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DIY Star Wars Snowflakes

DIY Star Wars Snowflakes
With winter upon us, we thought it would be fun to share a fun project of ours with you: snowflake designs with a Star Wars twist. We created the original set of designs in 2010 and now have the largest collection of designs and templates on the internet. With The Force Awakens opening in December, the latest installment of the Star Wars film series inspired us to create new designs such as the BB-8 and Kylo Ren. We had so much fun in fact that there are 33 designs altogether. Please share these on your networks using the hashtag #starwarssnowflakes and our handle @mattersofgrey. If you like Star Wars stuff, you might enjoy our Star Wars ringtones as well. Individual Diagrams Additional Diagrams from Full Collection Directions Click Diagram link to download the PDF (or download the Collection)Print the PDFCut the circle outFold the diagram. Diagram Example: Related:  Laser cut and engraving

10 Tips and Tricks for Laser Engraving and Cutting Lets say you have a bunch of wooded coasters that you want to engrave your logo on. You could put them one at a time at the origin of the laser and engrave them one by one. But wouldn't it be nicer to layout several at once and have the laser engrave them all? The trick is to create a grid that you can lay the pieces out on and accurately have the laser engrave on them. Create a new vector file the size of your laser bed. Tip : Leave a little space between the targets so you can set them down without bumping the ones around them. Before you print the file, move the targets to one layer and your design to another layer. Cut a piece of cardboard to the size of your laser bed and put it in the laser. As long as you don't move the cardboard you can just keep laying out new parts, hitting engrave and repeating until you have all your parts done.

K2 - complex modular origami sculpture - no glue Hi there :) For those of you unfamiliar with the art of Origami, these are probably the models on this webside with the highest skill/price ratio :) They cost you nothing except time and a few sheets of paper... Aaaaand, this piece of art is completely biodegradable :) Here's a little bit of complex paper art for you to have some fun with. The original diagrams are in the OrigamiUSA issue of 2002 ( I think). This is a complex rendition of a Great Stellated Dodecahedron, with 60 pieces of paper folded into 20 triangles comprising 5 tetrahedra. Oh and if I win the Epilog laser cutter with this instructable, I will use it to laser a labyrinth into a medical textbook of mine and put a ball bearing inside the book that one can roll around like a maze... What you will need: 10 squares of paper CDO (Kinda like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order. Ok lets get started!

LAMPES Découpe laser d'abat-jour pour la création de lampe original. Système à led ou système électrique. Découpe papier, tissu et polyphane adhésif ou non, blanc ou opaque. Format maximum 60x140 mm. Nous pouvons réaliser une pièce unique ou des séries. Si les tests se limitent à une petite surface, ils sont gratuits. Quelques exemples d’abat-jour réalisés pour différents éditeurs et créateurs. Vous pouvez suivre leurs liens pour découvrir l’ensemble de leurs produits. Nos lampes en papier découpé au laser sont fabriquées dans notre atelier à Paris. Disponibles en plusieurs couleurs. Cette collection se décline en abat-jour cage à oiseaux, forêt, bateaux, poissons… Livrées pliées à plat sous pochette avec notice de montage. Eclairage led, 5 €, système pratique sans fil, et économique. Eclairage à système électrique 20 € sans l'ampoule Photophore décor de table Forêt Joyeuses fêtes crèche Notre-Dame Les Tours de Notre-Dame Paris monuments Photophores cage à oiseaux dans toutes les teintes

Scherenschnitte Vectorización de logos y marcas para corte, grabado e impresión. Somos especialistas en vectorizar logotipos para plotter y serigrafía. Trazamos dibujos para sandblasting. Muestras de logotipos vectorizados por nosotros. Somos especialistas en vectorizar logotipos para cortar en plotter e imprimir en serigrafía. Cuando vectorizamos cualquier imagen, calculamos y ajustamos los grosores y curvas a su nivel óptimo para que el plotter pueda cortar de un modo eficiente y evitamos producir piezas pequeñas que puedan desprenderse mientras el plotter está cortando o en el posterior proceso de pelado. Trazamos dibujos para sandblasting Trazamos logotipos, escudos, retratos y toda clase de imágenes fotográficas para ser usadas como máscaras para sandblasting (chorro de arena) con ángulos y puntas redondeadas para evitar que el giro brusco de la cuchilla pueda romper el material. Opciones de vectorización: Al solicitar la vectorización de una imagen debe explicar con claridad que desea obtener, ya que a partir de un mismo original pueden obtenerse diferentes resultados y no todos sirven para lo mismo. Ver más muestras de vectorizaciones ¿Quién usa nuestro servicio?

Free Quilling Tutorials & Guides I know how frustrating it can be when you discover the art of quilling and cannot wait to start rolling. You google every paper rolling possibility you can think of and find very few resources to fit your needs. I know. I remember. It may take me some time, but I aim to create a comprehensive page filled with great learning tutorials and instructions. April 7, 2013 'Classy Chassis Necklace' quilled paper necklace February 14, 2013 'Heart Throb' Quilled Paper Earrings 10/2012 - Free Quilling Shapes Tutorial - download (& print if you wish) - All the shapes listed below are covered in 23 pages and over 70 highly detailed photos. 4/2013 - Update: This tutorial is now available for free forever on Click the link to view. Quilling Shapes Visual

Киригами русска. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников Воскресенье, 01 Июня 2014 г. 13:11 + в цитатник эта книга Киригами написано на русском языке, Это красивая книга Серия сообщений "Книги и журналы": Часть 1 - cahier kirigami 11Часть 2 - Blockorigami nr 25...Часть 24 - filigrana nr 1 quillingЧасть 25 - kirigami manuelЧасть 26 - Киригами русскаЧасть 27 - cahier kirigami 16 Метки: бумага книга Киригами Процитировано 104 раз Понравилось: 16 пользователям Прочитало: 2 за час / 11 за сутки / 50 за неделю / 238 за месяц

3D Paper Snowflake Tested by: wikiHow Video Team wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 255 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 8,072,035 times. Co-authors: 255 Updated: May 6, 2021 Views: 8,072,035 Article SummaryX To make a 3D paper snowflake, you’ll need 6 square pieces of paper that are all the same size, scissors, and clear tape. Did this summary help you? Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 8,072,035 times. Tested by: wikiHow Video Team wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Co-authors: 255 Updated: May 6, 2021 Views: 8,072,035 Article SummaryX To make a 3D paper snowflake, you’ll need 6 square pieces of paper that are all the same size, scissors, and clear tape. Did this summary help you?
