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Paperpokés - Pokémon Papercrafts

Paperpokés - Pokémon Papercrafts
Related:  Printables Love

Grumm a moody piece of paper | [mck] Meet Grumm, a moody piece of paper… When I started writing about urban papercraft, I got inspired by Brickboy and Spiky Baby (and recently added to this list: e440): I wanted to create my own figure. And so I did! Grumm evolved in time, which is documented in a couple of post. In my definition of urban papercraft, there should be a design made by me and a blank version for other to customize… back to the top Grumm The Screamer Red This is my design for Grumm:Grumm The Screamer Red Get the template here (Preview a thumb): (The .ZIP file contains a .PDF) For extracting data from a ZIP file you can use Filzip or 7-zip (both for PC and for free) For reading a PDF you can use Adobe Acrobat Reader (for Apple, PC and for free). Artist series Every papertoy designer starts a Artist series: invite all you friends, force them to create a custom skin for Grumm and post the results here: Get the template here: Pink Grumm by Petra van BreugelPetra van Breugel designed a Grumm in her favorite color: pink. .

s Best Photos of model and papercraft Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies. All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr. Because some other search engines (Google, etc.) index parts of Flickr Hive Mind, you may have been led here from one of them. Flickr Hive Mind is a data mining tool for the Flickr photography database, allowing search by: tags(keywords); Flickr photography groups; Flickr users, their contacts, and favorites; free text; the Flickr Explore algorithm for interestingness.

Architectural Paper Models Collection at the National ... Gift of David Kemnitzer Donated in 2013 through 2016 The David Kemnitzer paper model collection includes over 4,700 models and catalogues representing buildings and cultures from all 50 US states and 57 countries, as well as many imaginary buildings such as farms, forts, villages, skyscrapers, and castles. Kemnitzer, a local architect and life-long collector, describes his interest in paper models as dating from the 1940s, when his aunt sent home the toys from her post as an Army nurse in Germany. One of his mother’s friends noticed his paper model construction and suggested he should be an architect. With his career thus determined, Kemnitzer went on to collect paper models, perhaps in honor of his younger self and his early, formative interest in international paper toys. Paper models are not neutral depictions of international architecture and culture. The Paper Models collection is in storage and not on view.

投稿イラスト講座vol.7『着物の描き方』ぺんたさんの場合 右図左下の女性は、お襦袢だけ着ています。 お襦袢は、そのまま着ても、足首までのちょうどよい長さになるように作られています。 お襦袢は、伊達締めといって、10センチ巾ぐらいの薄いリボンのようなもので縛って着ます。 右図右上は、着物の構造です。着物は、おおざっぱにいうと、すべて同じくらいの幅の布地を直線的に縫い合わせて作ってあります。 ですから、図のAとBは、ほぼ同じ幅です。 その結果、絵としてはどうなるか、といいますと、図のお襦袢のお姉さんもそうなのですが、袖じたいは、人体の袖口から二の腕のまんなかあたりまでしかないことになります。 ただし、13歳ぐらいまでの子供の着物とか、舞妓さんの着物には「肩揚げ」といって、ちょうど肩山のあたりをつまんで作るタックのような折り目が入ります。 また、着物の袖は、洋服のように体に合わせて縫製されておらず、完全な長方形です。 2 着物の着方2種類 お襦袢を着たら、いよいよ上から着物を着ます。 ときどき、振袖の絵なのに、お襦袢のえりが見えていなくて、下着のままでいるみたいな作品がありますのでお気を付けください。 右図/左側・お引きずり 時代劇とか、芸者さん、舞妓さんのお座敷衣裳とかの着方が左側の「お引きずり」です。 右図/右側・おはしょり 明治ころになると、お引きずりは不便だ、ということで、最初からヒモでたくしあげて、その上から帯をしめてしまう着方が主流になりました。 おはしょりというのは帯の下の横線部分。 体の前側に見えているのは、ほとんどが左半分の緑色の「上前」と、そこに接続している「おくみ」だけです。 4 帯の巻き方 その2 背中のところで一回結んだら、とりあえず「て」はほうっておいて、「たれ」で形を作ります。 5 帯の巻き方 その3図 4 帯の巻き方 その2図 5 帯の巻き方 その3 さて、後はせっかく作ったクッション形がくずれないように、縛り付けるだけです。 帯締めは、組紐とか、中に綿を入れた絹のひもです(図では暗い赤色)。 ポイント 帯揚げは、うしろで帯枕をつつみこんでいる。 よくある不自然な絵は、「て」を描いていなかったり、「帯締め」がどこをとおっているやらわからなかったり…という点が失敗の原因と思われます。

Unofficial World of Warcraft Papercrafts Squealer Paper Toy Tutorial This Tutorial is how to make the Blank version of the Squealer Paper Toy, I made the template as intuitive as I could so you should have no problems with the assembly. you can also download the: Squealer Tutorial PDF Click to Download Items you will need: -Printout (I print out paper toys on 110lb. Notes to keep in mind: -Make sure you are having fun. Briefly read before starting: 1) Print out Squealer Paper Toy. 2) Roughly cut out all pieces to separate then carefully cut each individual piece. 3) Once all of the exterior (outside) lines of the pieces are cut out, score and cut the interior pieces. 4) Note:The mouth and one of the body tabs are connected. 5) On the main part of the model glue the body together first. 6) Turn model upside down and make sure tabs are securely joined together by pushing them with a stick for 10-15 seconds. 7) Glue together all small parts. 8) Your model should now look like this. 9) Carefully glue the head together.

