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Make your own comic strips and cartoon characters

Make your own comic strips and cartoon characters
Related:  conxa

Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips and Cartoons - Toondoo Ecto - Ecto 101 Enter Ecto Ecto is a hosted networked Personal Learning Environment (nPLE) that is focused on the student and is fully collaborative, where the learning content can be user-created, user-rated, shared and open. With Ecto the wired classroom becomes interactive, collaborative, and student-centered—the very definition of a modern learning environment and the only learning system designed to accomplish this. Because Ecto is hosted, giant libraries of content can be explored by class participants and imported, exchanged, rated, modified or just shared. Ecto connects classrooms across the hall, across town, and across the globe. The Ecto business model is based on the proven Software as a Service (SaaS) model.

E@: Educación artística 3.0 - Comunidad Internacional de Artistas - Docentes Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles untitled AulaTic: ILUSIÓNS ÓPTICAS Hoxe queremos amosaros outra das láminas que fixemos en clase de plástica e que vimos no blogue WE HEART ART. Así é como o fixemos: - Debuxamos un punto no centro da lámina. - A continuación trazamos coa axuda dunha regra grande, seis líneas rectas pasando polo centro. Quédannos así a lámina dividida en doce seccións. - Repasamos as líneas cun rotulador groso permanente negro. - Comezamos debuxando caras felices (líneas curvas hacia arriba) en seccións alternas y coloreándoas alternando branco con outra cor. - Seguimos debuxando, pero esta vez caras tristes (líneas curvas hacia abaixo) nas seccións que quedan sen colorear e cubrimos alternando o branco con outra cor complementaria á que utilizamos no punto anterior. - E xa para rematar, trazamos unha sombra polos bordes coa mesma cor que alternamos para dar a sensación de 3D.

Free Pictures - Wylio, Get pictures. Give credit. CANVA | La nube artística ¿Buscas una herramienta con la que crear un cartel, un flyer, un banner? Hay muuchiiiisimaaas. ¿Y además quieres que sea un programa gratuito? Ummm… aquí la cosa está más complicada. ¿Y que funcione sin problemas? ¿Y que además no tengas que instalarlo en el ordenador? Con él podrás hacer, con las diversas plantillas que te ofrece, una gran variedad de diseños, desde carteles, infografías, pósters, banners, etc. Si estás interesado en probarlo ve a la web del recurso aquí. A continucación te dejamos un vídeo para que te familiarie con la herramienta:

Page not found I use Pinterest daily. However, in the vast majority of schools, it is never going to make it past Internet content filters for students. eduClipper is basically a Pinterest for schools (and I confirmed today that it is not blocked at our school — if it’s not blocked by our district, it’s unlikely to be blocked by most others). It has the potential of sort of being an “all in one” tool for the classroom, serving the same purposes as sites on The Best Social Bookmarking Applications For English Language Learners & Other Students list and on The Best Online Virtual “Corkboards” (or “Bulletin Boards”) list, as well as serving other functions. The advantage of that kind kind of versatility is that students only have to learn one site. I’m going to have students experiment with it in the last few days of the school year and see how it works.

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