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1 of 5. How to Access Superconsciousness

1 of 5. How to Access Superconsciousness

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THE ELEMENTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS Bruce MacLennan, Computer Science Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37996, USA Abstract: `The hard problem' is hard because of the special epistemological status of consciousness, which does not, however, preclude its scientific investigation. Data from phenomenologically trained observers can be combined with neurological investigations to establish the relation between experience and neurodynamics. Such an analysis suggests a theoretical entity, an elementary unit of experience, which corresponds to an activity site (such as a synapse) in the brain. Special Epistemological Status of Consciousness I take the `hard problem' of consciousness to be to understand the relation between our subjective experience and the brain processes that cause it; that is, to reconcile our everyday feeling of consciousness with the scientific worldview (MacLennan, in press). Second, science's neglect of the subjective is also apparent in its reductive methods. An analogy may make this clear.

Energy Medicine Technologies: Ozone Healing, Microcrystals, Frequency Therapy, and the Future of Hea 10 Amazing Examples of Mind Over Matter While we often think of our bodies and minds as two distinct entities, it turns out they are much more entwined than we might assume. Researchers are continually finding evidence that the brain has a distinct power to manipulate the body’s physiology. As these 10 examples show, the mind/body connection can work in our favor or detriment, depending on our knowledge of a situation and our ability to control our thoughts. 10. Drying Sheets Judging by their ability to meditate for hours on end, to abstain from food for days, and their vows of silence, most us would agree that Tibetan Monks have better control over their minds and bodies than the average person. In one of the most notable exhibits of their skills, a group of Tibetan monks allowed physicians to monitor the monk’s bodily changes as they engaged in a meditative yoga technique known as g Tum-mo. During the process the monks were cloaked in wet, cold sheets (49 f / 9.4 c) and placed in a 40 f (4.5 c) room. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2.

Single-Neuron Theory of Consciousness Sevush, Steven (2005) Single-Neuron Theory of Consciousness. [Preprint] This is the latest version of this eprint. Full text available as: Abstract By most accounts, the mind arises from the integrated activity of large populations of neurons distributed across multiple brain regions. References in Article Select the SEEK icon to attempt to find the referenced article. Metadata Repository Staff Only: item control page Advanced Spiritual Intimacy: The Yoga of Deep Tantric Sensuality: Stuart Sovatsky Ph.D.: 9781620552643: Books 166 Documentaries To Expand Your Consciousness Here is a list of over 100 documentaries you can watch for free online. They are about Science, Consciousness, ETs, you name it. It’s a smorgasbord of fascinating subjects to learn about. If you find a dead link please let us know and we will find another to replace it. Enjoy! 1. This list will never be complete! Featured image credits: Justin Totemical Art

The Martial Arts of Ancient Greece from Chapter 3 Technical Analysis of Battle Zones In this chapter we shall present a technical analysis of the kinesiology as well as the technique of dueling contests of the martial arts of the ancient Mediterranean world. As elsewhere in this book we shall use the Greek words pankration and pammachon to refer to these games and techniques, respectively, as the Greek word pankration is known worldwide. The battle zones are distinguished by the distance between the fighters and the techniques that are applied. 1. Standing Combat During the Roman Empire, athletes belonged to professional clubs, which were professionally oriented. Principles and Aims We have already mentioned that the “skamma” was a factor that restricted the mobility of the athletes in a linear direction, decisively influencing the kinesiology of pankration. Ancient Greeks, for example, were realists and knew the way pankration was practiced in Olympia should be the same as on the battlefield. Principles and Aims

10 Ways to Alter Your Consciousness Without Drugs I'm typically not one for altered states of consciousness. I don't do drugs. I've never been drunk. This whole endeavor is highly out of character for me. Collected here are are a number of techniques for altering your consciousness. While none of these 10 approaches are as consciousness-altering as being injected with Fentanyl, I can say that they will all make you perceive the world in alternative ways. TANTRA * Tantric philosophy * Kama Sutra 12 Little Habits that Stole Your Happiness Last Year This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change. Are you tired of dealing with the same type of headaches and heartaches over and over and over again? Seriously, it’s time to purge some bad habits as we begin a New Year. Remember, you ultimately become what you repeatedly do. Sticking exclusively with what you already know. – When you stop learning you stop living a meaningful life. Afterthoughts As I’ve mentioned before, if you’re struggling with any of these points, know that you are not alone. The bottom line is that it’s never too late to take a step in the right direction. The floor is yours… What stole a little too much of your happiness last year? Photo by: Marcus Related

The Sexual Herbal Chapter 3 Herbs Supporting Natural Sexual Vitality Herbs offer a safe, natural way to nourish the body and boost sexual vitality. Herbal Love Tonics Every culture has a set of herbal favorites that nourish sexuality. Asparagus Root Asparagus cochinchinensis (Chinese asparagus), A. lucidus, A. racemosus (Indian asparagus) Family Liliaceae (Lily Family) Etymology The word asparagus comes from the Greek asparagos, which refers to tender shoots that can be consumed. Also Known As Cantonese: tin dung English: sparrowgrass, hundred-rooted vine, many-haired vine, longevity vine, sataver French: asperge Hindi: sahansarmuli, satavar, shatavri Mandarin: tien men tong Sanskrit: challagadda, shatavari Spanish: esparrago Part Used Tuber Physiological Effects Aphrodisiac, brain tonic, demulcent, diuretic, female tonic, galactagogue, kidney yin tonic, nutritive, rejuvenative, and reproductive tonic Medicinal Uses Asparagus has been known as a supreme tonic since ancient times.
