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Steve Jobs' Vision of the World

Steve Jobs' Vision of the World

Lëvizja e ajrit | YourArtitude Artistët Adrien M & Claire B kanë ngritur perdet për performancën e kërcimit duke përdorur projeksione dixhitale të titulluara The Movement of Air. Related The Movement of Air Artist duo Adrien M & Claire B have lifted the curtain on their latest acrobatic dance performance utilizing digital projection titled The Movement of Air. December 7, 2015 In "Art" Artistët dhe instalacionet e tyre “The Silent Evolution” nga Jason deCaires Taylor “Natural Systems Domination” nga Tres Birds “Waste Landscape” nga Elise Morin and Clémence Eliard “Fluid” nga Claire Morgan “Rain” nga Stacee Kalmanovsky "Untitled Dear taxidermy, Branch, Leaves." nga MyeongBeom Kim "8th International Istanbul Biennial, 2003" nga Doris Salcedo "Melting Man" nga Nele Azevedo "Controller of the… September 24, 2015 B E A U T Y - dir. A path of sighs through the emotions of life.
