No going back: New imperatives for European banking The imperative of our time COVID-19 remains an unresolved health challenge that has resulted in tragic loss of life. The economic contraction emerging in its wake will likely be the deepest since World War II and the road to recovery will be long and challenging. Over the past few months, banking leaders have displayed resolve and resilience, moving swiftly to protect the health of employees and customers, ensure the continuity of basic banking services, and build up capital, liquidity, and cost buffers to strengthen their institutions. In the coming months, banks will start to return to something resembling normal service, reopening offices and branches. But so much has changed over the past few weeks: customers’ financial needs, the way they engage, how employees work, and even society’s expectations of banks. The industry will likely face a prolonged period of economic pressure and banks’ actions in the coming months will set their performance trajectory for the years ahead.
ICT Innovation networking event defines practical steps towards internationalisation and visibility of ICT clusters in Eastern partner countries | EU4Digital On 14 December, an EU4Digital networking event discussed ways to organise and manage innovative clusters and cluster-like business networks in the area of ICT Innovation, focusing on establishing better visibility and connection of clusters in the EaP region. The virtual networking event was targeted at cluster ecosystem organisations from Eastern partner countries, to facilitate their registration to the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) and deepen knowledge of clusters’ organisation and development. Throughout the meeting, key EU organisations and ICT clusters from the EaP region presented value proposition, practical experience of cluster growth and international cooperation, as well as perspectives for the development of cluster ecosystems. Participants included: The event included interactive sessions focusing on several aspects of clusters development and collaboration: Mr. ICT Innovation Networking events Presentations
Recovery plan for Europe | European Commission Introduction The largest stimulus package ever The EU’s long-term budget, coupled with NextGenerationEU, the temporary instrument designed to boost the recovery, will be the largest stimulus package ever financed in Europe. The new long-term budget will increase flexibility mechanisms to guarantee it has the capacity to address unforeseen needs. The last step of the adoption of the next long-term EU budget was reached on 17 December 2020. Facts and figures of MFF 2021-2027 and NextGenerationEU Main elements of the agreement More than 50% of the amount will support modernisation, for example through: In addition, the package pays attention to Key novelties Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 total allocations per heading* All amounts in € billion, in constant 2018 prices. * The amounts include the targeted reinforcement of ten programmes for a total of €15 billion, compared to the agreement from 21 July 2020. NextGenerationEU NextGenerationEU breakdown Figures MFF figures per EU country
The common EU response to COVID-19 | European Union The EU is mobilising all resources available to help member states coordinate their national responses, and this includes providing objective information about the spread of the virus, the effective efforts to contain it and measures taken to repair the economic and social damage brought by the pandemic. From this page, you can access the dedicated webpages and resources published by the EU institutions and bodies as well as EU member states. Highlights Global Health Summit – 21 May 2021 World leaders, international and regional organisations, and health bodies will share lessons learned from the pandemic and agree on principles for preventing and responding to global health crises. Safe Covid-19 vaccines for Europeans A safe and effective vaccine is our lasting way out of the pandemic. Recovery plan for Europe EU leaders successfully agreed on the recovery plan for Europe. European solidarity in action #EuropeansAgainstCovid19 Coronavirus: European Solidarity in action Europeans versus COVID-19
EU Politics / Theories This is where you can find various integration theories that have been put forward since the creation of the European Union. Here you can find the origins of each theory, the main proponents of these theories, the theory itself and also the impact that each theory has had, followed by a brief critique of that theory. These theories are traditionally grouped under the three headings ‘Explaining integration’ ‘Analysing governance’ and ‘Constructing the EU’ (Wiener and Diez 2009, p. 7). The theories that seek to answer questions such as ‘How can integration outcomes be explained? ‘Analysing governance’ is the second phase of European integration, a phase that considerably broadened the scope of theoretical reflection on European integration, as well as empirical research. The final section of this part of the wiki looks at the ways in which law has aided integration. Wiener, A and Diez, T.
Why has COVID-19 hit different European Union economies so differently? | Bruegel All European Union countries are undergoing severe output losses as a consequence of COVID-19, but some have been hurt more than others. Factors potentially influencing the degree of economic contraction include the severity of lockdown measures, the structure of national economies, public indebtedness, and the quality of governance in different countries. With the exception of public indebtedness, we find all these factors are significant to varying degrees. All European Union countries are undergoing severe output losses as a consequence of the COVID-19 crisis, but some have been hurt more than others. In response to the crisis, EU leaders have agreed on a Recovery and Resilience Fund (RFF), which will help all EU countries, but those hit hardest will benefit most. This Policy Contribution explores why some countries have been hit economically more than others by COVID-19. This could have implications for the allocation of the RRF between recovery and resilience expenditures.
