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Hojoki: Make All Your Cloud Apps Work As One

Hojoki: Make All Your Cloud Apps Work As One

Automate backup transfers for Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, Amazon, MySQL, and lots more | Backup Box Twitter plays cat-and-mouse with hackers of the Syrian Electronic Army Heroku | Cloud Application Platform Interactive: This Is How Much Money Twitter Owes You Now that Twitter has a market capitalization of at least $24.9 billion, more than a few of the social network’s 230 million users have noticed their tweets are making other people rich. Many people want their cut. So what would that be exactly? How Much Does Twitter Owe Me? Enter the username of any public account to measure its share of Twitter's fortune. Not enough to retire, huh? To see how we came up with those numbers, check the fine print. Methodology

Bitcasa Infinite Drive | Your External Hard Drive in the Cloud | Infinite Storage Social Media Management: Twitter & Facebook Tool - Buffer Slimme of onbezonnen verkoop Belgacom? Nu de nationalisering van Dexia onze schuld met alweer een procent vergroot - wat misschien weinig lijkt maar vooral duidt op de immense hoogte van onze schuld - wordt de druk om extra te besparen (of nieuwe inkomsten te zoeken) alleen maar groter, willen we onze rating niet in gevaar brengen en een drastische verhoging van de rentelasten vermijden. Daarbij suggereert onze premier voor de eerste keer ook de verdere privatisering (of verkoop) van overheidsbedrijven. Onder meer Brussels Airport, Bpost en Belgacom worden genoemd, waarin de overheid respectievelijk 50, 25 en 53% van de aandelen in bezit heeft. Vooral voor Belgacom zijn er heel wat voor- en nadelen verbonden aan een verkoop vandaag en moet er heel bedachtzaam omgesprongen worden met de mogelijkheden. Een verkoop van Belgacom kan interessant zijn als ‘quick win’ en de impact van de aankoop van Dexia op de staatsschuld in één klap tenietdoen. Peter Dedecker Federaal parlementslid voor N-VA

Awesome New Twitter Search Feature Helps You Become Much More Popular « Twitter Tips And Updates From Buffer 421 Flares 421 Flares × Twitter bugs me sometimes. Why can’t I see my tweets (and my followers tweets) from months ago, not just days ago? Why can’t I search my DMs? And connecting with people to converse with can be a real challenge at times. That’s why I was incredibly excited when I saw that there was a new search feature that did ALL these things. It’s the end of Twitter search annoyances! New Search For Timelines, Old Tweets, DMs…and More Once you activate it, you get a new (positionable) search box at This new blazingly fast instant search shows results while you type, even as soon as you type a single letter. And if you use Gmail…your life just changed. But my favorite use for the new Twitter search features is the ability to connect with any conversation from people I follow. I know from experience how popular you can be by engaging with people: I have nearly 300,000 followers, and I built my entire community by connecting with people.

A New Era for Klout Scores More than three years ago the Klout Score was born in my bedroom in New York City as a way to make sense of the noise I was seeing in social media. I could share my opinion about anything, instantly, with the people who trust me and the data was available to measure my impact. Fast forward to today and we now have over 3,500 companies using the Klout Score to reward influencers with Klout Perks, give better customer service, reward loyalty, recruit, and much more. The biggest change in the past three years is that (thankfully) we have people way smarter than me spending each and every day improving the algorithms that calculate the Klout Score. I am incredibly proud of the work the team has done and I am excited to announce the biggest improvement to the Klout Score in our history is launching next week. People Rank We’ve often thought of what we’re doing as a form of PeopleRank and this is a giant step in that direction. True Reach True Reach is the number of people you influence.
