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When Audi started a war to BMW....

When Audi started a war to BMW....
once upon a time when audi had started a war...and BMW responded; later on, BMW started messing with mercedes; and again...a mercedes can also bring driving pleasure, BMW's next victim was Jaguar, then, turned back to audi...this time audi responded and Subaru too...and Bentley put and end to the game, Subaru parts accessories, BMW parts,used Bentley parts, Mercedes parts, used Mercedes, Audi parts Top Paid Instantly CPM Advertising Network

The Most Insane Search Suggestions Ever Seen On Google We probably shouldn't be surprised by anything people Google at this point, considering we all rely on it for everything short of brushing our teeth for us. But these search suggestions are almost as insane as using Bing. Updated 10/13/11: Cool Infographics - Blog How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later First, before I begin to bore you with the usual sort of things science fiction writers say in speeches, let me bring you official greetings from Disneyland. I consider myself a spokesperson for Disneyland because I live just a few miles from it — and, as if that were not enough, I once had the honour of being interviewed there by Paris TV. For several weeks after the interview, I was really ill and confined to bed. I think it was the whirling teacups that did it. Science fiction writers, I am sorry to say, really do not know anything. It reminds me of a headline that appeared in a California newspaper just before I flew here. Well, I will tell you what interests me, what I consider important. In 1951, when I sold my first story, I had no idea that such fundamental issues could be pursued in the science fiction field. Finally, in the story, the dog begins to imagine that someday the garbagemen will eat the people in the house, as well as stealing their food. What could explain all this?

Your Daily Life in GIFs (10.24.11) | Here are 23 little scenarios that you’ve probably encountered at one point or another. And chances are, your reaction was quite similar to the corresponding animated GIFs. When you look forward to something and it doesn’t happen: When your friend is mad and you act like a retard to try and cheer them up: When you see your picture in the yearbook: When people don’t laugh at your jokes: When you smell a fart: When you order a pizza and the doorbell rings: When your hot chick Facebook friend uploads her summer album: When someone’s yelling at you and they pronounce a word wrong: When you babysat your younger siblings: Mumbling the parts of the song you don’t know, then screaming the chorus with all your heart: When you see your ex with someone ugly: When you get that random shiver for no reason: When you’re in public and your mind wanders to sex: When you’re the first to clap in an audience: When you’re dying to get out of a class you hate: When someone mispronounces your name: When a wasp flies near you:

Does It Bother You When.. The True Friend Test When Your Friends Betray ... That Awkward Moment Smile : Lights? Putting A New Blanket On ... Epic Frightening Moment F... STRETCH 'em LEGS!! True Story 9 Social Media Infographics You Must See Infographics are the latest trend, no doubt about that. Just google “infographics” and see how many results you get if you do not believe me. People love them because infographics are easy to share and help us visualize the important elements that we desire to learn. Who would read a block of text when the same information could be presented to you with a neat picture? There has been an infographic about the perfect drinks, golf, nacho cheese and just about everything else. There’s even an infographic about infographics. Here are some social media infographics that stand out from the rest and should educate you. 1. An interesting infographic by Visible which points out that men are twice as likely to check-in or share their location than women. 2. Great infographic by KISSmetrics which rounds up the main aspects to consider when purchasing a social media monitoring tool. 3. A very informative infographic by Mashable that I discovered in March that I believe hasn’t decayed in time. 4. 5.

English language learning games ESL/English learning games on Digital Dialects are completely free to use, do not require registration, and are designed for ESL students of all ages. Each ESL revision topic includes vocabulary lists and practice games with audio for teaching correct pronunciation. Materials are of use to beginner level English as a second or other language students, though those with some familiarity with the language may wish to try the English/ESL spelling games. Humans of New York Humans of New York is something very special. A photographic census of the most populous city in the United States, it represents the outstanding work of a single photographer. It catalogues the city in a way a normal census never could, through the everyday lives of the humans who inhabit it, lived out on the streets as well as (occasionally) in their homes. So, who is the single human responsible for capturing so many so wonderfully? Well, once upon a time there was a young man called Brandon Stanton (pictured left) who was a trader at the Chicago Board of Trade. Blithely, his next career decision was to move to New York City and take photographs of strangers. Brandon is the polar opposite of many photographers who conceal themselves in order to catch their subjects unaware. Thanks to Brandon, we are able to give you an insight in to this amazing project by reproducing some of his photographs for you.

Unimpressed astronaut meme Posted on December 8, 2011 in Humor If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Facebook or Twitter . Thanks for visiting! Rate this Post (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) Loading ... So... Check this out on our Partner Network 21 Social Media Marketing Trends for 2012 We have collected trends in social media, marketing, business, gaming and mobile and combined all of them into this post. Trends collected by Priit Kallas, Mart Prööm and Raul Kaevand. This is our third annual presentation about what to expect in social media marketing in the coming year. We are getting pretty good at this. Here are the 21 social media trends you should watch out for in 2012: 1. Social media is going to be integral part of everything we do when promoting our business. 2. Brands start large scale integration of social media content into their digital properties. 3. The integration of social media will lead to people reporting their problems in their channel of choice. 4. Social data will be added to the CRM systems to find trends in sentiment and indivitual preferences of customers. 5. Social media integration will allow customers to get real user opinions before making purchase decisions. 6. 7. Most companies will increase their social media budgets. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Il me va comme un gant ! : Et pour cause... C'en est un ! Le Mâm' Sca'lett du gant, vous connaissez ? Après le doudou chaussette, une idée qui fait un pied de nez aux mitaines enrhumées ! Nonnn... Une idée à croquer, née sous les doigts agiles de Miyako Kanamori. Où comment recycler tout en douceur l'ultime gant de Poupette, gardé dans l'hypothétique espoir d'un retour de son jumeau... Et de vos mains agiles rendre vie à cet esseulé. Un doudou doigts doux. ******

Company Develops Spray That Makes Water and Heavy Oils "Shoot Off"... Here’s great news for slobs: Ross Nanotechnology has created a silicon-based superhydrophobic spray called “NeverWet” that can make liquids and heavy oils “shoot off” anything it’s applied to. In addition, the spray also prevents corrosion and keeps surfaces free of bacteria, making “ovens, toilet plungers and bed pans a cinch to clean”. Project leader Andy Jones stated that the product could also work to protect electronics: “I sprayed my iPhone with NeverWet, submerged it in a foot of water for 30 minutes, took it out and it was good to go. Jones said.” Although a release date hasn’t been revealed, Jones said he expects to see some significant product launches in early 2012, which would include the first retail version of NeverWet for use by consumers. Hit the jump to see NeverWet in action. (LancasterOnline via Geekologie) Tagged as: cleaning, invention, NeverWet, News, stains, video, water
