Shapes & Pattern Photography by paul0v2 Mon, 12/26/2011 - 13:58 These Shapes & Pattern photo selection was taken by one of my favorite photographers of all time Philipp Klinger. He has traveled the globe and taken the most beautiful photos one has ever seen but on this selection I picked a different side of his photos, the geometric and repetitive shapes that you will see. For more from Philipp Klinger visit
Découvrez le livre "La vie est belle" (téléchargement gratuit) Pour la rédaction de Compétence Photo, "La vie est belle. Un concours. Un livre." ne fut pas un concours comme les autres. Plutôt un projet dont la finalité peut être tenue entre les mains. Un livre, édité en tirage très limité et offert aux 101 auteurs qui nous ont fait partager leur regard à un instant de leur vie. Dès le début, le laboratoire PhotoBox nous a soutenu dans cette démarche et s'est clairement impliqué dans le projet. Procédure de téléchargement Affichage en double page sous Acrobat Avant de télécharger gratuitement le livre "La vie est belle", nous vous invitons à lire les instructions suivantes : Le fichier que vous allez télécharger est compressé au format ZIP. Remerciements Nous tenons à remercier d'une part les auteurs des 101 images publiées ainsi que les quelque 3000 participants à ce concours, d'autre part l'ensemble des partenaires qui ont cru en ce projet.
Business Graphics - Billion Dollar Business Graphics Powerful Facts About Visual Communication | The Mindjet Blog Did you know that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text? Or how about the fact that they are processed simultaneously? I wanted to share some interesting facts about visuals with you today from an article by Mike Parkinson of Ever wonder why you can process visuals so much faster than text? A study commissioned by 3M Corporation, suggests that you can be 43% more effective when using visual aids as a presenter. The Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab asked 2,440 participants how they evaluated the credibility of a web site they were shown. Why is this the case? Graphics do what text alone cannot do. 1) Cognitively: “Graphics expedite and increase our level of communication. 2) Emotionally: “Pictures enhance or affect emotions and attitudes. “(Emotions) play an essential role in decision making, perception, learning, and more … they influence the very mechanisms of rational thinking”. As you can see, having the right visuals is incredibly powerful.
Comprendre et exprimer tout ce que vous voulez, sans mots, avec Sclera Que nous nous adressions à des enfants, à des analphabètes, à des personnes d’une langue étrangère ou, à l’inverse, que des personnes essaient de nous communiquer quelque chose sans l’usage de la parole ou de l’écrit, nous voilà réduits à faire des signes... Justement, des signes ! Sclera a mis au point des centaines de pictogrammes standardisés et esthétiques pour communiquer des concepts plus ou moins élaborés à des personnes handicapées ou que la barrière de la langue sépare. Celles-ci peuvent pointer le pictogramme désiré ou un préposé peut transmettre son message de la même façon... À consulter sur le site ou à télécharger au complet, les pictos sont sous licence creative commons. Voir aussi l'article des images gratuites pour vos publications, en toute légalité, qui insiste sur le fait qu'il faut bien choisir les sources de photos ou de pictorammes comme Sclera et aussi créditer les photos pour pouvoir les utiliser en toute légalité.
