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10 Metacognitive Prompts To Help Students Reflect On Their Learning -

10 Metacognitive Prompts To Help Students Reflect On Their Learning -
by TeachThought Staff & Peter Pappas It’s well-established that reflection is critical in the learning process. While it sounds formal, ‘reflection’ simply means to ‘think again’ about something that happened. Reflection is a natural part of learning and in many cases doesn’t even need to be ‘promoted.” Given time and collaboration, students (and adults) tend to talk about experiences and learn from that kind of reflection. Why this is true is a deeper diver, but it’s clear that when the brain ‘experiences’ something, it doesn’t necessarily ‘see it’ accurately. Because you don’t know what’s going to happen, your brain ‘experiences’ the story with anticipation and pattern-making, trying to relate to the characters while ‘following’ what might happen. It’s the same story and the same brain experienced in two very different ways. Metacognition In The Learning Process How can metacognitive prompts be used to promote reflection in learning? 1. 2. In What is Bloom’s Taxonomy? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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