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Into time .com by rafaël rozendaal, 2010, collection of nur abbas

Into time .com by rafaël rozendaal, 2010, collection of nur abbas

***NEWRAFAEL*** Stumblers Who Like Most Amazing Miniature Food Artworks by Shay Aaron Shay Aaron is a brilliant artist from Israel who makes the most astonishing miniature food jewelry. These foodstuffs look so beautiful that we would desire to eat them. Actually, there’s a whole market out there for miniature food. Comments comments 1 - harmonics of 55hz A musical realization of the motion graphics of John Whitney as described in his book "digital harmony" Animation and music by Jim Bumgardner of and the wheel of lunch. Jim makes free puzzles, including sudoku, killer sudoku, kakuro, mazes, and thousands of other puzzles. Music box variations: var. 0 - chromatic - 48 tinesvar. 1 - harmonics of 55hzvar. 2 - harmonics of 20hzvar. 3 - harmonics of 48hz, reversedvar. 4 - harmonics of 48hz, palindromevar. 5 - chromatic - 88 tinesvar. 6 - microtonesvar. 7 - harmonics - 120 tines, reversedvar. 8 - chromatic - 88 organ pipes, rev.var. 9 - chromatic - 88 bars, rev.var. 10 - chromatic - 64 pipe cyrpto calliopevar. 11 - minute waltz - 60 keys, 60 secondsvar. 12 - chromatic - prime numbers onlyvar. 13 - chromatic - non-primes onlyvar. 14 - stereovar. 15 - stereo - 120var. 16 - stereo - 210var. 17 - hand crankedvar. 18 - stereo drone (new)var. 19 - stereo sonar (new)var. 20 - bell carol (new)

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