Most Fascinating Geological Wonders On Earth Mar 08, 2011 / Category : Misc / 37 Comments This planet we live on offers us beauty beyond words. Every country has its own special region that takes your breath away with the magnificence of it. Here we can see some places that are a geological wonder that you may know about already, or maybe not? Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA Antelope Canyon is one of the world's most beautiful canyons. Pamukkale, Turkey These stunning terraces of water are found in Pamukkale Turkey and were shaped from a substance called travertine, which forms from the build-up of sediments of calcium carbonate deposited in water from hot springs. The Wave, Arizona, USA This incredible formation of sandstone rock is stunning in its colors. Moeraki Boulders, New Zealand The Moeraki Boulders are amazing boulders found on the New Zealand coast. Bungle Bungles, Australia Bungle Bungles are found in the the Purnululu National Park in Western Australia, also a World Heritage Site. Fantasy Cave, Bermuda Wave Rock, Australia
The Incredible Beauty of the Orion Nebula Learn about the beauty of the Orion Nebula. Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center The Orion Nebula is one of the brightest in the night sky and lies south of Orion’s Belt. Photo: NASA, ESA, M. The area in the image above is a called the Trapezium and is an area of very young stars; six of the main stars that can often be seen from earth on a clear night. Photo: NASA, ESA, M. The Orion Nebula has been seen from earth for thousands of years. Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/STScI The Orion Nebula includes neutral clouds of gas and dust, ionized gas, associations of stars and reflection nebulae, which are clouds of dust reflecting the light of stars. Photo: Steve Black Orion is a stellar nursery where stars are born, and there are about 700 stars in various stages of birth within it. Photo: Opo Terser The Orion Nebula is an interstellar cloud like others found in the Milky Way. Photo: ESO/J. Source: 1
Vincent Van Google: Artist uses Street View website to travel the world virtually By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 15:01 GMT, 10 September 2009 An artist who cannot spare the time to travel is using Google Street View to visit stunning locations around the world and capture them in paint. For the past year wannabe globe-trotter Bill Guffey, 45, has spent hundreds of hours travelling thousands of virtual miles to visit places he feels he will never get to see in person. But using the internet giant's mapping tool, with which web-surfers can visit locations across the globe, Bill, from Kentucky in the U.S. has been able to capture iconic landscapes far from home. Cabs on canvas: Bill Guffey painted a picture of taxis on 8th Avenue in New York (above) using Google Street View (below) to visit the city virtually Creating his amazing set of paintings through their street view counterparts, the 45-year-old graphic artist has walked through every state in his home country as well as England, Scotland, Italy, France, Switzerland and Portugal.
33 Worst Photoshop Mistakes Ever When it comes to making something noticeable, the biggest mistake artists do is making everything perfectly right. However, if you are really serious about getting famous with your piece of art – you should definitely be more reckless with Photoshop. If you lack of imagination about what to do, don’t worry – I’ll help you. A good way to start is by accidentally removing someones feet. However, the best result is guaranteed, when you are responsible for making a cover photo for a popular magazine or newspaper. OK, now let’s jump to the Best Photoshop Mistake Examples, and learn from the best. 1. (NW magazine) 2. 3. ( 4. “..make your photos look like the pros’!” 5. This could also be a flash synchronization problem, however not fixing it is just another form of photoshop mistakes. 6. And you thought you could win the American Idol with 5 fingers? 7. (original) 8. (original) 9. It’s not designer’s fault there were so many characters in the show. 10. 11. One guy is missing. 12. 13.
Abandoned Places: 10 Creepy, Beautiful Modern Ruins Abandoned Places: 10 Creepy, Beautiful Modern Ruins Abandoned Places | We humans are explorers by nature. The quest for discovery, both old and new, is part of what separates us from rest of the animal kingdom. Since the world we live in has been largely mapped and plotted, we urban adventurers turn our sights toward the relics of old and the ruins of the recent past. If you find beauty in urban decay, in the crumbling and abandoned places of yesteryear, you’ll want to read on. Here are 10 of the most amazing, beautiful and creepy abandoned places in the modern world. Abandoned Submarine Base, Ukraine In a bay on the northern shores of the Black Sea, the Soviet army maintained an elaborate submarine base throughout much of the Cold War. Abandoned Submarine Base Gallery The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre In the United States, few cities have felt the burn of urban decay more than Detroit. Ruins of Detroit Gallery Beelitz Military Hospital, Berlin Beelitz Military Hospital Gallery
Magic Swick » 10 Beautiful Ocean Waves These images are for everyone that enjoys the surf, 10 unbelievable waves photographs by Clark Little Sun Shining Through Wave Source Body Surfing Air Drop Source Beautiful Barrel Source Magical Finn Source Molten Wave Source Red Tide Source Sand in the Waves Source Shore Break Source Wave Crashing Source Crashing Foam Source
Early 1900s in Colour - All around the world All around the world - Franny Wentzel - Thursday, May 6th, 2010 : goo [previous] :: [next] In the early part of the 20th century French-Jewish capitalist Albert Kahn set about to collect a photographic record of the world, the images were held in an 'Archive of the Planet'. Before the 1929 stock market crash he was able to amass a collection of 180,000 metres of b/w film and more than 72,000 autochrome plates, the first industrial process for true colour photography Autochrome was the first industrial process for true colour photography. A few photos from the collection. Portraits Algeria Dahomey - now Benin Bosnia Brasil Bulgaria Cambodia Canada China Croatia Dijbouti Egypt England France Germany Greece Holland India Iran Iraq Ireland Italy King Faisal Lebenon Macedonia Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Norway Palestine Serbia Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Syria Turkey United States of America Vietnam This article has been viewed 3311213 times in the last 4 years dglenn: Fantastic!!