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Knowmad Society - Welcome

Knowmad Society - Welcome

issa kasvaa globaali sukupolvi - Kotikunnan asiat jäävät lukiolaisille globaaleita asioita etäisemmiksi. Maailman asioita on kiinnostunut seuraamaan 80 % lukiolaisista ja niiden hoitoon osallistumaan 48 %. Oman kuntansa asioista on sitä vastoin kiinnostunut 43 % ja niihin osallistumaan vain 26 %. Suomen Lukiolaisten Liiton puheenjohtaja Veera Svahn lukee tuloksia kahdelta kantilta: ”On upeata, että lukioissamme varttuu tietoverkkojen globalisoima sukupolvi, jolle asioiden fyysinen etäisyys ei estä niistä kiinnostumista ja niihin vaikuttamista. Lukiolaisten identiteetti on tutkimuksen mukaan liikkeessä. ”Eurooppalaisilla ja globaaleilla ilmiöillä on useimmiten paikallinen ulottuvuutensa ja päinvastoin. Tutustu Tulevaisuuden tekijät -tutkimukseen täällä. Tutkimuksen tulokset puhuttivat lukiolaisia Suomen Lukiolaisten Liiton järjestämässä Vaikuttaako vaikuttaa? Lisätietoja:

How to Fix Your Soul - Umair Haque This crisis has been lurching on — and on — for half a decade now. No wonder that, as a good friend remarked to me the other day, everyone we know (young, dumb, and hopelessly awesome) seems foot-draggingly tired, existentially fatigued — literally world-weary. So much human potential squandered for such a significant chunk of time in a life; so much time spent grinding one’s wheels can, it’s true, exhaust one’s fuel for living; can come to leave one feeling stuck in the existential desert. Not a chance. We’re on the cusp of what I call The Human Age: an age in history rich with Big Ideas about, and Great Transformations towards, eudaimonia — life lived meaningfully well. Let me explain. So here’s my answer. Imagine that I pioneer a wondrous nanomaterials startup that offers everyone a blindingly awesome new technology. Well, the first thing that’s likely to happen is…nothing. Like what? Think again. I know. We’re wrong. Want to fix your soul? That’s what we used to call “a life”.

Why (And How) You Should Create A Personal Learning Network What Is A PLN? Through the use of my own Personal Learning Network (PLN) , I came across several great examples that both define what a PLN is, and explain the value of creating one for yourself. According to a wikispace about creating PLNs, “Personal Learning Networks are systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning. 1) set their own learning goals 2) manage their learning; managing both content and process 3) communicate with others in the process of learning and thereby achieve learning goals Simply put: A PLN is a system for lifelong learning. ” Why Start Your PLN Now? Teachers in our district, especially freshmen teachers, have a ton on their plates this year. Here are some ways that educators are using their PLNs: 10 Easy Ways to Kick Start Your Personal Learning Network Thanks to a fellow blogger/teacher named Kate Klingensmith, here’s a directory of some resources you can use to start developing your own community of connections and resources: Resources

The Future of the Future:From nomads to knowmads:Knowledge cities rise from the desert sands It’s like something out of a Star Wars movie. Flying across the Arabian Desert at night, a glowing city rises along the coast. Its skyline looks like that of any modern city, except for a huge, brightly lit skyscraper that dwarfs everything in sight. Towering almost half a mile high, it is currently the tallest building in the world. Not 50 years ago, the emirate of Dubai was little more than a fishing and pearl diving community along its 72-kilometer coastline, with wandering nomadic tribes in the interior. Moving outward from the world’s tallest skyscraper. you’ll find the world’s largest shopping mall, the world’s largest indoor ski slope, the largest hotel, artificial island and coming soon, the world’s largest LED screen (no kidding). But there’s one more element we knowledge entrepreneurs should find intriguing, and that is the rapid growth of the Knowledge Village ( Other cities rising out of the desert have also embraced that notion. Not all of this is new.

The Biggest Internet Trends Of 2012 How Teachers Can Best Use Education Technology 6.93K Views 0 Likes Edtech isn't the final solution for education's problems. It's a powerful addition to classrooms though, so it's time to ask: what is the point of education technology? The Current State Of Technology In K-12 7.64K Views 0 Likes What is the next device most students will soon purchase? Jyrki Kasvi: Projektipöhö imee Suomen mehut Ennen projektin alkua se pitää suunnitella; Ilman yksityiskohtaista projektisuunnitelmaa projektille on turha yrittää saada rahoitusta. Jokainen hakemus ei tietenkään tärppää eli hakemuksia on kirjoitettava monta. Esimerkiksi yliopistoissa jopa kolmannes tutkijan työajasta voi kulua rahoituksen hankkimiseen. Toki myös hankkeiden valmisteluun voi saada julkista rahaa, kunhan kirjoittaa ensin projektisuunnitelmankirjoitussuunnitelman. Tutkijakoulutukseen tarvitaankin ehdottomasti kaikille pakollinen 'Projektirahoitus ja luova raportointi' -opintokokonaisuus. Projektiryhmien kokoukset ja raporttien kirjoittaminen voivat viedä valtaosan projektien varsinaisista työtunneista. Kuinka paljon aikaa jää varsinaiseen tutkimukseen ja kehitykseen? Miksi näitä kalliilla hankittuja tietoja ei hyödynnetä, on suomalaisen innovaatiojärjestelmän suuri mysteeri. Projektin tärkein tulos on loppuraportti. Kun projektin rahoitus loppuu, loppuu myös kiinnostus. Jyrki J.J.

Ethiopian Children Handed Free Tablet Computers to Teach Themselves The path to Wenchi leads along the rim of an extinct volcano. It winds through banana plantations and brier patches, with wild marjoram growing rampant along the edge. There is a crater lake below, and beyond it lies the Great Rift Valley, also known as the cradle of humanity. The ancestors of Homo sapiens lived in the valley a million years ago. It takes an hour to hike to the village of Wenchi on Wenchi Lake, 3,400 meters (11,152 feet) above sea level. The first time American Matt Keller stood on the crater rim, between the lake and the valley, looking down at Wenchi, he could hardly believe his eyes. But Keller has felt a little closer to the people of Wenchi since the end of October, when floodwaters inundated Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he lives. It's a December morning, and Keller is making his way down to the village for his fifth visit to Wenchi. The children are barefoot. But with Abebech it's a different story. Keller, 48, is a thoughtful American in safari pants.

Spaceweaver: Nomads Knowmads Noumads The idea for this post came up while reflecting on Wildcat’s latest posts on the Knowmad and from an excellent piece I came by lately in G. Deleuze’s book – Spinoza: Practical Philosophy. To be more precise, it was inspired by a character from a science fiction book I am reading called Galileo’s Dream. A decrepit time traveler marooned in Galileo’s time who goes by the name Cartophilus – the lover of maps, brought everything together. Cartophilus never liked maps, but he is certainly the exception rather than the rule because we all love maps, to draw maps and to play with maps. Making maps is an essential aspect of how we extend into spaces. Nomads have very special relations with space. In this light, Wildcat’s knowmad is an experiment in mapping, groping for those complex yet embryonic relations between consciousness and information space that will eventually emerge as a dynamic expression of freedom. Mind space is a pure relation space.
