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40 Beautiful Free HTML5 & CSS3 Templates

40 Beautiful Free HTML5 & CSS3 Templates
Dec 01 2011 Over the last few years there has been great collections of quality free HTML & CSS templates published on Noupe such as 50 Free High-Quality and “New” (X)HTML/CSS Templates (2009) and 40+ Elegant Free CSS/(X)HTML Templates (2010). There have been some great free templates released over the last year so we thought it would be appropriate to share some of these great new designs with you all. In web development, it’s important to move with the times and embrace the latest changes. As such, all of the templates listed in this article were designed using HTML5 and CSS3; both of which will help future proof your website and make them more accessible. The Templates 1. A minimal looking grey and pink design that comes packaged with an Ajax powered PHP contact form. Info & Download | Demo A beautiful clean two column design that would be perfect for a blog. Info & Download 3. A grunge styled website that is suitable for a portfolio or a blog. Info & Download | Demo 4. Info & Download | Demo

HTML5 Platformer: the complete port of the XNA game to <canvas> with EaselJS - David Rousset After a couple of hours coding with JavaScript, I’ve finally finished porting the XNA 4.0 Platformer game sample to HTML5/Canvas with the help of the EaselJS gaming framework. This article will provide you the game and the story of some of the questions I’ve asked myself while coding it. If you’d like to know how the game works, simply read the JavaScript commented code available at the end of this article. You can play the game directly inside this iframe (left & right arrows keys to move & W to jump). Or you can play with it in a separate window through this link: HTML5 Platformer Note 1: the game has been first released in September 2011 with EaselJS 0.3.2 and has been updated for EaselJS 0.5 on 8/31/2012. Note 2: this game has been tested with success under IE9/10, Chrome 21, Firefox 15, Opera 12, IE9 on WP7 Mango and iPad 2. At the end of this article, you’ll find the complete non-minified source code of this game inside a ZIP archive to download. Building the content manager David

Inspiration & Ressources : 15 Newsletters originales - inspiration-ressources Retrouvez 10 exemples de newsletters créatives. Nous avons ajouté des templates pour personnaliser votre newsletter à la fin. De quoi vous inspirer pour vos prochaines créations. La Newsletter du Blog Du Webdesign Nous profitons de cet article pour vous montrer la newsletter du Blog Du Webdesign qui va arrivée prochainement au rythme de un mail tous les 15 jours. Vous pouvez vous abonner juste en dessous des réseaux dans la sidebar. Little Shop Designer's BookShelf District Dining Vtalk InVigor Bookish Schaffers Alertful Creativespace GreenSpace Vous souhaitez créer votre newsletter ? Voici quelques templates premium de qualité pour rendre plus attrayante votre newsletter auprès de vos membres ou de vos clients. Locus Newsletter Gallery Newsletter Versatile Newsletter 3 TechOffers Newsletter Delicious Mail

HTML5 Canvas Demos and Applications To Make You Say WOW Our today’s post is on HTML5 Canvas Applications and Demos. Being the last day of this calender year, we were bit skeptical on topic to choose. After thinking for quite a while we chose HTML5 Canvas Applications over others as we wanted to portray a different subject. In this post, you will be able to check the power of HTML5. The Most astonishing facet of HTML5 is the HTML5 canvas. Advertisement DeviantART muro The tool can be used as a stand-alone web application as well as a lightweight drawing tool for adding pictures to forum comments. More Info on DeviantART muro Super Mario Kart Play JavaScript Super Mario Kart Online. More Info on Super Mario Kart Canvas Cartoon Animation that’s as good as Flash This short animation is as good as Flash, this is surely to amaze you. More Info on Canvas Cartoon Animation that’s as good as Flash Asteroid Belt sample Introducing hardware accelerated canvas, video and audio. More Info on Asteroid Belt sample Bert’s Breakdown More Info on Bert’s Breakdown Fishtank

Button Maker Stock Flash Components, Web Templates, Banner Rotators | ActiveDen Create a Game Character with HTML5 and JavaScript { William Malone } by William Malone In this series we will explore how to create a game character using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript. Each part of the series will give step by step instructions how to give our character a new ability such as running and jumping. Meet our character. Character Abilities View Part 1: Create a Character of this series. View Part 2: Jump of this series.

Jean-Nicolas Reyt - Chercheur et auteur en management Cross-Browser HTML5 Placeholder Text One of the nice enhancement in HTML5 web form is being able to add placeholder text to input fields. Placeholder attribute allows you to display text in a form input when it is empty and when it is not focused (it clears the field on focus). This is a nifty feature, but it is not supported by all browsers yet. This tutorial will show you how to use Modernizr to detect if placeholder is supported, or else use jQuery to display the fallback placeholder text dynamically. Demo HTML5 Placeholder Download Demo Zip Old School Javascript Way Before we had the placeholder attribute, we relied on Javascript to fake the placeholder text. jQuery Placeholder Text (Demo) Now with HTML5 placeholder, it is more semantic to use placeholder than value attribute. Modernizr is used here to check if placeholder is supported. To use this on your site, download a copy of Modernizr and jQuery and paste the following code any where in your html page (be sure the jquery.js and modernizr.js file is in correct path).

