An information (or informational) cascade occurs when a person observes the actions of others and then—despite possible contradictions in his/her own private information signals—engages in the same acts. A cascade develops, then, when people “abandon their own information in favor of inferences based on earlier people’s actions”.[1] Information cascades provide an explanation for how such situations can occur, how likely they are to cascade incorrect information or actions, how such behavior may arise and desist rapidly, and how effective attempts to originate a cascade tend to be under different conditions.[2] By explaining all of these things, the original Independent Cascade model sought to improve on previous models that were unable to explain cascades of irrational behavior, a cascade's fragility, or the short-lived nature of certain cascades. There are four key conditions in an information cascade model: Basic model[edit] Qualitative example[edit] Quantitative description[edit]

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Applying Psychology to Understand How People Think, Work, and Relate (1) Facebook
