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FUSE: Filesystem in Userspace TLDP-ES: Página Principal There They Go Again: It's Time to Just Say No to Microsoft and Ecma Should ISO/IEC JTC1 approve OOXML, and if so, why not? This morning's news provides the best evidence for why the answer should be "no." Whether Microsoft's OOXML (now Ecma 376) should receive the thumbs up is a question most recently posed to me by a reporter last week. It's also one that I've been struggling with for the past 18 months in an effort to be open minded on the subject. Despite the fact that we would all be better off (in my view) with a single document format that works well enough for all vendors and all end users, the submission by Microsoft of OOXML to Ecma certainly benefits Microsoft's many customers and partners.. So why shouldn't ISO/IEC approve it as a standard as well, despite the prior approval of ODF as a global standard? An email with a blog link I just received from IBM's Bob Sutor clued me in to the best example of why approving Ecma 376 would be a bad idea. Why does this latest submission matter? Update: TC46 - XML Paper Specification (XPS) Scope: 2. 3. 4. 5.

ELF STATIFIER MAIN PAGE Debian Reference La presente Guía de Referencia Debian trata diversos aspectos de la administración del sistema mediante ejemplos que utilizan comandos de la shell. También abarca la instalación del sistema, tutoriales básicos, la administración de paquetes Debian, el núcleo de Linux en Debian, trucos, la puesta a punto del sistema, la creación de una puerta de enlace (gateway), editores, CVS, programación, GnuPG, etc. Para obtener ayuda para un mantenimiento de emergencia del sistema, vaya directamente a Comandos de supervivencia de Debian. El formato del documento original es SGML de debiandoc. Se encuentran disponibles diversas traducciones con algunos retrasos en sus contenidos.

How do I set up hugepages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4? by The editorial team Contributed by Michael Kearey Release Found: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Resolution: Hugepages can be allocated using the /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages entry, or by using the sysctl command. To view the current setting using the /proc entry: # cat /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages 0 To view the current setting using the sysctl command: # sysctl vm.nr_hugepages vm.nr_hugepages = 0 To set the number of huge pages using /proc entry: # echo 5 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages To set the number of hugepages using sysctl : # sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=5 vm.nr_hugepages = 5 It may be necessary to reboot to be able to allocate all the hugepages that is needed. It is recommended that the /etc/sysctl.conf file should be used to allocate hugepages at boot time. vm.nr_hugepages = 5 Red Hat’s customer service and support teams receive technical support questions from users all over the world.

¿Necesitas ayuda con tu linux? Aquí la solución !! GNU/Linux GNU/Linux, és el sistema operatiu format pel nucli o kernel Linux, juntament amb les utilitats GNU. Avui en dia, hi ha moltes distribucions de programari basades en aquest sistema operatiu. El kernel Linux va néixer en el 1991 a Hèlsinki quan Linus Torvalds va implementar un clon de UNIX basant-se en el seu coneixement del sistema operatiu Minix i les seves limitacions per tal d'aplicar-les a les noves possibilitats de gestió de memòria en mode protegit dels processadors Intel 80386, una arquitectura molt comuna a l'any 1991 i amb millores substancials respecte anteriors versions de ordinadors personals i de les quals Minix no en treia profit. Aquest sistema operatiu va créixer gràcies al treball col·laboratiu de programadors de tot el món, els quals se sumaren a la crida per a desenvolupadors que en Linus Torvalds va realitzar en quant va fer pública la primera versió del nucli del sistema operatiu. GNU/Linux en temps real[modifica | modifica el codi]