Trick-or-Treat Paper City Halloween Craft I’ve been so busy for the last two weeks, I haven’t had time to make many new crafts, so we printed out the Paper City style trick-or-treat scene from last year. The fall leaves were so nice in our yard today, the kids took the paper people outside to practice up on their trick-or-treat lines. So if you want a little Halloween project, feel free to print out the PDF template below. Happy October! Template: Click on the image below, then print. Click here for simple instructions on how to make a little Halloween Box Scene with your printout.

40 Amazing Papercraft Templates for the Geek Inside You When considering papercraft, your first thought will most likely be of all that boring stuff you made in school, like paper flowers, printable seasonal cards or even scrap-booking. It doesn’t exactly sound like a hobby that stimulates much excitement, for the most of us anyway. How wrong you are. In actual fact, papercraft can be really cool and loads of fun, especially when you build one of the geeky printable templates we have for you in this post. All of the papercraft templates below, which may at first appear to be quite elaborate, are very easy to build. Gaming Console Papercraft Templates Classic Miniature Pinball Machine These fabulous all classic mini pinball tables, available in many different designs (Terminator 2, Medieval Madness, Indiana Jones…), are very easy to build. Template Download Page → Vintage Arcade Cabinet You could have your own Desktop Arcade Machine model in under an hour. Template Download Page → Snes Papercraft Template Download Page → Simple Black Wii

ZH elenca os lugares e as rádios para quem quer ver e ouvir jazz na Capital Em Porto Alegre, a música instrumental de improviso resiste em alguns espaços que têm a cara do jazz e em noites temáticas em casas noturnas diversas, além de alguns programas de rádio temáticos. Confira: Bares de jazz Fon FonFica na Rua Vieira de Castro, 22, quase esquina com a José Bonifácio, a rua do Brique da Redenção. Leia reportagem sobre os bares que mantêm espaço cativo para o jazz OdeonTradicional bar e restaurante da Andrade Neves, nº 81, no centro da Capital, fica aberto desde o meio-dia. SixChampanharia e charutaria da Duque de Caxias, 613, esquina com Cipriano Ferreira. Noites temáticas Segundas de jazzConhecido ponto da noite da Cidade Baixa, o In Sano (Rua Lima e Silva, 601) abre espaço na segunda-feira para o jazz da big band Brothers Orchestra, composta por quase 30 músicos que se revezam em cena _ cerca de 18 sobem ao palco a cada apresentação. Para ouvir jazz sem sair de casa

Papermon - Digimon Papercrafts 消防車のペーパークラフトを作ってみよう ‐ 静岡市 ナビゲーションをスキップ| フッター| 検索のヒント English・その他の言語|携帯サイト トップ > 消防総務課 > 消防車のペーパークラフトを作ってみよう 消防車のペーパークラフトを作ってみよう 静岡市消防局(しずおかししょうぼうきょく)で活躍(かつやく)する消防車(しょうぼうしゃ)や救急車(きゅうきゅうしゃ) のペーパークラフトです。 【保護者の方へ】 このペーパークラフトは、本市消防職員が作成したものです。 作成の際は、カッターナイフなどを使用しますのでお子様がケガなどをしないよう十分注意してください。 【用意(ようい)するもの】 ・ペーパークラフト用紙(ようし)または厚めの紙 ・カッターナイフ又はデザインナイフなど ・定規(じょうぎ) ・接着剤(せっちゃくざい) ・ピンセット ・針(はり)などの先のとがったもの 【消防ポンプ車(しょうぼうぽんぷしゃ)】 火事(かじ)の時(とき)に水(みず)を出(だ)して火(ひ)を消(け)します。 消防ポンプ車ペーパークラフト(しょうぼうぽんぷしゃペーパークラフト)(PDF292KB)消防ポンプ車の作り方(しょうぼうぽんぷしゃのつくりかた)(PDF824KB) 【救急車(きゅうきゅうしゃ)】ケガをした人(ひと)や病気(びょうき)の人(ひと)を病院(びょういん)へ運(はこ)びます。 救急車ペーパークラフト(きゅうきゅうしゃペーパークラフト)(PDF97KB)救急車の作り方(きゅうきゅうしゃのつくりかた)(PDF611KB) 【はしご車(はしごしゃ)】高(たか)いところにいる人(ひと)を助(たす)けたり、高(たか)いところの火事(かじ)を消(け) します。 はしご車ペーパークラフト(はしごしゃペーパークラフト)(PDF199KB)はしご車の作り方(はしごしゃのつくりかた)(PDF1,166KB) 【消防ヘリコプター(しょうぼうヘリコプター)】空(そら)から火(ひ)を消(け)したり、人(ひと)を助(たす)けたりします。 消防ヘリコプターペーパークラフト(消防ヘリコプターペーパークラフト)(PDF203KB)消防ヘリコプターの作り方(しょうぼうヘリコプターのつくりかた)(PDF856KB) お問合わせ 静岡市消防局消防部消防総務課 企画係 電話:054-255-9703 ▲ページトップへ 著作権・リンクについて|セキュリティポリシー

Free Paper Model Cars Free paper models and paper toys of cars, vans, trucks, emergency, construction vehicles Alfa 156 Paper Craft Amiga Maquette - Several vintage paper model vehicles, very nice! Go to Download at the top in the blue area, then choose Voiture/Car in the new blue menu that opens underneath for the paper model cars page. Aska PaperCraft Blade Runner, Dekard's Car - from the great scifi movie! Blade Runner, 44 Police Spinner Canon Vehicles - Mercedes Benz 500K, Ford Convertible Cabriolet, MG TC Midget. Alfa Romeo 8C2900B Corto, Chevrolet Confederate Deluxe Sports Roadster, Jaguar-Mk2 Saloon, Jaguar XKR Citroen 2CV - Many different versions and colors!
