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Human Anatomy and Physiology

Human Anatomy and Physiology
Related:  AnatomyBiology

Anatomy | The Biology Corner This worksheet provides steps for identifying structures of the grasshopper, with a focus on the external anatomy and mouthparts. The lesson can be part of a larger unit on insects … In animals, form and function are closely related. Instructions include how to identify crayfish mouthparts, eyes, and appendages. Students investigate what happens to the respiration rate of a fish as the temperature is increased and decreased; includes directions, data table and analysis. Students examine the symptoms of a newborn baby who has a problem with his heart and suggest treatment options. Worksheet provides instructions for dissecting an earthworm, starting with external anatomy and then locating internal structures, like the crop and gizzard. External and internal anatomy of the squid with directions for dissection and identifying structures.

Google Body Browser – anatomie interactivă — Se pare că Google nu se complace în poziția de gigant al internetului și al explorării așa că a dezvoltat o aplicație Web 3D (care nu necesită plug-in-uri suplimentare) care ne permite să vedem anatomia corpului uman în detalii minuțioase. Body Browser, de la Google, este o aplicație medicală care ne poate ajuta pe toți să înțelegem unde se află un anume os și să vedem și faptul că majoritatea dintre noi avem ceva mai mulți neuroni între urechi. Știrea am primit-o astă noapte de la Googlesystem și nu m-am putut abține să nu mă joc și eu. Pot spune că este incredibil ce pot face oamenii într-un browser în zilele noastre. Aplicația este ușor de folosit, dar din câte am înțeles nu va merge decât pe browserele care folosesc Web 3D, în stadiul lor beta, și cel mai probabil va funcționa pe Chrome (eu am Chrome 9). Mai multe detalii aici. (alt link la Zygote Body) Dacă nu poți folosi aplicația iată mai jos un film de prezentare.

Cell Cycle & Cytokinesis - Cell Cycle Regulation and the Control of Cell Proliferation (Cell Growth + Cell Division) Cell Cycle Research - General resource with links to relevant recent literature, news and job listings. (Ion Channel Media Group) Cell Division - Undergraduate-level lectures on cell division. (Cell Biology Lectures, Mark Hill, University of New South Wales, Australia) The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Cancer - Introduction to the eukaryotic cell cycle as it relates to the genetics of cancer. See also the Apoptosis, Cell Senescence and Signal Transduction pages. Mitosis, Meiosis and the Mechanics of Cell Division See also the Cytoskeleton, Cell Motility and Motors page. Cancer Resources A major component of cancer progression is the loss of normal controls on cell proliferation (disruption of normal cell cycle regulation and cell signaling), in addition to other changes involving angiogenesis, cell adhesion, invasion and metastasis. Labs Studying Visits:

BrianMac Sports Coach What would disprove evolution? If evolution is a scientific theory worth its salt, then there must be some conceivable observations that could show it to be wrong. I just wanted to put down, for the record, what some of those observations might be. First, let’s reprise what I see as the major components of the theory of evolution. Evolution occurs, that is, there is gene frequency change in populations over generations.Significant evolution takes time—that is, it usually (though not always) requires hundreds to thousands of generations to occur. These parts of the theory don’t all stand together. In my general talk on the evidence for evolution, I give a list of seven observations that, if repeated and confirmed, would disprove parts of the theory of evolution described above. Fossils in the wrong place (e.g., mammals in the Devonian). We don’t see any of these anomalies, and so the theory of evolution is on solid ground. Like this: Like Loading...

Zygote Body - Interactive Human Body Browser for your Whiteboard Biologists who wanted a human body browser in the same style as Google Earth, Google Sky, Google Moon etc got very excited a few years ago when Google brought out its Body Browser. They then got sad when Google retired it. Well it looks like it’s back (sort of) under new management and is now called Zygote Body. Zygote Body gives you a fully-explorable 3D body. Double click on any organ to isolate it from the rest of the body. This will make teaching about the human body much better on an interactive whiteboard. Combine this with the desktop annotation or image capture and annotate to label organs and systems, or to just explore different organs in detail. Hopefully this will be around for a while and won’t vanish like the Google Body Browser did. Go take a look at : Update : You now have to register to access Zygote Body, but you can get the basic features for free.

Anatomie 3D interactivă direct în browser — Dacă vrei să vezi cum poți să înveți anatomia umană într-o formă rapidă atunci trebuie să citești cele de mai jos. Din data de 10 mai cei de la Healthline Bodymaps au oferit acces public la site-ul lor unde poți vedea fiecare parte a anatomiei umane într-o formă ușor de înțeles și de identificat. Nu aș fi crezut vreodată să văd un meniu al corpului uman. Tot ce ai de făcut este să mergi cu mausul deasupra unei zone și îți vor apărea câteva detalii. Iată o inovație care ar putea fi folosită în licee: se ia una bucată proiector, se conectează calculatorul la internet și se accesează acest site. Un asemenea model 3D a fost realizat și de Google și se numește Google Body Browser, o senzație la vremea sa.

