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Фотошоп мастера Здравствуйте, дорогие гости! Мы рады видеть Вас на страничках нашего сайта! Проект существует уже более 6-и лет, и за это время из небольшого сайта превратился в крупный обучающий портал по программе Adobe Photoshop. Мы входим в тройку лучших сайтов по фотошопу в рунете. Посещаемость сайта – более 40 000 человек в день. Сайт ежедневно пополняется свежими уроками и дополнениями. Авторы, переводчики и администраторы сайта, не покладая рук, стараются для Вас. На сайте регулярно проходят конкурсы по фотошоп мастерству. Мы уверены, что вам будет интересно и полезно общаться с нами. Несколько слов об авторах проекта:Зинаида Лукьянова и Евгений Попов – в реальной жизни законные супруги. Евгений в Интернет-бизнесе с 2006 года, с его творчеством вы можете познакомиться на его сайтах и Зинаида - автор курсов "Фотошоп с нуля в видеоформате", и "Фотошоп уроки для повышения мастерства". Контакты: Живу в Москве.

Special ALT Characters §To obtain an ALT Character: Make certain that the Num Lock key has been pressed to activate the numeric key section of the keyboard. Depress the Alt key. *There are some gaps in the numerical sequence of ALT Character codes because either those items do not exist, or else they are duplicates of characters listed elsewhere. Some word processing programs and browsers will not recognize all Alt characters.

eBee Ag Once you have created your orthomosaic and/or 3D model, it's time to put this data to work - for example by manually scouting crops in the problem areas you've identified, measuring areas of interest, or exporting the imagery and shape files to import into third-party precision farming software. View examples of Postflight results Skills you need as an Instructional Designer Are you tired of seeing heavy content slides? Do teaching methods and strategies appear far from being comprehensible? Well! An Instructional designer is just what you need! A skillful Instructional designer brings to you both technology and learning combined together not only in a digestible format but also at an appetising pace. An Instructional designer breaks down content that involves any learning material, into something that is easy to comphrehend; he or she also creates the content to be appealing to the target audience. Here are lists of essential Skills you need as an Instructional Designer: First things First! Thus, as a skillful Instructional Designer you will be meeting solves the needs of the learner and facilitates the process of learning in an innovative manner.

Nauč se. Nauč mě. Naučme se! | Nauč Ušijte si pouzdro na poklady Bojíte se všívání zipu? Už nemusíte. Přijďte si užít kurz pro ty, kteří mají chuť se pustit do šití, ale zatím nenašli odvahu! Ušijeme si jednoduchou taštičku na tužky, šminky či jiné poklady. Umění slov Slova. Organizace multikulturní akce pro děti a mládež Chcete se naučit, jak připravit a realizovat multikulturní odpoledne pro děti? Zpívejme s radostí! Přijdu k Vám domů, nebo vy ke mě a společně si hodinku zazpíváme. Tvůrčí šperkařská dílna „Šperk vykreslí vaše osobní image nikoliv svým pouhým vzhledem, ale duši vyjádřenou materiálem a barvou a její kombinací s Vaším vlastním já…“ Jarooo...vejceee...tvořenííí... ... pojďte se potkat na tvořivém a sdílecím večeru, dát si jarní domácí pohoštění s velikonoční nádivkou a společně si ozdobit velikonoční vajíčka... Jak napsat skvělý příběh Máte v hlavě příběh, který byste rádi napsali, ale nevíte, kde začít? Malované kraslice

9 Tips To Improve Online Learners’ Engagement With the coming of Internet, the way learning is imparted has undergone a drastic change. It is no longer limited to teachers giving lessons to the students physically located in front of them in the classrooms. Now they can teach students living in far off places through web based learning and educational materials. This has led to the proliferation of various kinds of online materials devised for students, working professionals, and others who want to acquire new skills and knowledge. The most online learners do not have a teacher at their place to explain things to them. Their problem magnifies even more when teachers and professionals designing online courses do not give due attention to making things simple for them. Such anomalies which arise due to lack of harmony in the online learning design elements make it hard for students to focus, understand, and learn things in the desired way.

