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Inside the Lightsaber" There are hundreds of uses for a lightsaber in the household alone -- and only a few of them involve dismembering kitchen droids -- but most lightsaber techniques boil down to four key actions. Slicing: From tauntaun bellies to Tofurky roast dinners, lightsabers excel at slicing clean through stuff. Experiment with different angles and speeds for maximum effect, but remain mindful of your surroundings. An offhand lightsaber swing can cut through reinforced beams, plumbing, electrical wiring or grandmothers. Stabbing: A lunging stab or a sneaky activation of your lightsaber next to an adversary's chest is a great way to end a saber duel -- at least in the movies. Melting: Yes, as made evident by your many cauterized nicks and scratches, the blade of a lightsaber gives off a lot of heat. Deflecting: Should some prankster try to slice you with a lightsaber, remember that you can deflect his or her attack with your own lightsaber blade.

Jazz Chord Progressions for Guitar Are you looking for some cool jazz chord progressions for the guitar? Sometimes guitar players who are coming from a blues, folk or rock background think that jazz music is a cacophonous assortment of random notes. While such an argument could be made about some forms of free jazz, many jazz songs are based around standard progressions that aren't much different than the progressions found in other forms of music. Get a Chord Chart Before you read on, you need to take a quick detour and download LoveToKnow's free chord chart if you haven't already. The chords employed in jazz music typically are more extended than they are in rock, folk and blues. Some Cool Jazz Chord Progressions for Guitar Now that you have your chord chart handy, you're ready to tackle some cool jazz progressions. This progression, known as the "one/six/two/five" is one of the most common progressions in jazz music. Another cool progression is the "one/six/four/five". Find a Friend Post a comment Share the love.

Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design Gabriel Moreno does beautiful work with such basic materials: a pen and a brush. His illustrations begin in black and white, upon which Moreno builds, adding layers of color and images of other places and people tattooed into their skin. Flowers, birds, and faces organically expand from his subjects, as if a rush of creativity, or a dream, is escaping them. The Chord Guide: Pt I – Chord Progressions Chord progressions are the canvas on which musicians paint their masterpieces, and it’s a canvas which is a piece of art in itself. A chord progression can be subtle and in the background or it can be blatant and up front; it can be simple and catchy, or it can be technical and complex, it can stay in one key or it can change like the seasons. In any of these cases a chord progression is what drives the song as it literally shapes the music that accompanies it. Chord progressions are like a cozy home where melody and rhythm can kick their feet up. All the songwriting giants, like John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Bob Dylan, to name a few, have/had a tremendous knowledge of the art of the chord progression. I’m not going to promise you tremendous knowledge, but I will offer you a good head start in the way of making your own music – in an easily digestible chunk to boot. Chord Progression Guide Major Chord Chart Above is a chord chart for the 7 most used keys. Chord Theory

Pizza Braid A pizza braid is very kid-friendly, easy on the wallet and extremely simple to make. My aunt and cousin first introduced me to them and I’ve been hooked ever since. The possibilities are endless of the varieties you could make (check out the Apple Dessert Braid!) As I said, this is extremely basic. The dough takes a few hours to rise, so I take it out in the morning and place a towel over it. Yes, yes the dough in that photo has not risen fully. Then you spread out the sauce, lay the meats down, followed by the cheese. Then with a pizza cutter, start cutting about 1 inch thick strips down the whole rectangle. Follow the pictures above. A few minutes before it’s done I brush with olive oil and sprinkle with oregano. There are so many versions you can make of the pizza braid: Philly cheesesteak, spinach and mushroom, Parmesan chicken- almost anything!

5 Beautiful Ways to Play A II-V-I Chord Progression Solar System Scope 10 Interesting Chords You've Never Used Blog Published on September 28th, 2011 | by Caesar (ENGAGE) If you’re like me and likes experimenting with their music, You’re going to like this one! All of these chords are movable so why not give them a try and see how you can use them in your next song 1. The minor 9 chord adds the 9th interval onto a minor 7 chord. The notes that make up this chord are, in order, b7, b3, 5, and 9. 2. This chord is similar to the minor 9–it adds the 9th interval onto a major 7 chord. That shape has the 1, 3, 7, and 9 intervals of the chord. 3. Many guitarists are familiar with the A and E shape barre chords for the dominant 7 chord. Fret this shape starting with the fouth finger, followed by the second, third, and first, in order. 4. Flattening the 5th interval on a dominant chord adds more tension. You can see the 5th (the bottom note) is lowered one fret. 5. Add a sharp 9th interval to the dominant 7 chord to make this cool-sounding chord which Jimi Hendrix loved to use. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Marine Corps Humor: Differences In The Military | Marine Corps Stories | Scuttlebutt | Sgt Grit In an effort to ensure proper training and readiness among the military services, Congress has approved the following changes to basic principles of recruit training: Haircuts: Marines: Heads will be shaved. Army: Stylish flat-top's for all recruits. Navy: No haircut standard. Training Hours: Marines: Reveille at 0500, train until 2000. Meals: Marines: Meals, Ready-to-Eat 3 times a day. Leave And Liberty: Marines: None. Protocol: Marines: Will address all officers as "Sir," and refer to the rank of all enlisted members when speaking to them (i.e., Sgt. Decorations/Awards: Marines: Medals and badges are awarded for acts of gallantry and bravery only. Camouflage Uniforms: Marines: Work uniform, to be worn only during training and in field situations. Career Fields: Marines: All Marines shall be considered riflemen first and foremost.
