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Sharrre - A plugin for sharing buttons

Sharrre - A plugin for sharing buttons

50 jQuery Function Demos for Aspiring Web Developers - Smashing Coding Every aspiring Web developer should know about the power of JavaScript and how it can be used to enhance the ways in which people see and interact with Web pages. Fortunately, to help us be more productive, we can use the power of JavaScript libraries, and in this article we will take a good look at jQuery in action. What Is jQuery? In a nutshell, jQuery is a leading JavaScript library that can perform wonders on your Web pages and make your Web development life much easier and more enjoyable. Thousands of Web developers worldwide use jQuery to innovate on their websites and stay up to date on trends. jQuery And CSS Link Styles play a big part in the look and feel of any website, and jQuery can help us change them dynamically. .css() Link You can change your website’s styles dynamically with jQuery’s .css()7 function. Demo: Change text color and background color Blue text with orange background Demo: Add a style sheet .addClass() and .toggleClass() Link Demo: Add a CSS class to an element

SQLite - SQLite, HTML5 and Javascript - Waterfox On 29.10.2012 20:44, Rose, John B wrote: > 1) We are looking for simple examples, with source code, of a UI using HTML5 to query and add data to an SQLite database > 2) We are also looking for examples using Javascript to query an existing SQLite database. And maybe add data to an existing database. We do not care of the database is on a server or local. We just want to put together a simple mechanism using javascript as a query interface to an SQLite database. > > We have read a bit about WebSQL, Web Storage and IndexedDB. We are a bit confused. > > Are one of those a requirement to interact with SQLite via Javascript? After a reasonable bit of googling we have not found a simple javascript/SQLite example I am assuming that you are talking about client side SQLite DBs. Unfortunately, the sad reality is that Web SQL Database [1] (i.e. The main reasons (cited in various official and semi-official sources by the Mozilla guys) are: Meantime, you have the following options: Sorry, Alek P.S.

Un « onresize » ou « onscroll » plus performant en JS - Tutoriels | Creative Juiz Si vous pratiquez couramment le JS, vous avez certainement remarqué que certains évènements sont déclenchés de manière assez ponctuelle, et d’autres peuvent être déclenchés de manière très fréquente et devenir assez difficile à gérer, c’est le cas de « onscroll » et « onresize » par exemple. Lorsque vous implémentez un écouteur d’évènement sur l’un de ces évènements (je vais prendre « onresize » pour les exemples suivants), vous verrez rapidement, au redimensionnement de la fenêtre, que ceux-ci sont exécutés à chaque changement de pixel dans la largeur de la fenêtre. Le code utilisé la plupart du temps Souvent, et de manière assez simple, nous implémentons un écouteur de la sorte : window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ console.log('resizing'); }); Si vous ajoutez ça dans les scripts JS de votre projet, et que vous ouvrez la page sur votre navigateur, vous constaterez en ouvrant votre console (F12) et en redimensionnant la fenêtre, que la console s’affole un peu.

Baseline.js | Vertical rhythm made easy Implementing a vertical baseline can be pretty easy. But maintaining one can be difficult, particularly with the addition of images in articles and webpages. That’s where Baseline.js steps in. Download on Github Baseline.js is a jQuery plugin that helps you to maintain vertical rhythm set by a typographic baseline, even when adding inline images with awkward sizes. Using Baseline.js couldn't be easier. You can see the effect Baseline.js has for yourself below. Nulla fringilla, orci ac euismod semper, magna diam porttitor mauris, quis sollicitudin sapien justo in libero. You see that?

Adipoli How To Use Enabling image hover effect is very simple. Place the below references inside your head tag. If you need image hover on an image with id ‘image1′, call adipoli plugin like this: <script> $('#image1').adipoli(); </script> Adding Options: Available Options startEffect : Default style of imagehoverEffect : Image style on mouse overimageOpacity : opacity of image considered when start effect is transparent or overlayanimSpeed : Animation speed for the effectfillColor : Overlay colortextColor : Text ColoroverlayText : Default HTML to be displayed on overlayslices : Number of slices for slice animationsboxCols : Number of boxes in a row for box animationsboxRows : Number of rows for box animationspopOutMargin : Margin of Image popoutpopOutShadow : Shadow length of popout image. Start Effects: transparentnormaloverlaygrayscale Hover Effects: Change Log Version 2.0 Added grayscale startEffectMoved code to github Do you want to know

Redactor WYSIWYG editor on jQuery by James Fenimore Cooper Winding its way among countless islands, and imbedded in mountains, the "holy lake" extended a dozen leagues still further to the south. With the high plain that there interposed itself to the further passage of the water, commenced a portage of as many miles, which conducted the adventurer to the banks of the Hudson, at a point where, with the usual obstructions of the rapids, or rifts, as they were then termed in the language of the country, the river became navigable to the tide.​ "Come," he said, with a good-humored smile; "the buck that will take to the water must be headed, and not followed." The route taken by Hawkeye lay across those sandy plains, relived by occasional valleys and swells of land, which had been traversed by their party on the morning of the same day, with the baffled Magua for their guide. The sun had now fallen low toward the distant mountains; and as their journey lay through the interminable forest, the heat was no longer oppressive.

QUnit - Waterfox Animer ses tracés SVG avec Vivus.js - Ressources & Outils | Creative Juiz L’utilisation du SVG est de plus en plus fréquente dans la composition de nos éléments d’illustration, nos logotypes ou encore nos icônes. L’un des avantages du SVG est sa capacité à s’adapter à tout type de densité de pixels. Un autre avantage est sa capacité à hériter de styles CSS et la possibilité d’animation. Veni, vidi, Vivus Vivus.js est une bibliothèque JS très légère et sans aucune dépendance (pas de jQuery, Zepto ou MooTools à charger) vous permettant d’animer vos tracés SVG assez simplement. Celle-ci propose différents types d’animation par défaut et un système de mise en place de scénario. Comment fonctionne-elle ? Pour créer ses différentes animations, le script utilise la propriété CSS strokeDashoffset des éléments de tracé. L’animation se déroule toujours en « dessinant » les éléments dans le même ordre, dans l’ordre d’apparition des tags SVG. Ce code est inspiré d’autres travaux existants. Comment l’utiliser ? anim1.reset();; Amusez-vous bien !

Live Tools - Button Builder Global Settings Button Label Padding Font Size Corner Roundness Border Thickness Highlights <a href='#' class='button'>Button</a>