10 of the Best CSS3 Code Generators This article was written in 2011 and remains one of our most popular posts. If you’re keen to learn more about CSS3, you may find this recent article on transform techniques of great interest. I have rose-tinted memories of CSS2.1. Rounded corners may have caused hours of Photoshopping grief, but it was simple. Most developers could recall the few dozen properties without referring to reference books every two minutes. CSS3 changes everything. CSS 3.0 Maker CSS 3.0 Maker is a fabulous tool. CSS code can be copied from the Codeview box and downloaded within an HTML file which demonstrates the effect. Photoshop users will love LayerStyles. Code can be copied from the dynamically-updated “CSS Code” viewer in the bottom-left of the screen. CSS3 Generator CSS3 Generator uses a wizard-like approach to define styles. CSS3 Generator highlights which browsers and versions support the effect and, where possible, provides IE-specific filter code. westciv CSS3 Sandbox CSS3 Playground

How To Make a Tile-Based Game with Cocos2D This post is also available in: Japanese If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or follow me on Twitter. Thanks for visiting! Update 1/17/2013 Fully updated for Cocos2D 2.1 rc0, Tiled 0.9.0 (released Feb 2013), Xcode 4.6, and ARC. (original post by Ray Wenderlich, update by Charlie Fulton). Mmm, tasty melons! In this 2-part tutorial, we’re going to cover how to make a tile-based game with Cocos2D and the Tiled map editor. In this part of the tutorial, we’ll cover how to create a map with Tiled, how to add the map to the game, how to scroll the map to follow the player, and how to use object layers. In the second part of the tutorial, we’ll cover how to make collidable areas in the map, how to use tile properties, how to make collectable items and modify the map dynamically, and how to make sure your ninja doesn’t overeat. Ok, so let’s have some fun with tile maps! Creating a Project Skeleton cd ~/Downloads/cocos2d-iphone-2.1-rc0 . And that’s it! Making a Map with Tiled

Pourquoi la réutilisation des données publiques à des fins commerciales doit être gratuite « L’annonce de Nantes de rendre ses données publiques payantes pour les réutilisations commerciales a relancé le débat: faut-il faire payer les entreprises ? Cette question a été tranchée à l’étranger où les plateformes nationales et locales présentent des licences d’exploitation gratuites pour tous. Certains pays comme la Nouvelle-Zélande ont d’ailleurs mis en place des systèmes de licence unique gratuite. Si plusieurs licences coïncident en France, les deux initiatives Opendata françaises affichent bien des licences d’exploitation gratuites, y compris à des fins commerciales, à Rennes et à Paris. Nous soutenons que l’accès et la réutilisation des données publiques, y compris à des fins commerciales, doivent être gratuits et voici pourquoi: Le Mouvement Opendata privilégie la gratuité L’Opendata n’est pas une quelconque pratique de mise à disposition de données. Subordonner la réutilisation des données publiques à une licence payante ne relève donc pas des principes du Mouvement Opendata.

HTML5 Presentation In March 1936, an unusual confluence of forces occurred in Santa Clara County. A long cold winter delayed the blossoming of the millions of cherry, apricot, peach, and prune plum trees covering hundreds of square miles of the Valley floor. Then, unlike many years, the rains that followed were light and too early to knock the blossoms from their branches. Instead, by the billions, they all burst open at once. Seemingly overnight, the ocean of green that was the Valley turned into a low, soft, dizzyingly perfumed cloud of pink and white. Then came the wind. It roared off the Pacific Ocean, through the nearly uninhabited passes of the Santa Cruz Mountains and then, flattening out, poured down into the great alluvial plains of the Valley. This perfumed blizzard hit Stevens Creek Boulevard, a two-lane road with a streetcar line down its center, that was the main road in the West Valley.

Comenzando con HTML + CSS Este breve tutorial está pensado para aquellas personas que quieren comenzar a utilizar CSS y nunca han escrito una hoja de estilos CSS. No explica mucho sobre CSS. Se centra en cómo crear un archivo HTML, un archivo CSS y cómo hacer que los dos funcionen juntos. Una vez finalizado este tutorial, podréis leer cualquiera de los otros tutoriales para darle más estilo a los archivos HTML y CSS. También podréis utilizar un editor de HTML o CSS, para desarrollar sitios Web más avanzados. Al final del tutorial habrás hecho un archivo HTML como éste: El resultado será una página HTML, con colores y formato, todo desarrollado con CSS. Ten en cuenta que no quiero decir que sea bonita ☺ Las secciones como ésta son opcionales. Paso 1: Escribir el código HTML Para este tutorial, te sugiero que utilices las herramientas más sencillas. No utilices procesadores de texto como Microsoft Word u OpenOffice. <! En realidad, no es necesario escribir el código: puedes copiarlo y pegarlo directamente en un editor.
