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What Shapes Our Language?

What Shapes Our Language?
Our language is constantly being shaped by a number of different influences, from social media and pop culture to other languages and even human error. Thanks to the ever-evolving Internet, new words enter our language almost daily. But beyond new words, technology has had a big impact on the ways in which we communicate, particularly with respect to how many words it takes us to get our point across. View the infographic below to learn more. (Click Image To Enlarge) Use This Infographic In Your Class We think that infographics are an awesome learning and teaching tool, so our creations will always be available for you to print out, use with your students and embed on your blog! Embed this image on your site <a href=" src=" <a href=" Blog</a> Warm-Up Activity Writing Challenge

Top 3 Reasons to Spice Up Language Learning Evernote, the cross-platform note-taking and archiving service that helps users “remember everything”, is growing and expanding into the educational community. In particular, it has caught the eye of many language learners who, quite simply, want nothing more than to “remember everything” they have learned in and about their foreign languages of study. If you find yourself struggling with the Russian alphabet or German syntax, here are the top 3 reasons to spice up your own language learning odyssey with Evernote. 1. Evernote works by syncing all of your computers and mobile devices through a single account. 2. Long gone are the days when bookmarking was the best way to keep track of your top-100-websites-to-revisit-before-they-get-buried-under-another-100-links. 3. At Voxy, we are currently building an iPhone appthat allows users to learn English in the “privacy of their own phone.” (Visited 1,433 times, 2 visits today)

Tipping Etiquette Around the World Growing up I never really understood the tip, it always seemed as though we were just paying twice for someone to do their job. However as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized tipping is a pretty important thing. After all these people are handling your food and other important things you don’t want them messing with/up. As a poor college student tipping sucks, but I do it even if it is just a dollar or two, a tip is a tip right? Today’s infographic Tipping Etiquette Around the World does a nice job of comparing the way people tip in different countries. Being in the service industry is not all it’s cracked up to be, but the tips sure do help. Click to enlarge Share This Infographic Get Free Infographics Delivered to your Inbox

Why It Pays To Be Bilingual Being bilingual provides a variety of perks. Aside from giving you the ability to impress your latest love interest by reciting foreign poetry, being bilingual also pays dividends – monetarily, cognitively, and culturally. See the graphic below to find out why. Note to teachers, edubloggers and all those interested: Want to use this infographic in your class or share it on your blog? (Click Image To Enlarge) Use This Infographic In Your Class We think that infographics are an awesome learning and teaching tool, so our creations will always be available for you to print out, use with your students and/or embed on your blog! Warm-Up Activity Before handing out the infographic, discuss the following question with your students: What are the advantages of being bilingual? Speaking & Critical Thinking Practice Questions to ask your students after presenting the infographic: What is the most surprising fact that you discovered from this infographic? Writing Challenge Spread the Infographic Love

Chinese: The New Dominant Language of the Internet New York Times op-ed columnist Nicholas Kristof recently argued that “[E]very child in the United States should learn Spanish, beginning in elementary school; Chinese makes a terrific addition to Spanish, but not a substitute.” As more parents encourage their kids to study Chinese, and more schools – both public and private – begin offering Chinese language classes, it might seem that Americans are neglecting a language with far more day-to-day applications: Spanish. The reality, however, is that Spanish remains the most studied foreign language in the US [PDF]; and enrollment in Chinese courses has skyrocketed because of China’s ever-increasing global influence. For example, if you think that English will always be the most widely used language on the Internet, you might want to think again. This infographic from The Next Web indicates that five years from now, Chinese will be the dominant language online. Click to Enlarge Source: TNW(Visited 2,129 times, 1 visits today)

16 Facts About Sleep In order to start the week off right, I thought I would share an infographic very appropriate for a Monday, one entitled “16 Things You Didn’t Know About Sleep.” As I write this I think about how amazing sleep is and of those mornings when sleep is just too appealing to pass up. As we all know sleep is essential to life. It is one of the activities we will spend a large amount of our life engaged in. Sleeping works better than any medicine or home remedy, sleeping is the cure-all. One interesting tidbit that you may be unaware of which this infographic suggests is that color television has actually affected the way people dream. As a college student I now realize the importance of sleep. Share This Infographic Get Free Infographics Delivered to your Inbox

What Are The Hardest Languages To Learn? [INFOGRAPHIC] Learning a new language can be difficult, but some languages can be trickier than others. For native English speakers, the difficulty level of a new language depends on a variety of factors. So which are the most difficult to learn? And which languages would you be able to master in under a year? (Click Image To Enlarge) Use This Infographic In Your Class We think that infographics are an awesome learning and teaching tool, so our creations will always be available for you to print out, use with your students and embed on your blog! Embed this image on your site <a href=" src=" <a href=" Blog</a> Warm-Up Activity Before handing out the infographic, discuss the following questions with your students: Are some languages harder to learn than others? Speaking & Critical Thinking Practice

Are We Wired For Mobile Learning? Because of the proliferation of new technologies, the younger generation today is outgrowing traditional forms of education – remember pencils, chalkboards, textbooks and graphing calculators? Whether we are in the car, on the train, at work, or in a classroom, mobile technology in particular is giving us the ability to learn on-the-go. See the infographic below to learn why we are wired for mobile learning, and how we can use mobile technologies to educate ourselves. Note to teachers, bloggers and all those interested: Want to use this infographic in your class or share it on your blog? Embed this image on your site <a href=" src=" <a href=" Blog</a> (Click Image To Enlarge) Use This Infographic In Your Class Warm-Up Activity What is “mobile learning”? Writing Challenge

Cool Infographics - Blog DataViz DataViz Mediaeater MMX Archive / RSS June 21 (Source: thedailywhat) May 26 April 30 December 5 (Source: mrharristweed) November 12 November 9 (Source: toukubo, via handa) November 3 September 3 August 15 (Source: thedailyfeed) Next » Do You Know The Real Cost Of Social Media? These days if you’re not using social media to build your brand then you’re way behind the times. But many companies are fooled into thinking that social media marketing is free, or at least close to free. A new infographic published on uncovers some of the costs of using social media for marketing, from staff costs to external fees, advertising and more, and discusses whether the ROI makes social media spending worth the cost. The infographic begins with a simple statement. According to the infographic, running a social media campaign is far from free. While it does look like Facebook fans spend more money on brands than non-fans, and that well-known brands did see an increase in traffic thanks to social media (most notably Old Spice with their Man Your Man Could Smell Like campaign which saw a 2700% increase in Twitter followers, an 800% increase in Facebook followers and a 300% increase in site traffic), was the money spent on these campaigns worth the return?
