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Microsoft Word: Living with the Beast Faughnan Home | Contact Info | Site Contents | Search rev: 01 Apr 2006. Tips and resources for Microsoft World. Introduction Microsoft Word is a beast [1]. This web page contains my personal notes on attempting to live with the beast. This document borrows extensive from the material listed in Links. I must add that despite my personal dislike of Microsoft Word I am grateful to the experts who've responded to my questions on microsoft.public.word.formatting.longdocs. Recommendations What I do (Aug, 2003) I tried following the expert (tech writers) recommendations for some time, but I gave up. I use built in Word bullets and numbering, I leave the styles as "normal", I work with .. and .... alt-0: clear outline level and remove all formatting alt-1: outline level one, larger size text alt-2: outline level two, medium sized text alt-3: outline level three, italics. That's all I do. What the Experts Recommend (but I don't do) What Everyone Agrees On Document Model Formatting Macros End Sub

New Scientist Breaking News - Pocket-sized computer 'soul' developed Personal computers could soon fit entirely on a key ring. Researchers at IBM in New York, US, have developed a way to carry a powerful, personalised virtual computer from one PC to the next, without losing the user's work. The trick is to store the virtual computer on a USB key, or any portable device with substantial storage space, like an MP3 player. The virtual computer's "soul" - as the researchers dub it - can then be uploaded to a new PC simply by plugging the portable device in. The SoulPad system does not provide an instant switch, however. It uses three separate layers of software - a base operating system that automatically configures the host computer's various components, a layer of encryption to keep sensitive data secure, and a "virtual machine" containing the user's portable computing environment, for example, their web browsers, word processing or music software. Mobile goal More From New Scientist How ancient needs still drive our weird ways (New Scientist) More from the web

Linley's Dungeon Crawl - Meta I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved. Extremely useful free utilities that do specific jobs really well and save time and money. Open Source Software is listed separately. See : Open Source Freeware : 400+ free applications and utilities ; Please subscribe to our rss feed Also : I want Wordpress Plugin to ... 450+ solutions to blogging problems. Categories : Anti-Spyware / Anti-Virus / Anti-Rootkit | Audio / Music / MP3 / Real / Wav | Business / Office / Access / Excel / Word | Communication | Desktop | Editors / Notepad Replacements | Files and Folders | Financial | Graphics / Images / Photographs | Information / Fun / Misc | Internet | Keyboard | Performance / Recovery / System | Productivity | Programming | Uninstaller | Video / DVDs | Windows Explorer Replacements / Shell Extensions | Corrections Anti-Spyware/Anti-Virus/Anti-Rootkit Freeware Utilities : I want to ... Audio/Music/MP3/Real/Wav Freeware Utilities : I want to ... Corrections : I want to ...

How to steal an election by hacking the vote : Page 1 What if I told you that it would take only one person—one highly motivated, but only moderately skilled bad apple, with either authorized or unauthorized access to the right company's internal computer network—to steal a statewide election? You might think I was crazy, or alarmist, or just talking about something that's only a remote, highly theoretical possibility. You also probably would think I was being really over-the-top if I told you that, without sweeping and very costly changes to the American electoral process, this scenario is almost certain to play out at some point in the future in some county or state in America, and that after it happens not only will we not have a clue as to what has taken place, but if we do get suspicious there will be no way to prove anything. So let's get right down to business and meet the tools that we're going to use to flip a race in favor of our preferred candidate.

NearbyGamers Open Source Living KoLmafia: Project Overview