DIY Wrapping Paper, Cards, Wallpaper & More With Roller Pins Rolling pins: perfect for pie crusts and original pieces of graphic art. Printmaking is simply the process of transferring a pattern or piece of art with inks onto paper. Every time you transfer the ink, however, it is considered an original piece of art since it will have it’s own unique qualities, making you (the roller pin swiller) a master of tarts and art. You can use many items for this exercise: a carved block, a Styrofoam plate, fruits, erasers, potatoes – anything that will transfer ink. This is going to get messy. What you need: Break your supply list up into the stores you’ll need to visit. Craft store: craft foamspray gluepapertapeblock printing inkrubber bandsscissors Thrift store: rolling pinsglass or acrylic from frames* *If you find more than one frame, purchase it so you can have a few colors of ink out at the same time. Other options: use an old mouse pad instead of craft foam. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. You can make tags and cards.

Should an Instructional Designer Have an Advanced Degree? As the field of eLearning continues to grow, so does the demand for instructional designers. If you look at job listings for many corporations, the listing specifies that they are seeking a qualified applicant who has an advanced degree. Is it necessary for someone to have a graduate degree in order to design quality training courses? It's certainly a matter of perspective with more than one opinion. Some might argue that having an advanced degree in instructional design indicates that a person is qualified to design eLearning content in a manner that is most effective. Others may say that life experience is the best teacher one could ever hope to have. Other Perspectives Regardless of which side of this debate you find yourself, the discussion is missing a critical element. We've all also seen situations where the person who does a terrific job in the office, simply has no skills when it comes to teaching. Which to Choose? What's your opinion?

Easily Recreating The Look of a Classic Wallpaper: Patterned Paint Rollers We ran across an interesting idea on The Painted House, which most of you DIY enthusiasts will probably enjoy. Found via FloDeau, the patterned paint rollers can easily recreate the look of a classic wallpaper; if you are willing to take things further, they can even be used to print patterns on various fabrics. Founder Clare Bosanquet discovered the unusual tools in Romania- where many creative folks use them as alternatives to wallpaper. As she further explains, “there are two parts to the roller system: firstly, there are the 6 inch wide, embossed patterned rollers in 9 different designs; then there is a choice of two applicators, one for use on fabric and the other for paper & walls“. “The rollers are reusable and interchangeable.

Your Ticket to Great Instructional Design Instructional design is certainly not an easy business. Having been in the learning, training and development industry for more than 27 years, I can assertively say so. Instructional designers shoulder the important responsibility of sugar-coating the critical learning content in such a manner that training becomes not just a mandatory activity, but something that employees love. Now how do you do that? How can you possibly turn something boring into something that employees love? The answer to that is what differentiates a good instructional design from a poor one. At the heart of it lies a thorough understanding of the employees who are going to take up this eLearning course. Any instructional design process will typically consist of a mix of text, graphics, audio, video and animated elements. Establish ExpectationsNobody likes to shoot in the dark. Υour TIC(K)ET To A Great Instructional Design Trigger ThinkingIncrease InteractivityConsistent ColorsEstablish ExpectationsTalk to Them

ClipArt ETC: Free Educational Illustrations for Classroom Use Alphabets The Alphabets ClipArt collection offers 1,185 illustrations arranged in 43 galleries including decorative letters and numerals, complete alphabet sets, and several sign language systems. If you are looking… American History and Government The American History and Government ClipArt collection offers 2,441 illustrations arranged in 23 galleries. Ancient and Medieval History The Ancient and Medieval History ClipArt collection offers 1,179 illustrations in 18 galleries from ancient Egypt, the Middle East, Greece, Rome, and Byzantine cultures. Animals The Animals ClipArt collection offers 10,216 illustrations arranged in 90 galleries, including amphibians, birds, crustaceans, fish, insects, mammals, and reptiles. Arts and Architecture The Arts and Architecture ClipArt collection offers 5,371 illustrations in 124 galleries, including architecture, crafts design elements, drawing, heraldry, historic styles, painting, printmaking, and… Business and Industry Community Flags and Emblems Home

The Art of Simplification in eLearning Design eLearning courses are designed for the benefit of students and not to bombard them with irrelevant information. Relevant information is necessary, but if you exceed a human’s brain capacity to understand and retain all the information, then all the learning goes to waste. Designers often ask how they can improve the quality of their eLearning content and make them more engaging. What can they do? Applying the principle of simplicity in eLearning means relaying information through the simplest means possible. Keeping it simple can be an art. 1) Know Your Audience The importance of understanding the target audience cannot be stressed enough. 2) Focus On the Essentials Remeber what Dieter Rams said? This is perhaps the most important step for any eLearning developer. Tip: Asking the right questions to your SME will help you focus on what's important and leave out the "nice-to-have" information. 3) Use Plenty of White Space And here are other 21 Inspiring Examples of White Space in Web Design.