Ten Recent Advances in Evolution By Carl Zimmer Posted 10.26.09 NOVA To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Origin of Species, here's a list—by no means exhaustive—of some of the biggest advances in evolutionary biology over the past decade. These advances include not just a better understanding of how this or that group of species first evolved, but insights into the evolutionary process itself. In some cases those insights would have given Darwin himself a pleasant jolt of surprise. Ten significant leaps forward in evolution research in the past decade, as chosen and described by noted science writer Carl Zimmer Enlarge Photo credit: (Earth) © NASA; (text) © WGBH Educational Foundation Darwin envisioned natural selection acting so slowly that its effects would be imperceptible in a human lifetime. If he were alive today, Darwin would be astonished at the pace and nature of discoveries being made in evolutionary biology, including the witnessing of evolution in action.

Specification Code Anatomy Labs - - Virtual laboratory simulations for science education Below is a list of freely available online anatomy, physiology and virtual dissection lab resources. Get Body Smart – An online examination of human anatomy and physiologyHuman Body & Mind – From the BBCVirtual AutopsyFroguts! – Virtual frog dissection and labsVirtual Frog Dissection Kit – From Berkeley LabVirtual Cat Dissection – From Penn State UniversityVirtual Pig Dissection – From Whitman CollegeVirtual Owl Pellet Dissection – From KidWingsJayDoc HistoWeb – From the University of Kansas Medical Center. A histology atlas that corresponds with the laboratory exercises of the Cell & Tissue Biology courseThe Interactive Library – This site is a list of links to interactive biology sites. Some Java applets are standalone and some come with lesson plans and notes The following anatomy and physiology laboratory simulations and educational learning exercises are available for a fee. Commercial products Anatomy & Physiology LabPaqs – Hands-on laboratory experiences

Earth - The making of me and you This story is part of BBC Earth's "Best of 2016" list, our greatest hits of the year. Browse the full list. • Bill Gates is actually worth $1,956• Canadian pop star Justin Bieber has five times fewer cells in his brain than in his liver• Top tennis player Serena Williams has 24.5 trillion red blood cells powering her body• Internet and social media pioneer Mark Zuckerberg’s body contains 800MB of data• President Barack Obama’s head rules his heart; his brain weighs 1.4kg, his heart just 0.4kg Welcome to The Making of Me and You, a unique, new digital interactive from BBC Earth that details extraordinary personalised facts. Just input your date of birth, sex at birth, height and weight, and choose the metric or imperial units that make most sense to you. And instantly find out: Explore, enjoy, and share with your friends either the whole page, or your favourite insights, comparing your vital statistics. This is our story, the story of the making of me and you. Lead photo credit: Beyond Words

educreations teacherswithapps Educreations Interactive Whiteboard, by Educreations, Inc, is an incredible, yes that’s right, INCREDIBLE app. This newly released app comes with the huge bonus of being FREE! We think this app has the edge needed to push education in the right direction and to begin modernizing teaching as we know it. Educreations is not the first app using the whiteboard concept, but it is the first one geared specifically for the classroom. Educreations wants to give teachers the opportunity to create what Sal Khan has been doing for years (read our review of Khan Academy). Educreations Inc had the wherewithal to realize the need to add the option to use multiple pages for the same lesson; this is another feature that makes this app a standout. This revised Bloom’s Taxonomy pyramid shows classification of levels of intellectual behavior that is important in the learning process.

How plants work - Science (4) - ABC Splash - Overview Plants are the only living things that can make their own food. They do this during the day while it's light, using a process called photosynthesis, which uses carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. During the day and night plants take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide through respiration. Discover just how important plants are to life on Earth. 5 mins 11 secs Source: Kids in the Garden | Learning area: Science | Primary: Year 4 Transcript 00:00:19:06NICK HARDCASTLE:Mmm! ...Read more > 00:00:36:08VOICE:Yummy! About this resource Acknowledgements Source: Kids in the Garden Date first broadcast: 27 June 2005 Cite this resource You can use this information to reference this item. Bibliographic details for 'How plants work': Kids in the Garden, ' How plants work', ABC Splash 25 April 2014 Copyright information Metadata © Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Education Services Australia Ltd 2012 (except where otherwise indicated).

Log In Video The Times’s Quentin Hardy talks with Mary Roach about her new book, “Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal.” Overview | In this lesson, students research the digestive system in depth, and then create a detailed walk-through model to illustrate each compartment.Materials | Computers with Internet access, projection equipment, an assortment of art supplies (butcher paper, fabric, yarn, cardboard, colored paper, tissue paper, paints, markers, glue, staplers, tape, scissors, etc.) Warm-up | When students arrive, project “Gulp! The Quiz” at the front of the room. When you have finished, lead a short discussion to debrief the quiz. Did any of the answers surprise you? Ask students to think about why they may find this topic funny, gross or uncomfortable as you then play the video “The Inside Scoop on Your Insides.” When the video has finished, ask: Do you agree with the author Mary Roach’s assertion that “It’s uncomfortable for people to think about their insides at all?” Reading 1.

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