從抗疫模範生到落伍者 德國怎麼了? | 國際焦點 「英國一錯再錯 德國處處正確」——英國《電訊報》曾有這樣的標題;《新西蘭先驅報》曾將德國讚為新冠危機的贏家之一,稱其抗疫政策堪為全球表率;而以色列人有這樣的說法:梅克爾是新冠危機中「能讓人們明了局勢」的領軍人物。這些讚譽為時不足一年,卻已好似來自一遙遠時代。 這還是德國嗎? 倘能在2020年夏時下注,看國際間誰能完美處理第二波或第三波疫情,相信很多人會把錢悉數押給德國。還用說嗎,「德國製造」、組織方面的世界冠軍、擁有能以閃電般速度研發出新冠疫苗的科研幹才。 原因就在於,德國已由新冠大流行中的一個受全球尊敬的奮鬥者變異為一個問題學生,在某些領域岌岌可危:口罩? 「這還是德國嗎?」 英國:德國失去了抗疫王冠 對德國疫苗接種起步慢的冷嘲熱諷多來自英國。 《金融時報》寫道:「德國失去了抗疫王冠,……德國在技術、工程和綜合能力方面曾以領先著稱,新冠疫苗接種工作眼下如此失敗,以致成了國恥,也就毫不足怪了。」 《倫敦時報》曾提及《圖片報》的一篇評論。 西班牙:德國優勢已然消失 西班牙人之驚訝可從馬德裡出版的 《國家報》的一個標題見出:「德國政府連連出錯,已經抹殺了關於德國有能力或有優越性的任何想法。」 西班牙亦遭受新冠重創,畢竟,該國死於新冠的人數幾乎與德國持平——超過7.1萬人,人口總數卻要少3600萬。 在法國和其它歐洲國家,媒體未過多關注德國及其失敗,而是批評歐盟的疫苗采購政策。 美國:憐憫取代了欽羨 在美國,足球場、汽車站、超市,甚至教堂裡都能注射疫苗,目前一天能接種近300萬劑疫苗;在新澤西州,只要診斷為「吸菸者 」就可以接種。 偏偏是很多美國人指責要對50多萬人死於新冠災難負責的那個川普——德國人對他的害怕甚於對新冠的憂慮——在疫苗接種問題上,雷厲風行。 大疫初期,美國曾以欽羨的口吻報道「德國的新冠應對」,這樣的日子早已過去。 而進入2021年,無憂無慮的夏天很可能發生在美國,而非德國。 俄羅斯——西方國家在疫苗採購中的失敗 俄羅斯也在全力接種疫苗,現在,不分年齡和職業,每個人都可免費接種衛星五號疫苗:在診所、在商場、在莫斯科,甚至在歌劇院。 在俄羅斯媒體上,歐盟內有關疫苗接種工作的爭論一再被稱為西方國家抗疫失利的體現。 德國呢? 以色列:居住在德國的以色列人回鄉打疫苗 論及新冠抗疫,以色列和德國之間的情況對比多少有點類似關兔子和刺蝟的故事:以色列總是遙遙領先。 去年9月,以色列便實施第二次「停擺」,比德國早得多。
Brexit’s done, but anti-Brexit paper The New European is just getting started The New European is another example of a news product created for a very specific story and moment. The weekly newspaper hit the streets just two weeks after the U.K.’s tumultuous Brexit vote in 2016. With many Remainers stunned at the result — and angry at newspapers like the Daily Mail and The Sun who’d been cheerleaders for Brexit — The New European was meant to be a new and proudly pro-EU voice. It was also meant to be a temporary one; owner Archant only committed to printing four issues, extending its life week by week after that. But the paper was profitable by week three and seemed to have hit on a sustainable formula. This morning it was announced that Archant has sold The New European to its management and a new group of investors, with some big names attached. The best piece is by Amol Rajan at the BBC, who had the scoop; he notes that the paper currently has about 10,000 subscribers and sells 7,000 copies at newsstands. I am decidedly not a print optimist.
About the EU | European Union An official website of the European UnionAn official EU websiteHow do you know? All official European Union website addresses are in the domain. See all EU institutions and bodies Cookies This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. Skip to main content European Union Europa About the EU Home About the EU EU Login About the EU - Easy to read version Basic information Institutions, bodies and agencies Work for and with the EU Downloads The General Report on the Activities of the European Union The European Union - What it is and what it does Europe in 12 lessons Back to top Give feedback about this website or report a problem Contact the EU Find a social media account Search for EU social media channels EU institutions European Parliament European Council Council of the European Union Presidency of the Council of the EU European Commission Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) European Central Bank (ECB) European Court of Auditors (ECA) European External Action Service (EEAS) prev
歐盟法之自主、統合性與會員國法之關係(II )Caratéristiques du droit de l’Union européenne:Autonomie et intégration dans les rapports des droits des Etats-Membres(II) - EUROPE - 台灣歐洲聯盟研究協會 Dominique T. C. Wang Professeur émérite de l’Université Nationale de Kaohsiung 目次 前言 一、歐盟法之自主、統合性 (I)歐盟法之自主性(L'autonomie) (II)歐盟法之統合性(L'intégration) 二、歐盟法與會員國內國法之關係 (III)歐盟法之即時適用原則(L e principe de l’ applicabilité immédiate) (IV)歐盟法之直接適用原則(L e principe de l’ applicabilité directe) (V)歐盟法之優先適用原則(L'application du principe de primauté) 本文:歐盟法之自主、統合性與會員國法之關係(II) 目次(部份) (II)歐盟法之統合性(L'intégration) (一)聯盟法取代會員國內國法 (二)聯盟法調和會員國內國法 早在歐體時期,當歐洲法院在Costa案[1]中指出,EEC條約創立一「在會員國境內逕行適用生效」之獨特秩序時,不僅確認了歐體法之自主性,同時強調其統合性(intégration)乃對複數既存秩序之原有性質,有意識地對彼此間之歧異加以協調,或創設新性質,從而形成一統攝各既存秩序領域之新秩序。 歐體/歐盟法之取代會員國內國法,乃共同體/聯盟在逐步實現其目的之過程中產生之必然現象,內部市場之建立,舉凡與之相關之政策、法令自當一體適用;同時也是會員國主權移轉所造成之結果,主權移轉之原則,則讓渡主權者(會員國)即喪失制定與已讓渡主權相關之任何法律規範的權利,相反的,主權讓渡之接受者(歐體/歐盟)在繼承會員國移轉之主權後,便有權利制定與之相關之任何法律規範。 1.- 革新會員國原有的法秩序,奠定統合的基礎。 就如於建立關稅同盟之際,會員國若無法在預定之期限內以談判之方式,就EEC條約G表列舉產品之稅率獲致協議,理事會即可根據執委會之建議並依EEC條約第20條之規定「在第二階段終了前以一致決方式,其後則以條件多數決方式,制定此等產品之共同關稅稅率」。 2. 這廣泛規範權限的授權原則,缺乏劃分權限之類別與領域依據,以致在聯盟或國際事務上引發諸多爭議[4]。 2001年拉肯歐洲高峰會上,歐盟權限的劃分與限制便成為探討歐盟改革與制憲議題[7]所提出的重點之一。 會員國在聯盟內部協調經濟政策。
bcg Below we explore the opportunities in each area and examine what leading companies are already doing. Reengineer. Climate change is quickly altering the context for most businesses. Those that can successfully innovate will outperform others and secure long-term value by moving quickly toward better, accelerated deployment of existing low-carbon solutions. Consider the example of Neste, which has leveraged technology able to transform fats into molecules that can replace fossil fuels to help customers reduce GHG emissions. Originally the state oil company of Finland (the Finnish government continues to own about 35%), Neste envisioned becoming the world’s leading producer of renewable diesel in the early 2000s and has transformed its business to make the transition from oil and gas to renewable fuels. Neste generated overall revenue growth of 6% to €15.8 billion in 2019 with renewables revenue rising 24%. Reboot. Reimagine. Invent. Consider three examples.
How to calculate climate change risk for a developing country By Matteo Ferrazzi, Fotios Kalantzis, Sanne Zwart and Tessa Bending As the EU climate bank and a major provider of development finance around the world, understanding climate risk is a core part of the EIB’s business. We track the carbon footprint of our projects and target measures to reduce emissions, and we screen all our investments to ensure that they are compatible with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Crucially, we also ensure that project design takes into account the risks posed by climate change. Recognising climate risk – and any consequent need for adaptation and mitigation – helps ensure that we do not miss opportunities to enhance climate resilience. Understanding the dimensions of climate risk It is important to be aware of how climate change and the climate transition could more broadly affect the economies and societies of the countries in which we operate. For each country, we examine two main types of risk. Quantifying the physical risks posed by climate change
publications May 27, 2021 FEPS contribution to the Conference on the Future of Europe Future of Europe The book 'Our European Future: Charting a Progressive Course in the World' is the first high-quality book making proposals to the Conference on the Future of Europe, authored by 36 top experts and intellectuals and edited by FEPS President Maria João Rodrigues, with the collaboration of François Balate. It is high time to bring in a real debate of ideas. It brings together the insights of renowned experts from across Europe, and it should prove a handy guide for any progressive thinker, policymaker or activist, and for any citizen who would like to take part in the necessary democratic debate about our future. The world is facing many great challenges: from pandemics to climate change, and from increasing inequality to the issues surrounding digitalization. Read Euractiv op-ed by Maria João Rodrigues 'A new phase for the European project' Download the book "Our European Future" Authors: